Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2014年02月12日 23時22分00秒 | Weblog

via mozu














2014年02月12日 22時31分24秒 | Weblog
毎日新聞 2014年02月12日 19時32分(最終更新 02月12日 19時37分)




Subordinate partners, characterized by truncated sovereignty

2014年02月12日 20時31分04秒 | Weblog

Michael Thomas Cucek

Via @SheilaSmithCFR an article worth reading through to the end on Chinese maritime tactics http://thediplomat.com/2014/02/vietnam-and-china-a-dangerous-incident/


Cold War Structures and Tectonic Shifts
Longstanding U.S. commitments to East Asia complicate an already complex region.

By Clint Work
February 12, 2014


Historically the essential makeup of the alliance structure has been two-fold. First, the U.S. provides a fundamental security guarantee to both Tokyo and Seoul backed by the full panoply of U.S. conventional and nuclear forces. Second, the two allies remain subordinate partners within the U.S. strategic framework, characterized by truncated sovereignty and occasionally intense pressure to adhere to (or at least not significantly deviate from) U.S. interests.



They were no longer adopting Japan’s formerly advanced products in a “harmonious intra-industrial division of labor,” but were engaging in a highly competitive race to stay ahead. To be sure, Japan remains an important economic partner. Moreover, Korea’s transition has been marked by continued U.S. pressure and severe crisis. Still, Seoul has achieved greater relative autonomy from U.S. political pressure and Japanese technological hegemony. Crucial to this process has been South Korea’s relationship with China.

Starting in 1991, Seoul and Beijing opened mutual trade offices, followed by full normalization of relations a year later. The realignment would spur a rapid boost in investment and trade over the next twenty years based on the obvious complementarities between the countries’ economies. Beyond the sheer size, proximity, and gravitational pull of the burgeoning Chinese market, it was a source of natural resources, cheap labor and low-cost consumer goods for the ROK’s technologically advanced, export-oriented economy. Conversely, the ROK served China as a lower cost competitor to Japan, providing both medium- and high technology-goods and significant foreign direct investment. By 2004, China surpassed the U.S. as South Korea’s largest trade partner. In 2012, China received 24.8 percent of the ROK’s exports and was the source of 15.5 percent of its imports, and export numbers are on the rise. Meanwhile, South Korea is China’s fifth largest export destination, third largest source of imports, and third largest source of FDI.

Seoul is most concerned with peace and stability on the peninsula, a view it shares with Beijing. As a result, both have begun to engage in greater strategic dialogue based on these shared priorities.


In broad stokes, then, the post-Cold War period has witnessed a sort of return to the significant historical affiliation between (South) Korea and China, yet with additional economic, political and even strategic ties. As a result, Seoul, the proverbial shrimp among whales, is caught between two crucial yet divergent relationships: a longstanding strategic alliance with the U.S. (and by extension Japan) and an economic, cultural and deep historical relationship with China.


ここらへん、中韓関係の歴史的 思想的 経済的 戦略的近親性を、しっかりとらえているのは偉いですね。

If historically Korea’s cultural achievements have been situated in a larger Sinitic order, Japan’s unique culture was formed outside of it.  .


Nevertheless, much like Korea, Japan’s modern history has been marked by abrupt changes triggered by larger external shifts in the international system. This is the result of Japan’s geostrategic location and its severe economic vulnerability, most notably its almost complete dependence on outside sources for raw materials and energy resources. Over its modern history Japan has attempted two separate grand strategies in search of security. First, it pursued its own empire in response to the fracturing of the Sino-centric order by Western Imperialisms, a strategy ending in firebombed cities, atomic assault, and foreign occupation. Second, following World War II it traded full sovereignty as an appendage of American power for protection and the freedom to pursue rapid economic growth.


Since the end of the Cold War and even before it, Japan has moved toward a more assertive role in the region. On the one hand, with the decline of its relative power and increased involvement elsewhere, Washington has pushed Tokyo to take on a greater share of its own defense. On the other hand, Japan’s emergent Heisei Generation, no longer under the shadow of Japan’s imperial and wartime past, is eager to take on a more “normal” role in the international system.


