Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2017年01月19日 15時44分31秒 | Weblog


Politicoにあった原文:the classic ‘60s, early-‘70s baby-boomer, anti-establishment ruffian =(意訳)典型的な60年代・70年代生まれのベビーブーマーで反体制のチンピラ・ごろつき・やくざ者

政治サイトPoliticoがトランプ氏の伝記執筆者たちを集めて座談会。「彼は本質的にやくざ者だ」が強烈。 ‘He Has This Deep Fear That He Is Not a Legitimate President’


Kruse: Michael, in your book, and other places, too, he has talked about how much he enjoys fighting. And he certainly fought a lot of people throughout the campaign, and he hasn’t stopped fighting. From Meryl Streep to the intelligence community, he’s still picking fights. Do you think he is going to pick fights with leaders of other countries? In other words, is there any indication that he would be able to separate the interests of the country now from his own personal pique?

Blair: Zero.

O’Brien: Absolutely not. There will be no divide there. The whole thing has been a vanity show from the second he ran to the Republican Convention. I think we can expect to see the same on Inauguration Day. He’s been unable to find a clean division between his own emotional needs and his own insecurities and simply being a healthy, strategically committed leader who wants to parse through good policy options and a wide series of public statements about the direction in which he’ll take the country.


So he has this deep fear that he is himself not a legitimate president, and I think that’s why he goes to such great lengths to delegitimize even the intelligence community, which is the president’s key resource in security, and he’s going to do this demeaning and delegitimizing behavior rather than accept what they have to tell him.


O’Brien: He’s a profoundly anti-institutional person, and I think that’s part of his great appeal to voters. Voters right now are sick of institutions, and he’s got no problem railing against them. I think the danger here is he’s completely ill-informed and lacks, I think, the generosity of public spirit to think about what the right replacements should be for the same institutions that he’s railing against.

Blair: He’s the kid in the back of the class who is taunting the teacher, who is taking over, who has pushed the principal out of the principal’s office, and he’s appealing to that instinct that everyone has at some point in their lives to overthrow everything.

O’Brien: I remember one thing in Palm Beach at a party there. I had dinner with him and Melania, and afterwards he was cranking music up around his swimming pool as loud as he possibly could and he leaned over to me and he said, “All these stuffy so-and-so’s here in Palm Beach hate how loud my music is, so I want to turn it up as loud as I possibly can, so they can hear it everywhere—and I don’t care if they don’t like it.” That’s more or less what he said to me, and that’s fun and funny that he’s taking on the Palm Beach establishment. But the reality, too, is that he chose to move to Palm Beach and tried to become part of the community there at the same time. So at the very moment he hates the establishment, he also desperately wants to be approved by it.


Blair: The cabinet appointments seem to me to be people who have been successful in some realm, so he takes that as proof of their abilities. But he’s also looking for people that will be in conflict with everyone in that department. Down the line, it’s the same kind of sowing-conflict mode that he’s used throughout his career of setting people against each other so that they’re not going to be loyal to each other and they’re going to be loyal to him.



O’Brien: At the end of the day, the two most powerful people in his White House, other than him, are going to be Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, and they’re going to have the final say on everything. And whatever Gary Cohn or Rex Tillerson or General Mattis or Jeff Sessions or Steve Bannon has to say, it will all end up getting filtered through Javanka.



O’Brien: He always has an escape hatch. He always builds in some way of justifying not doing the things he’s promised to do on the basis of what someone else has done to him. In this case, it could be Congress, or, “We’re required by the Army manual that governs interrogations to not do this torture. I wish it wasn’t so but, you know, we’re stuck.”

Blair: He’s the master of saying one thing, and then, 10 minutes later, you’re seeing the opposite. What is it that he stands for? He’s a moving target, and you never exactly know. So he’s able to move around the landscape and never exactly be on point. So using these folks as cover? Sure. Why not? 

D’Antonio: He stands for what he can get away with, and if he can’t get away with it, but he made a promise on a ceremonial basis, he’ll figure out a way to blame it on someone else that he can’t fulfill a policy promise.


Blair: I think that it’s not quite that he doesn’t care how this stuff looks. I think he does care, but he sees it as a show of strength that he can do this. He sees that he can get away with it, that he can say these contradictory things, that he can say, “I turned down a $2-billion deal,” that with half a second of reflection anyone knows that’s ridiculous. That never happened and if it did happen, it shouldn’t have. It’s not that he doesn’t care about it. It’s that he’s boasting and bragging about it and saying, “Look, I can do this. I can get away with this and nobody can do anything about it.” That’s what he sees as his strength.


