Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

The U.S. should realize that Japan is not just exhausted with Korea but......

2014年09月13日 22時45分05秒 | Weblog

Green: ‘Japan and Korea need creative diplomacy’

via mozu

DISPATCH JAPAN: Let’s shift to Korea. Japan exercising the right of collective self-defense would presumably allow for better trilateral cooperation between the US, Japan, and Korea. But I don’t see Abe in any hurry to improve ties with Seoul.

GREEN: Let’s presume that Japan’s strategy is to integrate more, and cooperate more with allied and like-minded states to dissuade China from throwing its weight around. In that case, the single most important ally for Japan – after the US – is not Australia, or India, or Vietnam.


Few Japanese expect Korea to help Japan in case of Chinese invasion.

It's just that Korea and the U.S. need Japan's help when Korean War takes places.






After all, Japan has the alternatives like going nuclear

But keep in context that the Kono Statement emerged at the time of the UN charging Bosnian Serbs with using rape as an instrument of war. Rape with the deliberate intent of demoralizing the enemy; in some cases, outright genocide

Abe and others felt that the Kono Statement wrongly linked Japan to this broader issue of war crimes. They are angry that their fathers and grandfathers – and the Japanese government – are being blamed for setting up brothels that, from their perspective, other wartime combatants had also maintained, but are not being held to a similar accountability.

From Abe’s perspective, the French army ran brothels into the 1960s, and the Soviets had them into the 1980s. The same thing occurred in China during the civil war.

Abe believes that it is not fair to compare actions in the 1930s and 1940s to rape as a weapon of war in Bosnia.

The French had brothels at Dien Bien Phu, for example. There were many Indochinese, African, and French women scooped up and put in what we now call “comfort women” stations.

DISPATCH JAPAN: Does Abe really want to promote Japanese patriotism this way: "Everybody did it?"

GREEN: I agree. It is a flawed perspective. Some of the comfort women are still alive. It is not just a matter of history in the abstract. It is a matter of human rights, and protection of women – here, and now.

But Abe and his peers are really stuck on the historical aspect, and what they see as unfair pointing out of Japan.

And I do not see this changing easily.

I could be wrong, but I think the Korean government will have a very hard time getting from Abe an outright statement of state culpability. Diplomats in Seoul and Tokyo are trying hard, but I just don’t see it happening.



The U.S. should realize that the issue of Korean sex slaves for Japanese military is also the issue for the U.S. military.

She also needs to be aware that it is not that just Japan is exhausted with Korea but also that Japan's relation with Korea is finished.


The only solution is that Korea and the U.S. set an example by apologizing and compensating to the ex-Korean comfort women for the U.S. military , admitting that they also collectively exploited Korean sex slaves during and after the Korean War and/or Korea agrees to send the issue of takeshima/dokodo to the International court to settle it fairly. 

The proposal is fair and WIN-WIN; Nobody loses , except Korean and American nationalists lose face.

アメリカのメディアや政府はなんでそんなに面子を重んじるだろう?WHY??? Tabutchi WHY???? (^_-)-


2014年09月13日 15時31分22秒 | Weblog
Domestic Violence Victims Stay for a Million Reasons: Janay Rice's Are Her Own
Asking a battered woman why she didn’t leave is just another way to pass judgment on her and excuse her abuser.


Photo Credit: via youtube

September 10, 2014



Why Islamic State attracts fighters from all over the world?

2014年09月13日 15時30分29秒 | Weblog
Why Islamic State attracts fighters from all over the world
Where have the extremist movement's thousands of volunteers come from, and what can their home countries do in response?
September 10, 2014 9:45PM ET
by Jamie Tarabay

While the majority of Syria volunteers are from the Arab world, there are also many who barely speak Arabic, who are recent converts to Islam and sometimes, are scarcely able to articulate the reasons behind their decision to join the fight.

Among the countries of origin of Syria volunteers listed by Barrett are Algeria, Australia, Canada and Finland as well as Switzerland, Tunisia, the U.K. and the U.S. The greatest numbers appear to come from Tunisia (3,000), Saudi Arabia (2,500), Morocco (1,500) and Russia (800).

