文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is the top 10 real-time searchers, 6/12,23:29

2023年06月12日 23時32分44秒 | 全般




The U.S. Embassy is behind the growth of the LGBT movement in Japan.




Don't allow feminists to run roughshod over you. 100% False Accusations 


The U.S. Democratic Party's Plan for LGBT…Recruitment at the U.S. Embassy






It was a popular page yesterday 2023/3/5.







2023年06月12日 22時20分04秒 | 全般










2023/6/10, in Osaka


2023年06月12日 21時54分07秒 | 全般

有本 香 Kaori Arimoto

















LGBT法案衆院委可決、稲田朋美氏「大きな前進」 同性婚で国民的議論必要「この法律が土台」 | 政治・行政 | 福井のニュース | 福井新聞ONLINE

LGBT理解増進法案の衆院内閣委員会での可決を受け、超党派議員連盟の会長代理を務めるなど議論を主導してきた稲田朋美衆院議員は6月9日、福井新聞の取材に「すべての人が大切にされる社会をつくるため、大きな前進だ」と評価した。 法案は、2021年に稲田氏ら与野党実務者が合意した案に比べ「差別は許されない」との表現が「不当な差別はあってはならない」と修正。


飯山陽 Dr. Akari IIYAMA新作『騙されないための中東入門』発売中














“水着撮影会 一律の中止要請は不適切” 一部撤回を指導 埼玉 | NHK






此奴、終わっているな、 次回の選挙で、落選させろ!!

岸田氏、河野大臣の更迭を否定 マイナラブル受け


岸田氏、河野大臣の更迭を否定 マイナラブル受け/ネット「大臣4人、杉田水脈氏、荒井秘書官は即クビで、息子とお仲間は必死で守る岸田」

岸田総理「職責果たしてもらいたい」河野大臣の早期の更迭を否定 マイナンバーめぐり相次ぐトラブル受け6/12(月)マイナンバーをめぐるトラブルが相次いでいることを受けて、河野デジタル大臣は、自身に対する処分が必要だという認識を示していますが、








以前の動画の 「女風呂と男風呂は身体的特徴で区別するということであって、心が女性で体が男性の人が女湯に入ることはない」 というコメントについて ➡︎当たり前ですが、「犯罪者」は想定してません。












 以前の動画の 「女風呂と男風呂は身体的特徴で区別するということであって、心が女性で体が男性の人が女湯に入ることはない」 というコメントについて ➡︎当たり前ですが、「犯罪者」は想定してません。





The U.S. Embassy is behind the growth of the LGBT movement in Japan.

2023年06月12日 20時20分37秒 | 全般

The following is from an article by Daigo Matsuura, a former member of the House of Councillors, which appeared in the June 1 issue of Sound Arguments, a monthly magazine titled "The U.S. Democratic Party's Plan for LGBT.
It is no exaggeration to say that this article is one of the articles that set a milestone in the postwar Japanese discourse.
At the same time, it is shocking that most Japanese people, including myself, were completely unaware of the facts in the article.
There is no such wonderful thing as freedom of the press in the Japanese media. There is only the freedom not to report.
I recently discovered a tweet from a person who said it best.
This article proves that he hit the nail on the head.
If the Japanese mass media were a group of actual journalists, they would have told the public exactly how the LGBT bill was passed, i.e., what the Rainbow Movement was all about.
As for me, I have written in this column about how I was outraged when I saw how U.S. Ambassador Emanuel openly (and unabashedly) pushed for the passage of the LGBT bill in the process of its path.
I did not know he was a vile and foolish man, but I translated the above article into English and contributed it to the U.S. Embassy's website.
As befitting a petty and vulgar scoundrel, as soon as he was posted to the Ambassador's office, he began to talk about how great Japan's subways are, how great the bullet train is, etc.! or "The bullet train is the best," or "Japan's technology is the best," and so on as if he were a true Japanophile.
I could not know his true intentions, but he easily fooled me.
It is now apparent that this man is an unmitigated racist of the GHQ, who was still alive in 2023.
Through this man and Biden's demeanor, I "transcended" the lowliness of the U.S. Democratic Party.
I watched a report of what Democrat and notorious anti-Japanese activist Mindy Kotler was saying at the hearing. 
I was the first to point out the horseshit and lies of the Toyota bashing in this column.
Serious readers will know that I pointed out the lowdown of the U.S. Democratic Party when I saw the GHQ-like disrespectful atmosphere in the attitude of the Secretary of Transportation of the Democratic Party of the United States who visited Japan then.
The first time I saw such a thing as the Rainbow March was when I was on a bus recently while strolling in Kyoto.
A small group of people was marching in a pseudo-moralistic fashion, not a pretty sight, I muttered to my friend.
I thought it was a left-wing activist movement led by the Communist Party, just like the protests against nuclear power, and I didn't think much of it.
However, I was truly surprised and dismayed that the situation had progressed.
As you know, I wrote and sent out a paper in which I made a final judgment against Kishida.

