文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The theory of ‘Abe prime minister’ on the 4th floor of the official residence

2017年12月01日 18時14分08秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

The theory of ‘Abe prime minister’ on the 4th floor of the official residence

Tomohiko Taniguchi

Prime Minister's ‘right hand’?

Participating in the Cabinet Secretariat to be appointed as the official commander of the Prime Minister is a person who is originally engaged in an individual purpose receiving special purpose.

But I had some circumstances, I went to the official residence every day, it is accompanying the overseas travel of Shinzo Abe Prime Minister, too, as much as possible.

I am located on the 4th floor of the official residence, Prime Minister is the fifth floor.

Although I am away, I suffered the same air as the Prime Minister, I kept thinking that it was necessary for my duties to see Prime Minister and the movements of the surroundings up close. 

There is a person who called Prime Minister Abe's "right hand" for me.

The person whom the meaning of a word which comes out by consulting a dictionary corresponds to truly is particularly in Abe administration.

It is much younger than me etc.

Needless to say, he has excellent ability.

As for me, while talking to myself that it is one of professionals to observe Prime Minister Abe,

I have been helping to convey Prime Minister and Japanese political economy toward foreign audiences or conscious of their interests.

Just since around 1990 when the bubble economy broke down, we continued to leave a prime minister just like worn-out sandals.

There was a person who quitted with ‘little finger’ (women's problem), while earning a long-awaited governing from the earliest, there was a person who ended short-lived when becoming prime minister.

This draft continues.

I was reading a genuine article below I could not repress my tears.

2017年12月01日 17時58分52秒 | 日記

The instant I realized the real image of a politician named Abe Shinzo is that he resigned from the administration due to colonic diseases and was resigning from his public post.

When I got off at the Nikko hotel in Shinsaibashi and had gone down the escalator, I noticed him walking downstairs.

There was a person who was completely different from the impression that was held as a person subscribing to the Asahi newspaper.

While taking dinner at a restaurant that is occasionally visited,

I was reading the monthly magazine HANADA this month's issue.

I was reading a genuine article below I could not repress my tears.

Like the Oguma Eiji in the previous chapter,

To the Japanese people and Japanese citizens, in fact, humans who are struggling with business etc. to write sentences while working evils that are no more...

If the politics and the diplomacy are the people who cannot have Xi Jinping and Putin and Trump and so on in them, not being at all, it is that it is not necessary to say though.

The people who are in their direct opposition.

Discharge their full duty as man, for the Japanese people and the Japanese citizens, I was moved by the precious people who dedicated their lives each day.

In this paper, people who subscribe to the Asahi Shimbun etc. and are watching only their television stations and NHK etc. are full of absolutely unknown truths.

If you read this paper, anyone can understand the foolishness and vulgarity of Oguma and others who make a living by writing texts that publicize distrust of politics, etc. unless they are people of the Asahi Shimbun Disease.

The paper will be posted in the next chapter.


2017年12月01日 12時01分35秒 | 日記























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2017年12月01日 11時30分14秒 | 日記



























but it is a real to play a wily trick against Japan and Japanese citizens...

2017年12月01日 10時42分07秒 | 日記

What does it mean political distrust?

I read through the Asahi newspaper unusually yesterday.

People who serve as Asahi Shimbun purveyor or cultural person without feeling any embarrassment.

I thought that I would write this chapter by his words ... they are thinking seriously that political disbelief is increasing, their frightful stupidity ... but it is a real to play a wily trick against Japan and Japanese citizens...

I have to rectify them.

Oguma, it is fueling distrust of politics with the Asahi Shimbun purveyor or cultural person and Asahi Shimbun like you guys,

You do not know at all what the people are at the opposite of you.

In order to deal with the dangerous and extremely unstable world that you made,

The Japanese citizens finally realized that since a stable long-term regime is absolutely necessary, the Japanese citizens since August three years ago.

Even in Germany, which was a Nazi state, it seems like it is now, do you know that France and Poland are not neighboring countries and that Japan's neighbors are China and the Korean Peninsula?

Or because you are the agent of them,

Words suitable for you guys who are dying for the attacks against Japan, the Japanese people and our government,

Treasonist, or traitor,

The time you should know is that you are coming in person,

Even you do not even know it is you guys.

