Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

America is losing high ground

2016年07月21日 04時52分17秒 | Weblog




”For thousands of years, mankind has known what a man is and what a woman is”

2016年07月21日 04時39分44秒 | Weblog
先ほどの共和党の元大統領候補のベンカーソン氏 もういっちょ。

You know, we look at this whole transgender thing. I got to tell you: For thousands of years, mankind has known what a man is and what a woman is. And now, all of a sudden we don’t know anymore. Now, is that the height of absurdity? Because today you feel like a woman, even though everything about you genetically says that you’re a man or vice versa?
Wouldn’t that be the same as if you woke up tomorrow morning after seeing a movie about Afghanistan or reading some books and said, “You know what? I’m Afghanistan [sic]. I know I don’t look that way. My ancestors came from Sweden, or something, I don’t know. But I really am. And if you say I’m not, you’re a racist.” This is how absurd we have become!

It is silly for us to engage in something that we have known for thousands of years. We have known what a man is and what a woman is for thousands of years. All of a sudden, we don’t know anymore. I said that is absurd. […] There are biological markers that tell us whether we are a male or a female, and just because you wake up one day and you say, ‘I think I’m the other one,’ that doesn’t change it. Just — a leopard can’t change its spots.




Carson isn’t wrong that biology is a factor, but he is wrong that it disproves transgender identities. Indeed, it does the very opposite. Researchers at Boston University reviewed the available research and found significant evidence that there is a biological basis for being transgender. Studies have identified differences in sexual development, brain structure, and hormone genetics unique to transgender identity.


”The system should be changed from within."

2016年07月21日 04時27分35秒 | Weblog

What Ben Carson said about Hillary Clinton, Saul Alinsky and Lucifer

By Angie Drobnic Holan on Wednesday, July 20th, 2016 at 12:12 a.m

"He wrote a book called Rules for Radicals. It acknowledges Lucifer, the original radical who gained his own kingdom. Now think about that. This is our nation where our founding document, the Declaration of Independence talks about certain inalienable rights that come from our creator, a nation where our Pledge of Allegiance says we are ‘One nation under God.’ This is a nation where every coin in our pockets and every bill in our wallet says, ‘In God We Trust.’ So are we willing to elect someone as president who has as their role model somebody who acknowledges Lucifer? Think about that."




"Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.



"Ms. Rodham endorsed Mr. Alinsky’s central critique of government antipoverty programs — that they tended to be too top-down and removed from the wishes of individuals.

"But the student leader split with Mr. Alinsky over a central point. He vowed to ‘rub raw the sores of discontent’ and compel action through agitation. This, she believed, ran counter to the notion of change within the system."


”The system could be changed from within."


”The system should be changed from within." 



”Japan’s conservative Nippon Kaigi lobby: Worth worrying about?”

2016年07月21日 03時43分07秒 | Weblog


‏@tomojiro tomojiroさんが内田樹をリツイートしました
孤立主義でトランプ支持(日米同盟も廃棄したい)右の記者が書いたNational Reviewの記事よりこれの方がまとも。「日本の保守的ロビー団体日本会議:心配するほどの価値があるのか」 http://atimes.com/2016/07/japans-conservative-nippon-kaigi-lobby-worth-worrying-about/ …tomojiroさんが追加
内田樹 @levinassien
昨日のNational Reviewに「ファシズムに向かう日本」という記事が掲載されました。とりあえず訳しておきました。http://blog.tatsuru.com/  オリジナルはこちらです。http://www.nationalreview.com/article/437950/japans-new-fascism …

Japan’s conservative Nippon Kaigi lobby: Worth worrying about?

Kabashima, Secretary-General of Nippon kaigi once denied the separation of religion and state and claimed that popular sovereignty is not exactly appropriate for Japan:the Emperor entrusts his people with the power to govern Japan.

In other words, in case of Japan, in his interpretation, you can's say which has sovereign power.

That's unique interpretation of Japanese politics, but it's never turned into LDP draft of Japanese constitution.

LDP does not deny the separation of religion and the state nor the popular sovereignty

(nihon kaigi nippon kaigi)

Society of Phony Journalists ?

2016年07月21日 03時09分06秒 | Weblog

Sugano Tamotsu

An woman claimed that sugano sexually attacked her and filed an action for damages.
She also filed a police report on it.

David McNeill

David McNeill in Japan caught using phony source

Jake Adelstein

Some reporters told me that [Jake Adelstein] was a liar,

Christopher Johnson