The following is Mr. Daigo Matsuura's paper.
On May 12, at a joint meeting of the Special Mission Committee on Sexual Minorities and the First Subcommittee of the Cabinet, the LDP decided to entrust the subcommittee's chairman with the task of responding to the revised bill to promote LGBT understanding.
However, The participating Diet members voiced their opposition to the bill, saying that it could not be left to the chairperson when more than half of them opposed it. 
Although the amendment changes the phrase "discrimination shall not be tolerated'' to "there shall be no unjust discrimination'' and replaces "gender identity" with "gender identity,'' it is unclear what the definition of discrimination is. It is merely a Japanese translation of the same gender identity, whether it is gender identity or gender identity. It is unclear whether the self-described gender identity is a gender or a gender identity. It says it is merely a concern that people will enter the women's space according to their self-identified gender. 
However, the proposal was solemnly and unanimously approved by the Board of Governors on May 16 and was submitted to the Diet on May 18, before the G7.
Leftist LGBT activists, on the other hand, are vehemently opposed to this in the opposite sense.
On May 16, they held a rally called "LGBTQ Ten Urgent Diet - Protest against the Backtracking of the LGBT Bill" at the Second House of Representatives in the House of Representatives, claiming that LDP lawmakers' statement that the bill had "already been boned up enough" meant that it was an ancestor's bill. 
Who will benefit from the revised LGBT Understanding Promotion Bill, which is not welcomed by the right or the left?
Behind the scenes, we can see the United States. 
Some may recall that U.S. Ambassador to Japan Emanuel, a member of the U.S. Democratic Party, frequently interjects on Japan's LGBT policy through his Twitter account.
Since he took office, he has never missed addressing Japan's most prominent LGBT celebration, Tokyo Rainbow Pride.
He is the one who has repeatedly stated how Japan is an LGBT-backward country.
Some have expressed outrage at his colonialist, value-imposing attitude, saying, "This is the GHQ of The Reiwa Period."
But this is nothing new.
The U.S. Embassy is behind the growth of the LGBT movement in Japan.
From here, I would like to talk about the "U.S. LGBT Global Strategy" that I, as a gay man, have experienced firsthand.

Recruitment at the U.S. Embassy 
In August 2013, the U.S. State Department invited the author to visit the U.S.
The purpose was LGBT training.
It was part of the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP). This character exchange program has existed since 1940 and was the first LGBT training program to be included under the Obama administration.
The four members selected for the first class included Gon Matsunaka, a former Dentsu man who played a significant role in Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's apology in February of this year, as well as Haru Ono, one of the plaintiffs in the Tokyo District Court same-sex marriage lawsuit, who is a lesbian and representative of Nijiiro Kazoku, and later Mamako Ido, who is well known for the issue of statelessness. (a former member of the House of Representatives and a heterosexual woman), who later became well-known for her work on the subject of statelessness.
*These three people were also new to most of the Japanese public.*
We spent about three weeks traveling around the U.S., eating and sleeping together, and discussing the future of LGBT people in Japan. 
At the time, I was so glad to be chosen as one of the four representatives of Japan's LGBT community and dealing with the unfamiliarity of living abroad that I did not give it much thought. 
Still, in retrospect, it was a training program that had many strange surprises.
First, the U.S. State Department covered all travel and hotel expenses.
In addition, I was given a cash card to cover my living expenses.
I did not understand why I was treated so generously since the funds came from American taxpayers' money. 
It is not clear how the author was selected.
One day, the U.S. Embassy suddenly called the Diet office and said, "You have been selected.
Several days later, Mr. Ido, who had also been selected as a trainee, invited me to a karaoke bar, where I met a young Caucasian man responsible for choosing the participants.
He was pretty handsome and spoke fluent Japanese.
He told me his last job in Japan was recruiting authors.
He then returned to the USA, and I was told he belonged to a Japanese language center.
Mr. Ido said he was "probably CIA."
Strange things happen, and on one occasion, I ran into him in the sauna of my favorite gym.
There is no way to confirm whether this was a coincidence, but it may be that he was checking my daily activities.
On social networking sites, critic Ukeru Magosaki criticized us, saying that "joining IVLP makes you a dog of America," but the author belittled, saying, "No way, that's not true."
Ten years later, however, Magosaki's intuition was right on the mark about the LGBT bill.
This article continues.

The U.S. Democratic Party's Plan for LGBT…Recruitment at the U.S. Embassy

2023年06月12日 20時15分03秒 | 全般

The following is from an article by Daigo Matsuura, a former member of the House of Councillors, which appeared in the June 1 issue of Sound Arguments, a monthly magazine titled "The U.S. Democratic Party's Plan for LGBT.
It is no exaggeration to say that this article is one of the articles that set a milestone in the postwar Japanese discourse.
At the same time, it is shocking that most Japanese people, including myself, were completely unaware of the facts in the article.
There is no such wonderful thing as freedom of the press in the Japanese media. There is only the freedom not to report.
I recently discovered a tweet from a person who said it best.
This article proves that he hit the nail on the head.
If the Japanese mass media were a group of actual journalists, they would have told the public exactly how the LGBT bill was passed, i.e., what the Rainbow Movement was all about.
As for me, I have written in this column about how I was outraged when I saw how U.S. Ambassador Emanuel openly (and unabashedly) pushed for the passage of the LGBT bill in the process of its path.
I did not know he was a vile and foolish man, but I translated the above article into English and contributed it to the U.S. Embassy's website.
As befitting a petty and vulgar scoundrel, as soon as he was posted to the Ambassador's office, he began to talk about how great Japan's subways are, how great the bullet train is, etc.! or "The bullet train is the best," or "Japan's technology is the best," and so on as if he were a true Japanophile.
I could not know his true intentions, but he easily fooled me.
It is now apparent that this man is an unmitigated racist of the GHQ, who was still alive in 2023.
Through this man and Biden's demeanor, I "transcended" the lowliness of the U.S. Democratic Party.
I watched a report of what Democrat and notorious anti-Japanese activist Mindy Kotler was saying at the hearing. 
I was the first to point out the horseshit and lies of the Toyota bashing in this column.
Serious readers will know that I pointed out the lowdown of the U.S. Democratic Party when I saw the GHQ-like disrespectful atmosphere in the attitude of the Secretary of Transportation of the Democratic Party of the United States who visited Japan then.
The first time I saw such a thing as the Rainbow March was when I was on a bus recently while strolling in Kyoto.
A small group of people was marching in a pseudo-moralistic fashion, not a pretty sight, I muttered to my friend.
I thought it was a left-wing activist movement led by the Communist Party, just like the protests against nuclear power, and I didn't think much of it.
However, I was truly surprised and dismayed that the situation had progressed.
As you know, I wrote and sent out a paper in which I made a final judgment against Kishida.

