文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The Japanese are the opposite of Chinese (Large Chinese) and Korean (Small Chinese)

2020年05月08日 16時34分18秒 | 全般

The people who control the NHK news department made an explicit report last night at watch9 of all things as if Germany was above Japan.
However, it is only the discerning men among the viewers who can see what they did outright.
Most viewers should have been imprinted as they intended, Germany does well, and Abe administration is inferior to that.
In other words, the way they praise Germany is the same as the way China and South Korea (especially South Korea) used to imitate Germany when conducting anti-Japanese propaganda.
The people who dominate the NHK news department would hit the mark if they were entirely under the control of South Korea and China, initially because they were their sympathizers or cells.
The following is from Yahoo News.
Germany's death toll is more than nine times that of Japan.
Halved from peak
Germany has had the lowest number of new corona cases and deaths among the major European countries.
However, it is considerably higher than in Japan.
According to the WHO's latest report (May 5), Germany had 163,860 infected people and 6,831 dead people.
In contrast, Japan has 15,231 infected people and 521 dead.
In terms of deaths per million people, Germany has 82.1 people, which is about 20 times that of Japan's 4.1.
* Population: Germany 83.15 million, Japan 121.88 million. The number of infected people: Germany 163,860, Japan 15,231. Death toll: Germany 6831, Japan 521.*

The Japanese are the opposite of Chinese (Large Chinese) and Korean (Small Chinese).
In this Wuhan virus disaster,
Japan, a country with an unbelievable constitution not found anywhere else in the world, is subject to unprecedented restrictions from other countries due to the defense of the country even in an emergency like this one.
It is a well-known fact that Western countries have blocked cities for more than a month with fines.
However, in Japan, the nation cannot restrict private rights at all in an emergency like this time, so the government can only request the people to take leave or refrain from self-control.
On the contrary, the Asahi Shimbun, which had been convinced that Western countries were representative of Japan until August six years ago, commented to the government that could only request it, whether there was a problem or a restriction of private rights. They wrote and criticized the regime.
Perhaps they were helped by their editorial.
Pachinko parlors, which are the extremities of three kinds of sealed places, continue to operate in various areas, ignoring Lord mayor's request.
In China, it is a business that is detained for national treason and is punished with a felony.
In Europe and the United States, it is impossible because legally severe punishment will be imposed. However, if it were still open, even in Western countries, it would have caused the furious citizens' anger and also attacked stores. 
From here, it is a recommendation to the Japanese people and the government.
Why don't you ban pachinko anymore?
It is because it is no exaggeration to say that pachinko only harms the Japanese economy.
First of all, it does not improve health.
So it's just ruining people's health.
Besides, it is a well-known fact that the managers have sent huge profits from pachinko parlors to North Korea.
In other words, their remittances have been devoted to North Korea's nuclear and missile development, so it must be prohibited.
Such a form would be unthinkable in Western countries.
Most of the pachinko parlor owners are Koreans in Japan.
In South Korea, pachinko is banned by law without taking measures.
The reason for this is precisely because it unnecessarily stirs up the passion for gambling, and destroys public life both economically and healthfully.
Koreans have an extremely violent personality, which is dangerous gambling play, and it's a substitute that the country would endanger if left unattended.
When banned, the owners of pachinko parlors must thank Japan.
They have to thank Japan for keeping their businesses open without legally banning them, like their home country of Korea, and for keeping their vast profits. 
NHK frequently conducts polls. But they don't poll publicly about pachinko parlors ignoring requests and continuing to operate.
If NHK is a decent organization and not less than a baby against the pressure from Koreans in Japan such as Chongryon and Mindan, then it will have already conducted several polls.
The world's best response to the Wuhan virus erosion; Considering that there are unique constitutional restrictions, is a superhuman work, and the Japanese people who answered this were superhuman.
NHK, which conducts a public opinion poll by setting up items to criticize this Japanese government's response,
What do you think about the continued operation of pachinko parlors in various places?
They cannot enter the question.
In what country is the national broadcaster the strange reality?
As I have repeatedly mentioned, despite the behavior of pachinko parlors acting equivalent to national treason, infidelity, and murder, NHK does not include them in the polls at all.
What I continue to put in is a rare realist who has the best personality of all time, and a good-looking boy who has a good character, that is, the owner of the best nature, Abe (all world leaders know).
That is, only the outrageous item that 'personality cannot be trusted' is put in every time.
Those who are under the control of China and the Korean Peninsula and who is no exaggeration to say that they are selling nations include such items.
They instinctively know that their personality is untrustworthy.
Therefore, with the logic of black and white reversal, which is a specialty of China and South Korea, he continues to put questions such as 'I can't trust his personality' to Prime Minister Abe.
This article continues.
