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2016-09-09 17:29:00 | クラブ
■女子バスケットボール部 大阪総体1次予選

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■ソフトボール部(with 島本&吹田東) 大阪総体女子の部

 vs八尾翠翔 → 堺市立堺高校 12:00 → これに勝てば大阪府ベスト8

■野球部 秋季大会

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2016-09-09 13:26:00 | クラブ












Mr.マーカスの日本探訪記 Gujo Hachiman Castle

2016-09-09 10:03:00 | Mr.マーカスの日本探訪記
Gujo Hachiman Castle

Hello, I hope everyone had a summer vacation. Today, I am going to talk about a castle on my Top #10 list. It’s Gujo Hachiman Castle.

[Gujo Hachiman Castle]=郡上八幡城(ぐじょうはちまんじょう)

Gujo Hachiman Castle is in Gifu Prefecture, in the city of Gujo. I visited this area in the summer of 2013. Even though I rated it #7 on my list, going to this castle gave me one of the most unforgettable memories in Japan.

[Gifu Prefecture]=岐阜県
[Even though]=~であるのに

Gujo is located in the mountains, and the population is much smaller than the population of Osaka. However, there are a lot of things to try and do in the area. Some of the things I saw or heard about were river-rafting, camping, skiing or visiting museums.


Did you know that many of the plastic samples of dishes that can be seen in restaurant display cases are made in Gujo? I discovered that when I went into a souvenir shop and saw a sample food making demonstration. There was a teacher who was giving lessons to people. I learned how to make plastic cabbage.

[plastic samples]=プラスティック製の見本
[souvenir shop]=土産物店
[demonstration]=デモンストレーション 実演

Seeing some of the sites of this city, which the local people call “Little Kyoto”, was exciting, but the castle interested me more. Gujo Hachiman Castle is located on top of a mountain in the middle of the city.

[local people]=地方の人

To reach the entrance to the castle, you have to either walk up a steep slope that zigzags up the mountain, or ride in a car. The parking lot at the top of the mountain was already full, so my friend and I decided to park at the bottom and then climb to the top. Once we reached the entrance to the castle, I was amazed by the architecture of the castle.

[steep slope]=急勾配の坂
[be amazed]=驚かされる

The design of the castle was fantastic. Inside the castle, we could see many of the artifacts and simulation displayed about the history of the castle. Unfortunately photography was prohibited in most of the areas. Walking through the castle building was educating and fun.

[artifacts]=工芸品 芸術品

However, my favorite thing about this castle was the view. From the top of the castle, we could see the city sprawled throughout the valley. The mixture of nature and architecture was breathtaking. If I had the time, I would have sat out there for hours and admired the scenery. It was very relaxing.

[sprawl]=手足を伸ばして座る 寝そべる

I would love to go back to Gujo again to try some more of the local food and go river-rafting. If you are a fan of nature, and have interested in historical places, then I recommend this area.

Thank you for reading about my experience at Gujo Hachiman Castle. Happy travels!