The following is Mr. Daigo Matsuura's paper.
On May 12, at a joint meeting of the Special Mission Committee on Sexual Minorities and the First Subcommittee of the Cabinet, the LDP decided to entrust the subcommittee's chairman with the task of responding to the revised bill to promote LGBT understanding.
However, The participating Diet members voiced their opposition to the bill, saying that it could not be left to the chairperson when more than half of them opposed it. 
Although the amendment changes the phrase "discrimination shall not be tolerated'' to "there shall be no unjust discrimination'' and replaces "gender identity" with "gender identity,'' it is unclear what the definition of discrimination is. It is merely a Japanese translation of the same gender identity, whether it is gender identity or gender identity. It is unclear whether the self-described gender identity is a gender or a gender identity. It says it is merely a concern that people will enter the women's space according to their self-identified gender. 
However, the proposal was solemnly and unanimously approved by the Board of Governors on May 16 and was submitted to the Diet on May 18, before the G7.
Leftist LGBT activists, on the other hand, are vehemently opposed to this in the opposite sense.
On May 16, they held a rally called "LGBTQ Ten Urgent Diet - Protest against the Backtracking of the LGBT Bill" at the Second House of Representatives in the House of Representatives, claiming that LDP lawmakers' statement that the bill had "already been boned up enough" meant that it was an ancestor's bill. 
Who will benefit from the revised LGBT Understanding Promotion Bill, which is not welcomed by the right or the left?
Behind the scenes, we can see the United States. 
Some may recall that U.S. Ambassador to Japan Emanuel, a member of the U.S. Democratic Party, frequently interjects on Japan's LGBT policy through his Twitter account.
Since he took office, he has never missed addressing Japan's most prominent LGBT celebration, Tokyo Rainbow Pride.
He is the one who has repeatedly stated how Japan is an LGBT-backward country.
Some have expressed outrage at his colonialist, value-imposing attitude, saying, "This is the GHQ of The Reiwa Period."
But this is nothing new.
The U.S. Embassy is behind the growth of the LGBT movement in Japan.
From here, I would like to talk about the "U.S. LGBT Global Strategy" that I, as a gay man, have experienced firsthand.

Recruitment at the U.S. Embassy 
In August 2013, the U.S. State Department invited the author to visit the U.S.
The purpose was LGBT training.
It was part of the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP). This character exchange program has existed since 1940 and was the first LGBT training program to be included under the Obama administration.
The four members selected for the first class included Gon Matsunaka, a former Dentsu man who played a significant role in Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's apology in February of this year, as well as Haru Ono, one of the plaintiffs in the Tokyo District Court same-sex marriage lawsuit, who is a lesbian and representative of Nijiiro Kazoku, and later Mamako Ido, who is well known for the issue of statelessness. (a former member of the House of Representatives and a heterosexual woman), who later became well-known for her work on the subject of statelessness.
*These three people were also new to most of the Japanese public.*
We spent about three weeks traveling around the U.S., eating and sleeping together, and discussing the future of LGBT people in Japan. 
At the time, I was so glad to be chosen as one of the four representatives of Japan's LGBT community and dealing with the unfamiliarity of living abroad that I did not give it much thought. 
Still, in retrospect, it was a training program that had many strange surprises.
First, the U.S. State Department covered all travel and hotel expenses.
In addition, I was given a cash card to cover my living expenses.
I did not understand why I was treated so generously since the funds came from American taxpayers' money. 
It is not clear how the author was selected.
One day, the U.S. Embassy suddenly called the Diet office and said, "You have been selected.
Several days later, Mr. Ido, who had also been selected as a trainee, invited me to a karaoke bar, where I met a young Caucasian man responsible for choosing the participants.
He was pretty handsome and spoke fluent Japanese.
He told me his last job in Japan was recruiting authors.
He then returned to the USA, and I was told he belonged to a Japanese language center.
Mr. Ido said he was "probably CIA."
Strange things happen, and on one occasion, I ran into him in the sauna of my favorite gym.
There is no way to confirm whether this was a coincidence, but it may be that he was checking my daily activities.
On social networking sites, critic Ukeru Magosaki criticized us, saying that "joining IVLP makes you a dog of America," but the author belittled, saying, "No way, that's not true."
Ten years later, however, Magosaki's intuition was right on the mark about the LGBT bill.
This article continues.


