Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Japanese vocalist without vocal cords on TV talk show

2016年03月21日 20時54分39秒 | Weblog
つんく♂が"徹子の部屋"で筆談トーク 「今までと違う人生、これはこれで楽しめる」
The Huffington Post | 執筆者: 安藤健二
投稿日: 2016年03月21日 16時10分 JST


Tsunku, Japanese record producer, songwriter, and vocalist, who removed his vocal cords as part of his cancer treatment showed up on Tesuko's talk show with the use of text messages on the coputer.


2016年03月21日 20時54分07秒 | Weblog
ジャーナリズム ジャーナリズム

Ingersoll extrapolated and then later confirmed that anywhere between 40 and 50 percent of teachers will leave the classroom within their first five years (that includes the nine and a half percent that leave before the end of their first year.)

In my interviews with teachers, the same issues continued to surface. In theory, the classroom hours aren’t bad and the summers are free. But, many young teachers soon realize they must do overwhelming amounts of after-hours work.

“What many of them working in high-need schools told me, however, was that being successful at school directly conflicted with being successful husbands and fathers. While this is certainly true of any occupation, most occupations don't leave your children asking you, ‘Why do you go to more basketball games of the kids at school than mine?’"

This overwhelming desire to help students is a common thread among all the teachers I speak with. They all cared for their students deeply, but even this couldn’t keep teachers like Hayley or Emma in the classroom. Simply put: everything else—the workload, the emotional toll, the low pay—was just too much.


Have-a-go hero

2016年03月21日 15時36分01秒 | Weblog



have-a-go hero
an ordinary person who does something brave in order to try and stop a crime


British men are so busy watching porn that they can’t find the inclination to actually have sex

2016年03月21日 15時15分56秒 | Weblog
My boyfriend is addicted to porn but doesn’t want sex

Mariella Frostrup
Sunday 20 March 2016 09.00 GMT

We spend ever-increasing time online, conducting our working lives, social lives, family lives and even our darkest fantasies via our phones and tablets, and in the process we’re becoming increasing disconnected from tangible experiences.

Your boyfriend’s migration from the place you call home to a cyberworld and his ability to better share intimacies with total strangers are both symptoms of an increasing malaise. Like many new viruses, it seems to have been born at the further reaches of human experience before spreading to all and sundry. Our increased migration to virtual sex is a perfect example, beginning with committed porn addicts for whom the internet means instant gratification without having to leave their bedrooms.

So many letters arrive in my mailbox from partners – generally women, it has to be said – whose lovers are so busy watching porn that they can’t find the inclination to actually have sex. It’s like the great British appetite for cookery programmes, which are also, for the most part, a spectator sport; we’re a nation of guzzlers, supine on our sofas, watching other people cook while devouring ready-made meals so as not to disturb our viewing time.



"Maybe you weren’t educated properly"

2016年03月21日 07時17分01秒 | Weblog