You guys on your residence,

Until North Korea and China have dropped missiles,

Whether you guys do not know anything will be certain.

Presence that is pleased for your existence,

China who is aiming for world domination though it is a Communist Party single party dictatorship state,

The fact is that it is only the Korean Peninsula, which is a totalitarian state,

You guys do not know.

A part of the United States, Süddeutsche Zeitung, etc. ... That means your guys who are doing your masochistic view of history and anti-Japanese ideas for their vices ... are yours.

This draft continues.

La Corée actuelle tente de semer le mépris pour le Japon par l'éducation

2017年12月01日 10時32分19秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.


J'ai aussi écrit dans "Korea converting to North Korea" (Institut de recherche PHP), mais dans la péninsule coréenne dans l'histoire, ils appellent le Japon "Wa", "Pays Wa" et "sauvages" ou "laid Japon" il était commun de appeler avec des expressions insultantes telles que.

Ce point est toujours presque inchangé.

La Corée actuelle essaie de semer le mépris pour le Japon par l'éducation.

Par exemple, avec le thème du drapeau japonais, laissez les enfants dessiner des images qui insultent le Japon dans les classes de l'école primaire.

En outre, ils appellent une telle image une exposition d'affiches et il est même en train de sortir sur la station de métro.

Au cas où

Ce projet continue.

* L'UNESCO devrait s'attaquer immédiatement à la Corée et formuler une recommandation en matière de droits de l'homme.

C'est une tâche urgente que l'UNESCO doit faire maintenant, afin d'attirer immédiatement l'attention sur l'arrêt de l'éducation anti-japonaise. *

Corea actual está tratando de

2017年12月01日 10時31分42秒 | 日記

La siguiente es la continuación del capítulo anterior.


También escribí en "Corea convirtiéndose a Corea del Norte" (instituto de investigación PHP), pero en la península de Corea en la historia, llaman a Japón 'Wa', 'Wa country' y 'salvajes' o 'feo Japón' era común llamada con expresiones insultantes como.

Ese punto todavía es casi sin cambios.

Corea actual está tratando de sembrar sentimientos de desprecio a Japón a través de la educación.

Por ejemplo, con el tema de la bandera japonesa, permita que los niños dibujen imágenes que insulten a Japón en las clases de la escuela primaria.

Además, llaman a esa imagen una exposición de carteles e incluso se destaca en la estación del metro.

En caso

Este borrador continúa.

* La UNESCO debería entrar en Corea de inmediato y dar una recomendación de derechos humanos.

Es una tarea urgente que la UNESCO debe hacer ahora para prestar atención inmediata a la detención de la educación antijaponesa. *

Das aktuelle Korea versucht, Japan durch Bildung zu verachten

2017年12月01日 10時31分11秒 | 日記

Das Folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorherigen Kapitels.


Ich schrieb auch in "Korea, das nach Nordkorea konvertiert" (PHP-Forschungsinstitut), aber auf der koreanischen Halbinsel in der Geschichte nennen sie Japan "Wa", "Wa-Land" und "Wilde" oder "hässliches Japan", wie es üblich war Ruf mit beleidigenden Ausdrücken wie.

Dieser Punkt ist noch fast unverändert.

Das gegenwärtige Korea versucht, Japan durch Bildung zu verachten.

Lassen Sie zum Beispiel mit dem Thema der japanischen Flagge Bilder malen, die Japan in Grundschulklassen beleidigen.

Sie nennen ein solches Bild auch eine Posterausstellung und stehen sogar auf der U-Bahn-Station.

Im Fall

Dieser Entwurf wird fortgesetzt.

* Die UNESCO sollte sofort nach Korea kommen und eine Empfehlung für die Menschenrechte abgeben.

Es ist eine dringende Aufgabe, die die UNESCO jetzt tun muss, um unverzüglich darauf zu achten, die antijapanische Bildung zu stoppen.

Coréia atual está tentando plantar sentimento de desprezo ao Japão através da educação

2017年12月01日 10時30分38秒 | 日記

O seguinte é a continuação do capítulo anterior.


Eu também escrevi em "Coreia convertendo-se para a Coréia do Norte" (instituto de pesquisa PHP), mas na Península da Coréia da história, eles chamam o Japão "Wa", "País Wa" e "Selvagem" ou "Japão feio", era comum Ligue com expressões insultantes como.