2023年06月12日 19時19分57秒 | 全般

以下は6月1日に発売された月刊誌「正論」に、LGBTめぐる 米民主党の画策、と題して掲載された、元参議院議員松浦大悟氏の論文からである。

第一期生に選ばれた四人のメンバーには、今年二月に岸田文雄首相の謝罪で大きな役割を果たした元電通マンの松中権氏(認定NPO法人Good Aging Yells代表、ゲイ)や、東京地裁同性婚訴訟の原告団の一人、小野春氏(にじいろかぞく代表、レスビアン)、後に無戸籍問題で名を馳せる井戸まさえ氏(元衆議院議員、異性愛者の女性)がいた。


LGBT研修生の一人、松中氏が代表理事を務める「work with Pride」は、PRIDE指標を設定し、企業のLGBTへの取り組みを評価している。
どのような団体が受賞しているかというと、この「work with Pride」の研修を受けた団体が受賞しているというマッチポンプなのだが、おそらく東急はLGBT活動家にもっと褒められたくてジェンダーレストイレを思い付いたのだろう。(男女混合のジェンダーレストイレは女性の安全を守れないと大変不評で、東急歌舞伎町タワ-も表示から「ジェンダーレス」を外し、現在はただの「トイレ」と表記されている) 
筆者は[なぜそんなにお金が集まるのですか? 日本は長年経済が低迷し、企業はお金を出す体力がありません」と質問した。


2023年06月12日 19時11分46秒 | 全般

竹林 桃美



News Everyday





It is the top 10 real-time searchers, 6/12, 16:54.

2023年06月12日 16時54分13秒 | 全般




女性の性を守れと撮影会を中止に追い込んだ このご婦人方はダイレクトに女性の性が危険にさらされるLGBT法には賛成…どれだけ矛盾してるんだよ?










百田さんよりうんと少ないですけど、私も私財を投じます。自分のお金、自分のリスクで始めるのが基本です。#あさ8 もそうでした。


Many do not even know the difference between the brake and the accelerator.


Det får aldrig hända i ett civiliserat land. Det finns inget annat val än att avskaffa


It is the top 10 real-time searchers, 6/12, 13:49.



V civilizované zemi by se to nikdy nemělo stát. Nezbývá než návrh zákona zrušit.

2023年06月12日 15時49分21秒 | 全般

Yoichi Takahashi (Kaetsu Univ.)
Pokud řeknete pravdu, bude s vámi zacházeno jako s kacířstvím -> [Editorial] Reakce Toyoty na elektromobily je považována za kacířství a cílené.

Kompatibilita s elektromobily Toyota je považována za kacířství a cílené
Progresivní investoři a vládní penzijní fondy se nyní v zástupném boji zaměřují na Toyotu, výrobce hybridních automobilů Prius.
Yoichi Takahashi (Kaetsu Univ.)
Nepříjemná pravda 1.
Nabíjení ve většině veřejných nabíjecích stanic trvá 8 až 30 hodin.
Do roku 2030 je potřeba 1,2 milionu veřejných nabíjecích stanic, aby se splnil cíl federální vlády v oblasti prodeje aut bez emisí uhlíku.
Do roku 2030 je zapotřebí 1,2 milionu veřejných nabíjecích stanic, aby se splnil cíl federální vlády v oblasti prodeje aut bez emisí uhlíku.
Za tímto účelem musí být denně instalováno asi 400 nových nabíjecích zařízení.

Yoichi Takahashi (Kaetsu Univ.)
Nepříjemná pravda 2.
Do roku 2035 bude potřeba více než 300 nových lithiových, kobaltových, niklových a dalších dolů, aby byla uspokojena předpokládaná poptávka po bateriích
Množství surovin používaných v elektromobilech s dlouhým dojezdem vybavených baterií by mohlo vyprodukovat šest plug-in hybridů a 90 hybridů.

Shimada Yoichi
Zejména zákony o diskriminaci musí objasnit, co představuje „diskriminaci“, jinak bude existovat neomezená zpětná diskriminace.
Návrh zákona o právech LGBT neobsahuje žádná ustanovení v samotném návrhu zákona a byl rovněž opuštěn požadovaný proces objasňování záměru zákonodárce pečlivým uvážením.
V civilizované zemi by se to nikdy nemělo stát.
Nezbývá než návrh zákona zrušit.
Ryusho Kadota
Americká Demokratická strana a japonská opozice jsou téměř na stejné úrovni, ale mezi Republikánskou stranou a Liberálně demokratickou stranou je velký rozdíl.
Republikánská strana nemůže být vůdcem, pokud není ochotna energicky bojovat proti levici.
Po Abeově smrti se vedení LDP jen prodíralo na levém křídle a mělce sešláplo brzdy.
Mnoho z nich ani nepozná rozdíl mezi brzdou a plynem,“ řekl pan Yoichi Shimada.
Ne, samotné srovnání je vůči republikánům neuctivé.

Citované tweety
Yoichi Shimada
Americká Demokratická strana a japonské opoziční strany jsou téměř na stejné úrovni, ale mezi americkou republikánskou stranou a LDP je značný rozdíl.
V Republikánské straně nemůžete být vůdcem, pokud nejste ochotni energicky bojovat proti levici.
Po smrti premiéra Abeho všichni vůdci LDP jen mělce šlápnou na brzdu a podbízejí se doleva.
Mnozí ani neznají rozdíl mezi brzdou a plynem.
Bohužel je mimo i pan Seko.


