Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Abe could easily have been mistaken for an EU leader.

2019年04月27日 22時20分49秒 | Weblog

If he hadn't been speaking Japanese, Prime Minister Shinzō Abe could easily have been mistaken for an EU leader.

Visiting Brussels on Thursday to meet Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and Council President Donald Tusk, Abe seemed to sing all the favorite tunes from the EU songbook. He fiercely defended the need for a free and fair international trading system, spoke out in favor of liberal democratic ideals, including human rights and the rule of law, called for protecting the environment, for nuclear disarmament of North Korea, and for avoiding a no-deal Brexit "by all means."

Abe also pointedly declared that Japan shares the EU's concerns and goals regarding China, particularly its “Belt and Road” Initiative, and he sent subtle but clear signals that Tokyo stands with Brussels against the economic protectionism being pursued by U.S. President Donald Trump, and would likely push back if Washington seeks to initiate a trade war by levying further unilateral tariffs.

"For women's empowerment, we shared our understanding of the importance of women's labor participation, girls' education and support for women entrepreneurs,"


"Japan is and will remain our closest friend and partner in Asia," he said. "It's because of the past, because of the tradition, but also because of the future challenges. And you can be sure we will be very loyal to each other. It's no doubt."


"Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me. Aren't you?"

2019年04月27日 19時50分34秒 | Weblog



"Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me. Aren't you?" 一度は言ってみたいセリフだが、縁がないなああ


2019年04月27日 13時06分42秒 | Weblog



以前の 投稿では、

any drug that is used in sufficiently high dosages or in certain contexts (with other drugs, for example) will probably cause severe harm, including, sometimes, death.


DR. CARL HART: Well, when we think about alcohol, about 10 percent of the people―10 to 15 percent of the people who use alcohol are addicted or meet criteria for alcoholism; for crack cocaine, about 15 to 20 percent―the same sort of thing when we look at the numbers.




2019年04月27日 11時50分15秒 | Weblog
The Complete Novels of Fyodor Dostoyevsky (English Edition) Kindle版
Fyodor Dostoyevsky (著)




Crime and Punishment

Raskolnikov compares himself to such people as Alexander the Great and Napoleon. He tells of how they had to kill some innocent people in order to achieve their goals, just as he has to kill the moneylender. In the aforementioned passage, he explains to Sonya that Napoleon would never have even thought of such minute details as innocent people, because he was always totally focused on the major picture at hand. In addition to this point, Raskolnikov also says that had Napoleon had to kill this woman, "he would have strangled her, without giving her a moment to speak, and without a moment's hesitation." What this means is Napoleon would not have looked upon this murder as a sin, but rather would have thought it to be a great opportunity. Moreover he would not bother to hear the woman's complaints or reasoning, for they would be insignificant coming from such an un-monumental person.


「実は、あるときぼくはこう考えてみた。かりにナポレオンがぼくの立場にあって、しかもと 栄達の一歩を踏み出すために、ツーロンも、エジプトも、モンブラン越えもなく、そうした罪 輝かしい不滅の偉業の代りに、そこらにごろごろしているようなばかげた婆さん一人しかいない、十四等官の後家婆さん、しかもその婆さんの長持から金を盗み出す疑めに(身を立て ‘るためだよ、わかるかい?・)、どうしても殺さなければならない、しかも他に道はない、としたらだ、彼はその決心をするだろうか? これは偉業とはあまりにも程遠いし、しかも罪悪だ、という理由で、二の足を踏みはしないだろうか?


より多くのものを蔑視することのできる者が、彼らの立法者であり、誰よりも実行力のある者が、誰よりも正しいのだー これまでもそうだったし、これからもそうなのだー

(新潮社版 第5部から抜粋)

Critical Essays The Ubermensch or Extraordinary Man Theories


This passage does more, however, than explain Raskolnikov's theory, it also tells why Raskolnikov failed to "fulfill his destiny." For as he is talking to Sonya, he realizes that he is not one of the Superhumans, for he was not able to overlook the fact that he took someone else's life. This is the real point that Dostoevsky is trying to make. The theory is not something that anyone can use. One cannot, as Raskolnikov did, call himself a Superhuman just because he thinks he is. So Dostoevsky is saying that virtually every human being in history is only a "normal human," and that only a handful of people in history will be able to overlook human life in pursuit of a goal. Raskolnikov is an example of an extremely smart person who is unable to achieve the next level, and can only get a glimpse what it is like. Dostoevsky is sending a message with this story. It seems a little corny, but he is telling the reader that it is impossible to murder without having any remorse.


The Brothers Karamazov: Theme Analysis

Man-made justice, then, is shown to be unjust and unable to grasp the truth of any situation. It is also unable to reform the criminal, who is likely to respond to any punishment by further alienating himself from society. This is clear from the example of Kolya's ill-judged punishment of Ilyusha, which succeeds only in turning a well-meaning boy into a menace to society. As Zosima says in Book II, Chapter 5, the only effective punishment is "the acknowledgement of one's own conscience." This alone can frighten the criminal enough to make him repent and reform. Zosima's words are proven by the cases of the philanthropist and Dmitri, who are wrongly judged by the criminal justice system but whose consciences provide effective punishment and sentences.





It may tell us that even with his transcendence of the codes that govern human society, the ubermensch is still not an island. The fact that his independence is dependent upon how he exerts power over others means that his overman-liness is dependent upon the individuals he dominates and subjects. This point is seen through how Dunya’s rejection led to Svidrigailov’s eventual demise. The overman’s life and power does not exempt him from his necessity of other people. And in failing to subject other people to his will, in failing to fulfil the point of his very existence, there is no executioner more worthy nor more capable of punishing impotence, the overman’s only possible crime, than the overman himself. Ultimately, Svidrigailov kills himself, for in failing himself, he has commited a crime to the only authority he deems worthy: himself.




2019年04月27日 01時24分40秒 | Weblog

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