European volunteers are more commonly drawn from among the continent's disaffected immigrant youth

“Another attraction of the Syrian war to Islamists is the opportunity to live in a place where rules and behavior are supposedly fully and solely in accordance with the teachings of Islam,” Barrett wrote. “Their knowledge of religion is often rudimentary and so they do not question the authority of their leaders and believe what they are told.” A number of the foreign volunteers, however, became so rapidly disillusioned by the reality on the ground created by these extremist groups that they have left Syria within a day or two of arriving, according to Barrett.

 なぜ、欧米人がイスラム国へ参加するのか? とにかく、参加するのは、不満をもった移民が大半なのだそうな。



2014年09月13日 15時23分46秒 | Weblog
US threatened Foley family over Islamic State ransom, slain journalist’s mother says
Published time: September 12, 2014 23:59 Get short URL

The family of US journalist James Foley – who was kidnapped and killed by the Islamic State – had been “threatened” by the US government with charges of aiding terrorists if they tried to raise funds to pay ransom for him, Foley’s mother told the media.


日ロ交渉 プーチンに同情的な態度は示すな、と。

2014年09月13日 15時09分48秒 | Weblog
A Former Japanese PM ‘Feels Sad’ for Putin
Putin’s Tokyo visit isn’t set, yet both sides show a desire to talk despite worsening Ukrainian crisis.

By Clint Richards
September 11, 2014

Russia and Japan have two important reasons to talk: the disputed Kuril Islands (or Northern Territories in Japan) and the prospect of a much larger energy relationship. A settlement on either of these issues is not likely to ruffle many feathers in Washington or Brussels if it is kept low key, and especially if it does not affect the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. The U.S. has already stated it does not object to a meeting between Abe and Putin. However, there are limits to what the U.S. and its allies can either accept or ignore.
Politically, Japan cannot be seen as sympathetic to Putin, as he is currently the most vilified person in Europe.

日本とロシアにとって 北方領土問題とエネルギー問題がある。アメリカは安倍ープーチン会談に反対はしないが、プーチンに同情的な態度は示すな、と。



Moscow, Sept. 9 (Jiji Press)--Former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori said Tuesday he feels sad that Russian President Vladimir Putin comes under international criticism over the Ukrainian crisis.





lost in translation ということもあるんじゃないかね?


“Take Back Japan From America.” 日本、フジヤマ、ゲイシャ、ナショナリズム

2014年09月13日 14時51分02秒 | Weblog

Tea Party Politics in Japan
Japan’s Rising Nationalism
SEPT. 12, 2014
Norihiro Kato



安倍内閣に対する日本会議の影響を指摘し、日本会議をTea Party と同視して、この会の究極の目的は、

The real issue is this: the profound sense, shared by Japanese of many other political persuasions, that postwar Japan has never stood on an equal footing with the United States.


And there is no telling when its members might start saying what really is on their mind: “Take Back Japan From America.”





NYTはアメリカ優越主義の世界秩序が前提だから、equal footing なんて、それは困る、というわけでしょうね。


”Index Ranks Japan Asia's Most Efficient Innovator”

2014年09月13日 14時41分55秒 | Weblog
Index Ranks Japan Asia's Most Efficient Innovator
MANILA, Philippines ― Sep 12, 2014, 3:48 AM ET
By TERESA CEROJANO Associated Press

A new index ranks Japan as the most efficient among Asian countries in turning the building blocks of creativity into tangible innovations that benefit their economies and people while Myanmar, Pakistan and Cambodia are least efficient.

The Asian Development Bank said Friday it developed the index with the Economist Intelligence Unit to give policymakers a tool to assess how best to foster innovation and creativity in Asian economies.

Finland and the United States were included for comparison and ranked second and 4th respectively out of the diverse group of 24 countries that span some of the richest and poorest nations in the world. South Korea was third and China was 11th ranked.