Nó không bao giờ nên xảy ra ở một đất nước văn minh. Không có lựa chọn nào khác

2023年06月12日 15時45分21秒 | 全般

Yoichi Takahashi (Đại học Kaetsu)
Nếu bạn nói sự thật, bạn sẽ bị coi là dị giáo -> [Biên tập] Phản ứng EV của Toyota bị coi là dị giáo và có mục tiêu.
https://jp.wsj.com/articles/targeting-toyota-for-its-electric-vehicle-heresy-78ebfc1e?st=h6sk63fbj4cqscj&reflink=desktopwebshare_twitter…@WSJNhật Bản

【biên tập】
Khả năng tương thích EV của Toyota được coi là dị giáo và được nhắm mục tiêu
Các nhà đầu tư cấp tiến và các quỹ hưu trí của chính phủ hiện đang nhắm tới Toyota, nhà sản xuất xe hybrid Prius, trong một cuộc chiến ủy nhiệm.
Yoichi Takahashi (Đại học Kaetsu)
Sự thật phũ phàng 1.
Mất từ 8 đến 30 giờ để sạc lại tại hầu hết các cơ sở sạc công cộng.
Cần có 1,2 triệu trạm sạc công cộng vào năm 2030 để đáp ứng mục tiêu bán ô tô không carbon của chính phủ liên bang.
Cần có 1,2 triệu trạm sạc công cộng vào năm 2030 để hoàn thành mục tiêu bán ô tô không carbon của chính phủ liên bang.
Để làm được điều đó, khoảng 400 thiết bị sạc mới phải được lắp đặt hàng ngày.

Yoichi Takahashi (Đại học Kaetsu)
Sự thật phũ phàng 2.
Sẽ cần hơn 300 mỏ lithium, coban, niken và các mỏ khác để đáp ứng nhu cầu pin dự kiến vào năm 2035
Lượng nguyên liệu thô được sử dụng trong EVs trang bị pin tầm xa có thể sản xuất sáu xe hybrid cắm điện và 90 xe hybrid.

Shimada Yoichi
Đặc biệt, các luật về phân biệt đối xử phải làm rõ thế nào là "phân biệt đối xử", nếu không sẽ có sự phân biệt ngược lại không giới hạn.
Dự luật về quyền LGBT không có điều khoản nào trong chính dự luật và quy trình cần thiết để làm rõ ý định của nhà lập pháp thông qua việc cân nhắc kỹ lưỡng cũng bị loại bỏ.
Nó không bao giờ nên xảy ra ở một đất nước văn minh.
Không có lựa chọn nào khác ngoài việc bãi bỏ dự luật.
Kadota Ryusho
Đảng Dân chủ Hoa Kỳ và phe đối lập Nhật Bản gần như cùng đẳng cấp, nhưng có sự khác biệt lớn giữa Đảng Cộng hòa và Đảng Dân chủ Tự do.
Đảng Cộng hòa không thể là một nhà lãnh đạo trừ khi sẵn sàng chiến đấu mạnh mẽ chống lại cánh tả.
Sau cái chết của Abe, ban lãnh đạo LDP chỉ chiều chuộng cánh tả và hãm phanh một cách hời hợt.
Nhiều người trong số họ thậm chí còn không biết sự khác biệt giữa chân phanh và chân ga”, ông Yoichi Shimada nói.
Không, bản thân sự so sánh là thiếu tôn trọng đảng Cộng hòa.

Tweet được trích dẫn
Yoichi Shimada
Đảng Dân chủ Hoa Kỳ và các đảng đối lập Nhật Bản gần như ngang hàng nhau, nhưng có sự khác biệt đáng kể giữa Đảng Cộng hòa Hoa Kỳ và LDP.
Trong Đảng Cộng hòa, bạn không thể là một nhà lãnh đạo trừ khi bạn sẵn sàng chiến đấu mạnh mẽ chống lại phe cánh tả.
Sau cái chết của Thủ tướng Abe, tất cả các nhà lãnh đạo LDP chỉ đạp phanh một cách hời hợt trong khi nghiêng về bên trái.
Nhiều người thậm chí còn không biết sự khác biệt giữa chân phanh và chân ga.
Thật không may, ông Seko cũng ra ngoài.


Civilizuotoje šalyje tai niekada neturėtų atsitikti. Nelieka nieko kito, kaip tik

2023年06月12日 15時44分47秒 | 全般

Yoichi Takahashi (Kaetsu universitetas)
Jei sakysite tiesą, su jumis bus elgiamasi kaip su erezija -> [Redakcija] „Toyota“ elektromobilių reakcija vertinama kaip erezija ir tikslinga.

„Toyota“ suderinamumas su elektromobiliais laikomas erezija ir tikslinga
Progresyvūs investuotojai ir vyriausybiniai pensijų fondai dabar kovoja su hibridinių automobilių „Prius“ gamintoju „Toyota“.
Yoichi Takahashi (Kaetsu universitetas)
Nepatogi tiesa 1.
Daugumoje viešųjų įkrovimo įrenginių įkrovimas trunka nuo 8 iki 30 valandų.
Iki 2030 m. reikės 1,2 milijono viešųjų įkrovimo stotelių, kad būtų pasiektas federalinės vyriausybės tikslas parduoti automobilius be anglies.
Iki 2030 m. reikės 1,2 milijono viešųjų įkrovimo stotelių, kad būtų įvykdytas federalinės vyriausybės užsibrėžtas automobilių pardavimo be anglies dioksido kiekis.
Tuo tikslu kasdien turi būti įrengta apie 400 naujų įkrovimo įrenginių.

Yoichi Takahashi (Kaetsu universitetas)
Nepatogi tiesa 2.
Norint patenkinti prognozuojamą baterijų poreikį iki 2035 m., reikės daugiau nei 300 naujų ličio, kobalto, nikelio ir kitų kasyklų.
Iš žaliavų, naudojamų tolimojo nuotolio baterijomis aprūpintuose elektromobiliuose, būtų galima pagaminti šešis įkraunamus hibridus ir 90 hibridų.

