Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Anna Fifield says she has no words: perhaps she just does not understand what she is reading

2018年06月04日 15時26分47秒 | Weblog






Anna Fifield


フォローする @annafifieldをフォローします
I have no words:
14 Japanese Governors Join Movement to Allow Babies to Cry https://buff.ly/2ssJnBZ #womenomics

The project was launched in 2016 by online service provider Excite Japan Co. <3754>. Since then, it has so far won support from 160 companies along with more than 20,000 individuals. To promote the movement, the organizer is giving out stickers saying, "It's OK to cry!"

With the governors pledging their backing to the project, 100 such stickers will be distributed to each of the prefectures.

"Japanese society still tends to make mothers and fathers feel sorry for people nearby when their babies start crying," Mie Governor Eikei Suzuki told the meeting. "We'll do change such a social atmosphere."



Eviction threat over complaints about crying baby
By Sean Coughlan
BBC News education and family corresponde

Daily telegraph

Neighbours have a right to complain about crying babies
Shelly Horton, The Daily Telegraph
October 29, 2014 9:00pm

I THINK crying babies are a form of noise pollution. Well THAT got your attention.

It’s a topic that has come up because a Queensland couple got a note from a neighbour complaining about their crying baby.

New York Times
A Crying Baby Next Door
CreditFederica Del Proposto
By Ronda Kaysen
June 24, 2017

Q. I moved into a rental in Murray Hill last November. Unbeknown to me, there is a baby next door who shares a wall with my apartment. I understand that new parents deal with crying babies, but it seems like these parents have decided to let the baby “cry it out,” and don’t try to make the baby stop. The baby cries a lot in the morning and at night when I’m trying to sleep. If I had known about this, I would never have rented the apartment. Is there any action I can take?

PJ media

Should You Call in a Noise Complaint on a Family With a Crying Baby?


上記記事はすべて、赤ちゃんの泣き声に関する意見、ないし相談なのだが、ジャーナリストとして、no words では困るだろう。


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