Esse ponto ainda é quase inalterado.

Coréia atual está tentando plantar sentimento de desprezo ao Japão através da educação.

Por exemplo, com o tema da bandeira japonesa, deixe as crianças desenharem imagens que insultam o Japão nas aulas do ensino fundamental.

Além disso, eles chamam essa imagem de uma exposição de cartazes e está chegando mesmo na estação de metrô.

Em caso

Este rascunho continua.

* A UNESCO deve entrar na Coréia imediatamente e dar uma recomendação de direitos humanos.

É uma tarefa urgente que a UNESCO deve fazer agora, para dar atenção imediata para parar a educação anti-japonesa. *


2017年12月01日 10時29分58秒 | 日記



我也写过“韩国改朝鲜”(PHP研究所),但在朝鲜半岛的历史上,他们称日本为“Wa”,“country国”,“野人”或“丑日本” 打电话给有辱人格的表达式如。









현재 한국은

2017年12月01日 10時29分28秒 | 日記

다음은 이전 장의 계속입니다.


나는 또한 "한국으로의 개종 한 한국"(PHP 연구소)에 글을 올렸지 만 역사의 한반도에서는 일본의 'Wa', 'Wa country', 'savany'또는 '추한 일본'이라고 부른다. 같은 모욕적인 표현으로 전화하십시오.

그 점은 여전히 거의 변하지 않았습니다.

현재 한국은 교육을 통해 일본에 경멸감을 심기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.

예를 들어, 일본 국기를 테마로 어린이들이 초등 학급에서 일본을 모욕하는 그림을 그리게합니다.

또한 그들은 그러한 그림을 포스터 전시회라고 부르며 심지어 지하철 역에도 튀어 나와있다.


이 초안은 계속됩니다.

* 유네스코는 즉시 한국에 입국하여 인권 권고를해야한다.

지금은 유네스코가 항의 교육을 중단하기 위해 즉각적인 관심을 기울여야하는 긴급한 과제입니다. *

Текущая Корея

2017年12月01日 10時28分47秒 | 日記

Следующее - продолжение предыдущей главы.


Я также писал в «Корейской конвертации в Северную Корею» (исследовательский институт РН), но на Корейском полуострове в истории они называют Японию «Ва», «Страна Вай» и «Дикари» или «Уродливая Япония», звоните с оскорбительными выражениями, такими как.

Этот момент почти не изменился.

Текущая Корея пытается посадить презрение к Японии через образование.

Например, с темой японского флага, пусть дети рисуют картины, которые оскорбляют Японию в классах начальной школы.

Кроме того, они называют такую картину выставкой плаката, и она даже торчит на станции метро.

В случае

Этот проект продолжается.

* ЮНЕСКО следует немедленно отправиться в Корею и дать рекомендации по правам человека.

Это неотложная задача, которую ЮНЕСКО должна сделать сейчас, чтобы немедленно обратить внимание на прекращение антияпонского образования *.

Korea semasa sedang cuba menanam perasaan menghina ke Jepun melalui pendidikan

2017年12月01日 10時28分15秒 | 日記

Berikut adalah kesinambungan bab sebelumnya.


Saya juga menulis dalam "Korea menukar ke Korea Utara" (Institut penyelidikan PHP), tetapi di Semenanjung Korea dalam sejarah, mereka memanggil Jepun 'Wa', 'Wa negara' dan 'ganas' atau 'Jepun jelek' memanggil dengan ungkapan menghina seperti.

Titik itu masih hampir tidak berubah.

Korea semasa sedang cuba menanam perasaan menghina ke Jepun melalui pendidikan.

Sebagai contoh, dengan tema bendera Jepun, biarkan kanak-kanak melukis gambar yang menghina Jepun di kelas sekolah rendah.

Selain itu, mereka memanggil gambar seperti pameran poster dan ia juga melekat pada stesen kereta bawah tanah.

Sekiranya berlaku

Draf ini berterusan.

* UNESCO harus segera ke Korea, dan memberikan cadangan hak asasi manusia.

Ia adalah tugas segera yang harus dilakukan oleh UNESCO sekarang, untuk memberi perhatian segera untuk menghentikan pendidikan anti-Jepun. *