Shimada Yoichi
Įstatymai dėl diskriminacijos visų pirma turi paaiškinti, kas yra „diskriminacija“, kitaip bus neribota atvirkštinė diskriminacija.
LGBT teisių įstatymo projekte nėra nuostatų pačiame įstatymo projekte, taip pat atsisakyta būtino įstatymo leidėjo ketinimų išaiškinimo kruopštaus svarstymo proceso metu.
Civilizuotoje šalyje tai niekada neturėtų atsitikti.
Nelieka nieko kito, kaip tik panaikinti įstatymo projektą.
Ryusho Kadota
JAV demokratų partija ir Japonijos opozicija yra beveik vienodo lygio, tačiau yra didelis skirtumas tarp Respublikonų partijos ir Liberalų demokratų partijos.
Respublikonų partija negali būti lydere, nebent nori energingai kovoti su kairiuoju sparnu.
Po Abės mirties LDP vadovybė tik puolė į kairįjį sparną ir negiliai stabdė.
Daugelis jų net nežino, kuo skiriasi stabdys ir akceleratorius“, – sakė p. Yoichi Shimada.
Ne, pats palyginimas yra nepagarbus respublikonams.

Cituoti tviteriai
Yoichi Shimada
JAV Demokratų partija ir Japonijos opozicinės partijos yra beveik vienodo lygio, tačiau yra didelis skirtumas tarp JAV Respublikonų partijos ir LDP.
Respublikonų partijoje jūs negalite būti lyderiu, nebent esate pasirengęs energingai kovoti su kairiuoju sparnu.
Po ministro pirmininko Abės mirties visi LDP lyderiai tik negiliai spaudžia stabdį, kairėn.
Daugelis net nežino skirtumo tarp stabdžių ir akceleratoriaus.
Deja, ponas Seko taip pat išėjo.


Medeni bir ülkede asla olmamalı. Tasarının kaldırılmasından başka çare yok.

2023年06月12日 15時42分40秒 | 全般

Yoichi Takahashi (Kaetsu Üniv.)
Gerçeği söylerseniz, sapkın muamelesi görürsünüz -> [Editörden] Toyota'nın EV tepkisi sapkınlık olarak görülüyor ve hedefleniyor.

Toyota'nın EV uyumluluğu sapkınlık olarak görülüyor ve hedefleniyor
İlerici yatırımcılar ve devlet emeklilik fonları artık bir vekalet mücadelesinde Prius hibrit otomobil üreticisi Toyota'yı hedef alıyor.
Yoichi Takahashi (Kaetsu Üniv.)
Uygunsuz gerçek 1.
Halka açık çoğu şarj tesisinde şarj etmek 8 ila 30 saat sürer.
Federal hükümetin karbonsuz otomobil satış hedefini karşılamak için 2030 yılına kadar 1,2 milyon halka açık şarj istasyonuna ihtiyaç var.
Federal hükümetin karbonsuz araba satış hedefini tamamlamak için 2030 yılına kadar 1,2 milyon halka açık şarj istasyonu gerekiyor.
Bu amaçla, günde yaklaşık 400 yeni şarj tesisi kurulmalıdır.

Yoichi Takahashi (Kaetsu Üniv.)
Uygunsuz Gerçek 2.
2035 yılına kadar öngörülen pil talebini karşılamak için 300'den fazla yeni lityum, kobalt, nikel ve diğer madenlere ihtiyaç duyulacak
Uzun menzilli pil donanımlı EV'lerde kullanılan hammadde miktarı, altı adet plug-in hibrit ve 90 hibrit üretebilir.

Shimada Yoichi
Özellikle ayrımcılıkla ilgili yasalar neyin “ayrımcılık” oluşturduğunu açıklığa kavuşturmalıdır, aksi takdirde sınırsız ters ayrımcılık olacaktır.
LGBT hakları yasa tasarısının kendisinde herhangi bir hüküm yoktur ve yasa koyucunun niyetini dikkatli müzakere yoluyla açıklığa kavuşturmak için gerekli süreçten de vazgeçilmiştir.
Medeni bir ülkede asla olmamalı.
Tasarının kaldırılmasından başka çare yok.
Ryuşo Kadota
ABD Demokrat Partisi ile Japon muhalefeti neredeyse aynı seviyede ama Cumhuriyetçi Parti ile Liberal Demokrat Parti arasında büyük bir fark var.
Cumhuriyetçi Parti, sol kanada karşı şiddetle mücadele etmeye istekli olmadıkça lider olamaz.
Abe'nin ölümünden sonra, LDP liderliği sadece sol kanada kayıyor ve frenleri yüzeysel olarak uyguluyor.
Birçoğu fren ve gaz pedalı arasındaki farkı bile bilmiyor" dedi Bay Yoichi Shimada.
Hayır, karşılaştırmanın kendisi Cumhuriyetçilere saygısızlıktır.

Alıntı tweetler
Yoichi Shimada
ABD Demokrat Partisi ve Japon muhalefet partileri hemen hemen aynı seviyede ancak ABD Cumhuriyetçi Partisi ile LDP arasında hatırı sayılır bir fark var.
Cumhuriyetçi Parti'de sol kanada karşı şiddetle mücadele etmedikçe lider olamazsınız.
Başbakan Abe'nin ölümünden sonra, tüm LDP liderleri sola kayarak sadece yüzeysel olarak frene basıyorlar.
Birçoğu fren ve gaz pedalı arasındaki farkı bile bilmiyor.
Maalesef Seko Bey de çıktı.