Kruse: He’s also always been a believer in bad publicity, and that bad publicity is, in fact, good. Publicity means people are talking about him. It worked through his breakup with Ivana and his affair with Marla Maples. It worked through the casino bankruptcies. It worked certainly throughout the campaign. Can that work—bad publicity is good publicity—when you’re president?


O’Brien: The only things that have kept him awake at night historically are money, sex, food, and revenge.


No Japanese, no dogs.

2017年01月19日 11時23分25秒 | Weblog

In Korea, Mobs are a Wrathful God

2017年01月19日 08時44分25秒 | Weblog

In Korea, when popular feeling pushes past a certain limit break, it warps into a beast that is powerful enough to rip through decision-making and the established law.

Koreans call it “public sentiment.” This is as tame an expression in Korean as it is in English and does not convey the underlying phenomenon. A more accurate phrase would be “the emotion of the masses” or “mob passion.” But these have negative connotations, and public sentiment for Koreans is anything but negative.

It is the collective soul, and it is considered supreme. Koreans even have a saying about it: “The law of public sentiment is above the law.”

In Korea, there is an enormous level of public pressure on legal judgments. We can say with some certainty, for example, that regardless of what Park has or hasn’t done, she will end up in jail. The law is sufficiently open to interpretation for prosecutors to make a case when public sentiment is driving an issue. Where it’s not, they can resort to other means — like leniency deals with peripheral presidential aides if they agree to the prosecutor’s scenario.

That, of course, is not to say Park is not guilty of anything. The point is that at this stage, even though she has been impeached, the evidence is still opaque and she’s had little chance to offer a serious defense. But that hasn’t stopped the public from declaring her guilty.

The beast of public sentiment doesn’t pause to think.

But public sentiment, once inflamed, does not concern itself with such details. Once the story is out, it is up to the authorities to do their part, find the president guilty, and get rid of her.

The beast will not be denied.

2017/01/17 10:29






Black man abuse interracial couple

2017年01月19日 06時43分38秒 | Weblog





2017年01月19日 05時55分59秒 | Weblog




2017年01月19日 05時52分30秒 | Weblog


‏@KentGilbert01 ケント・ギルバートさんがMISAKIをリツイートしました
MISAKI @misaki37249
@KentGilbert01 わずか数10年のご自身の発言も忘れてるあなたに言われる筋合いではありません。私は日本国籍保持者ですから日本を語る資格はあります。あなたはどうですか。選挙権所有されていますでしょうか。国籍保持者は自国を語る資格はあるのです。非国籍保持者よりはね。


” I was racially profiled in Berlin 23 times”

2017年01月19日 05時37分14秒 | Weblog

American journalist Sandhya Kambhampati was stopped by police 23 times within her first nine months of living in Berlin. Now she's investigating racial profiling in Germany - and is looking for others to share experiences.
The first time 24-year-old Sandhya Kambhampati was stopped by an officer in Berlin, she had gone to a park for a morning jog after arriving in the city days before.

The officer asked her what she was doing, where she lived, and for her ID. When she told him she only had her keys, he said she should always carry identification and left.

Another issue is that there is no real German version of the term racial profiling - German media in fact often use the English phrase. So when Kambhampati interviewed German police departments on their policies, using the term Personenkontrollen aufgrund ethnischer Merkmale - literally checking people based on ethnic characteristics - some thought she was accusing them of racism.





2017年01月19日 05時30分04秒 | Weblog





2017年01月19日 05時19分11秒 | Weblog
MXテレビに「沖縄ヘイト」批判 米軍への抗議活動巡り

東京の地上波テレビ局「TOKYO MX」が放送した「ニュース女子」が、沖縄の高江ヘリパッド建設について放送した内容が「虚偽報道」と批判が相次いでいる。

「ニュース女子」は化粧品会社のDHCがスポンサーで、東京・中日新聞論説副主幹の長谷川幸洋氏らが司会を務める番組。TOKYO MXはエフエム東京を筆頭に、東京新聞を発行する中日新聞や東京都が出資する東京ローカルのテレビ局。




2017年01月19日 04時58分08秒 | Weblog

読売新聞調査研究本部主任研究員 岡本道郎
2016年11月28日 05時20分



英国が、Britain first でEU離脱を決断したものの、