W cywilizowanym kraju to nigdy nie powinno mieć miejsca. Nie pozostaje nic innego,

2023年06月12日 15時40分49秒 | 全般

Yoichi Takahashi (Uniwersytet Kaetsu)
@Yoichi Takahashi
Jeśli powiesz prawdę, zostaniesz potraktowany jako herezja -> [Od redakcji] Reakcja Toyoty na EV jest postrzegana jako herezja i ukierunkowana.

Kompatybilność Toyoty z EV jest postrzegana jako herezja i ukierunkowana
Postępowi inwestorzy i rządowe fundusze emerytalne biorą teraz na cel Toyotę, producenta samochodów hybrydowych Prius, w walce zastępczej.
Yoichi Takahashi (Uniwersytet Kaetsu)
@Yoichi Takahashi
Niewygodna prawda 1.
Ładowanie w większości publicznych punktów ładowania zajmuje od 8 do 30 godzin.
Do 2030 roku potrzebnych jest 1,2 miliona publicznych stacji ładowania, aby osiągnąć cel sprzedaży samochodów bezemisyjnych rządu federalnego.
1,2 miliona publicznych stacji ładowania do 2030 roku jest potrzebnych do zrealizowania celu rządu federalnego w zakresie sprzedaży samochodów bezemisyjnych.
W tym celu codziennie musi być instalowanych około 400 nowych urządzeń do ładowania.

Yoichi Takahashi (Uniwersytet Kaetsu)
@Yoichi Takahashi
Niewygodna prawda 2.
Do 2035 roku potrzebne będzie ponad 300 nowych kopalń litu, kobaltu, niklu i innych kopalń, aby zaspokoić przewidywany popyt na baterie
Ilość surowców użytych w pojazdach elektrycznych dalekiego zasięgu wyposażonych w akumulatory mogłaby wyprodukować sześć hybryd typu plug-in i 90 hybryd.

Shimada Yoichi
W szczególności przepisy dotyczące dyskryminacji muszą wyjaśniać, co stanowi „dyskryminację”, w przeciwnym razie nastąpi nieograniczona dyskryminacja odwrotna.
Ustawa o prawach osób LGBT nie zawiera żadnych zapisów w samej ustawie, a także zrezygnowano z wymaganego procesu wyjaśniania intencji ustawodawcy poprzez staranne narady.
W cywilizowanym kraju to nigdy nie powinno mieć miejsca.
Nie pozostaje nic innego, jak znieść ustawę.
Ryusho Kadota
Partia Demokratyczna Stanów Zjednoczonych i japońska opozycja są prawie na tym samym poziomie, ale istnieje duża różnica między Partią Republikańską a Partią Liberalno-Demokratyczną.
Partia Republikańska nie może być liderem, jeśli nie chce energicznie walczyć z lewicą.
Po śmierci Abe kierownictwo LDP jedynie uległo lewemu skrzydłu i płytko hamowało.
Wielu z nich nawet nie zna różnicy między hamulcem a pedałem przyspieszenia” – powiedział Yoichi Shimada.
Nie, samo porównanie jest lekceważące dla Republikanów.

Cytowane tweety
Yoichi Shimada
Partia Demokratyczna Stanów Zjednoczonych i japońskie partie opozycyjne są prawie na tym samym poziomie, ale istnieje znaczna różnica między Partią Republikańską Stanów Zjednoczonych a LDP.
W Partii Republikańskiej nie możesz być przywódcą, jeśli nie jesteś gotów energicznie walczyć z lewicą.
Po śmierci premiera Abe wszyscy przywódcy LDP tylko powierzchownie naciskają na hamulec, schlebiając w lewo.
Wielu nawet nie zna różnicy między hamulcem a pedałem przyspieszenia.
Niestety, pan Seko też jest nieobecny.


Sitä ei pitäisi koskaan tapahtua sivistyneessä maassa. Ei ole muuta

2023年06月12日 15時37分50秒 | 全般

Yoichi Takahashi (Kaetsun yliopisto)
Jos kerrot totuuden, sinua kohdellaan harhaoppisena -> [Pääkirjoitus] Toyotan sähköajoneuvojen vastausta pidetään harhaoppisena ja kohdistettuna.

Toyotan sähköautojen yhteensopivuutta pidetään harhaoppisena ja kohdennettuna
Progressiiviset sijoittajat ja valtion eläkerahastot kohdistavat nyt Toyotan, Prius-hybridiautojen valmistajan, välitystaistelussa.
Yoichi Takahashi (Kaetsun yliopisto)
Epämukava totuus 1.
Lataus kestää 8–30 tuntia useimmissa julkisissa latauspisteissä.
Vuoteen 2030 mennessä tarvitaan 1,2 miljoonaa julkista latausasemaa, jotta liittohallituksen hiilidioksidipäästöttömien autojen myyntitavoite saavutettaisiin.
Vuoteen 2030 mennessä tarvitaan 1,2 miljoonaa julkista latausasemaa liittohallituksen hiilivapaan autokaupan tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi.
Tätä varten päivittäin on asennettava noin 400 uutta latauslaitetta.

Yoichi Takahashi (Kaetsun yliopisto)
Epämukava totuus 2.
Vuoteen 2035 mennessä tarvitaan yli 300 uutta litium-, koboltti-, nikkelikaivoksia
Pitkän matkan akulla varustetuissa sähköautoissa käytettyjen raaka-aineiden määrä voisi tuottaa kuusi ladattavaa hybridiä ja 90 hybridiä.

Shimada Yoichi
Erityisesti syrjintää koskevien lakien on selvennettävä, mitä "syrjinnällä" tarkoitetaan, tai muuten tulee olemaan rajoittamaton käänteinen syrjintä.
LGBT-oikeuksia koskevassa lakiehdotuksessa itsessään ei ole säännöksiä, ja myös vaaditusta lainsäätäjän tarkoituksen selvittämisestä huolellisen harkinnan kautta luovuttiin.
Sitä ei pitäisi koskaan tapahtua sivistyneessä maassa.
Ei ole muuta vaihtoehtoa kuin lakiehdotuksen kumoaminen.
Ryusho Kadota
Yhdysvaltain demokraattinen puolue ja Japanin oppositio ovat lähes samalla tasolla, mutta republikaanipuolueen ja liberaalidemokraattisen puolueen välillä on suuri ero.
Republikaanipuolue ei voi olla johtaja, ellei se ole halukas taistelemaan tarmokkaasti vasemmistoa vastaan.
Aben kuoleman jälkeen LDP:n johto on vain parinnut vasenta siipeä ja jarruttanut matalasti.
Monet heistä eivät edes tiedä eroa jarrun ja kaasupolkimen välillä", sanoi Yoichi Shimada.
Ei, vertailu itsessään on epäkunnioittava republikaaneja kohtaan.

Lainatut twiitit
Yoichi Shimada
Yhdysvaltain demokraattinen puolue ja Japanin oppositiopuolueet ovat lähes samalla tasolla, mutta Yhdysvaltain republikaanipuolueen ja LDP:n välillä on huomattava ero.
Republikaanipuolueessa et voi olla johtaja, ellet ole valmis taistelemaan tarmokkaasti vasemmistoa vastaan.
Pääministeri Aben kuoltua kaikki LDP:n johtajat painavat vain pinnallisesti jarrua vasemmalle päin.
Monet eivät edes tiedä eroa jarrun ja kaasupolkimen välillä.
Valitettavasti myös Mr. Seko on poissa.


Det bør aldri skje i et sivilisert land. Det er ikke noe annet valg enn å avskaffe

2023年06月12日 15時37分15秒 | 全般

Yoichi Takahashi (Kaetsu Univ.)
Hvis du forteller sannheten, vil du bli behandlet som kjetteri -> [Redaksjonell] Toyotas EV-respons blir sett på som kjetteri og målrettet.

Toyotas EV-kompatibilitet blir sett på som kjetteri og målrettet
Progressive investorer og statlige pensjonsfond sikter nå mot Toyota, Prius hybridbilprodusenten, i en proxy-kamp.
Yoichi Takahashi (Kaetsu Univ.)
Ubeleilig sannhet 1.
Det tar 8 til 30 timer å lade opp på de fleste offentlige ladeanlegg.
1,2 millioner offentlige ladestasjoner innen 2030 er nødvendig for å oppfylle den føderale regjeringens mål for karbonfrie bilsalg.
Det kreves 1,2 millioner offentlige ladestasjoner innen 2030 for å fullføre den føderale regjeringens mål for karbonfrie bilsalg.
Til det må det monteres om lag 400 nye ladeanlegg daglig.

Yoichi Takahashi (Kaetsu Univ.)
Ubeleilig sannhet 2.
Mer enn 300 nye litium-, kobolt-, nikkel- og andre gruver vil være nødvendig for å møte forventet batterietterspørsel innen 2035
Mengden råvarer som brukes i batteriutstyrte elbiler med lang rekkevidde kan produsere seks plug-in hybrider og 90 hybrider.

Shimada Yoichi
Spesielt lover om diskriminering må klargjøre hva som er «diskriminering», ellers vil det være ubegrenset omvendt diskriminering.
LHBT-rettighetsloven har ingen bestemmelser i selve lovforslaget, og den nødvendige prosessen med å klargjøre lovgivers intensjon gjennom nøye overveielse ble også forlatt.
Det bør aldri skje i et sivilisert land.
Det er ikke noe annet valg enn å avskaffe lovforslaget.
Ryusho Kadota
Det amerikanske demokratiske partiet og den japanske opposisjonen er nesten på samme nivå, men det er stor forskjell mellom det republikanske partiet og det liberale demokratiske partiet.
Det republikanske partiet kan ikke være en leder med mindre det er villig til å kjempe kraftig mot venstrefløyen.
Etter Abes død har LDP-ledelsen bare gått til venstre fløy og tråkket på bremsene grunt.
Mange av dem vet ikke engang forskjellen mellom bremsen og gasspedalen," sa Mr. Yoichi Shimada.
Nei, selve sammenligningen er respektløs overfor republikanerne.

Siterte tweets
Yoichi Shimada
Det amerikanske demokratiske partiet og de japanske opposisjonspartiene er nesten på samme nivå, men det er en betydelig forskjell mellom det amerikanske republikanske partiet og LDP.
I det republikanske partiet kan du ikke være leder med mindre du er villig til å kjempe kraftig mot venstrefløyen.
Etter statsminister Abes død, tråkker alle LDP-ledere bare tynt på bremsen mens de snur seg mot venstre.
Mange vet ikke engang forskjellen mellom bremsen og gasspedalen.
Dessverre er Mr. Seko ute også.