What would Tokyo do without Washington’s extended deterrence? The argument is often made that they would militarize even more vigorously, including the acquisition of nuclear weapons, thus spurring regional proliferation. However, it is hard to see how Tokyo could balance against China alone, and it would have a difficult time building a balancing coalition. Others in the region (read: South Korea) not only view balancing against China as counter to their national interests, but also remain profoundly skeptical of Japanese militarization. Japanese policymakers are not unaware of this dynamic.


Tokyo views the Japan-U.S. alliance as the “indispensable” deterrent, yet its concerns about having to go it alone spur it to get what it can while the protection remains. Unfortunately, this more assertive stance increases Beijing’s own sense of insecurity (for example, the U.S.-Japan missile defense system, while ostensibly directed against Pyongyang, lowers the deterrent value of Chinese missiles) and, in its estimation, justifies an assertive response. This then confirms U.S. concerns about an aggressive China, justifying its continued presence in the region to balance against the same. In short, the protection provided by the alliance permits Japanese behavior that exacerbates the very tensions and security dilemma it is supposed to protect against.


For Seoul, it is more interested in cooperation with Beijing, less amenable to serving as a strategic artery for Tokyo and Washington, and clearly circumspect regarding Tokyo’s moves toward collective self-defense. Even in the case of the DPRK, it is intent on taking greater ownership of the negotiating process and expanding the scope of priorities beyond just denuclearization. For Tokyo, it is searching for a role that more accurately reflects its status as one of the world’s premier powers. However, it is searching for this more normal identity while remaining subordinate to the U.S. Therefore, while Tokyo share’s Washington’s concern about China’s rise, U.S. protection prevents it from developing a policy all its own. In other words, one wonders if Prime Minister Shinzo Abe could be as assertive without the full backing of U.S. forces. Without such backing, a more cooperative engagement might be the only realistic and worthwhile option.











2014年02月12日 20時04分30秒 | Weblog





Europeans still believed that “whatever happens, we have got the Maxim gun, and they have not

2014年02月12日 18時25分00秒 | Weblog
The Fall of Singapore and Railway of Death
A new film remembers the end of Britain’s Asian Empire and a ‘complacent supremacy.’

By Franz-Stefan Gady
February 11, 2014

日本はアジアを善意で解放したわけではないが、シンガポールなど、白人をPukka sahib絶対的ご主人さま、と思っていたところでは、白人支配が、日本によって陥落したことで、その権威が戻ってくることはなかったはわけですね。


It was a hub of communications and a city of infinite ethnic fractions. Arabs, Armenians, Jews, Parsis, White Russians, and not least, the 3000-odd Japanese residents all contributed in their way to Singapore’s general obsession with technology and consumption…Singapore was obsessed with modernity.” At the same time, Singapore was home to the most racist of all British colonial regimes in Asia with strict, racially segregated quarters and little social interaction between the white elite and the rest of the population.


even well into the 1930s Europeans still believed that “whatever happens, we have got the Maxim gun, and they have not.”


whatever happens, we have got nuclear weapon, and they have not. 



Seventy-two years after the fall of Singapore, and the stories of survivors as well as pictures of the emaciated, raggedly clothed columns of half-dead European and Australian prisoners of war working in the jungle under Korean and Japanese guards, it may be hard to understand how utterly the world turned upside down for the inhabitants of Southeast Asia in 1942, where the white man was seen as godlike, invincible, and without reproach.

 白人が神様のように思われていた地域で、日本人と韓国人の看守のもとで、強制労働させれていたイギリスの生存者の話というわけですけど、 帝国のはしごを昇ろうとして、日本人も韓国人もいっしょに悪事をし、また、イギリス人も他の意味で悪事をしていたわけですから、いっしょに反省しましょうよ、第二次大戦前後について。


Winston Churchill wired his infamous telegram to General Wavell, the overall commander of allied operations in Southeast Asia:



2014年02月12日 17時38分35秒 | Weblog






2014年02月12日 16時17分55秒 | Weblog

2014.02.12(水) 古森 義久













 自由と民主主義、法の支配、多様性を標榜するアメリカは日本の良き仲間になりうるが、しかし、力を背景にした二重基準の押し付けなど狡いところもある。 全面的に頼りにしたら、足をすくわれる。


2014年2月10日   田中 宇




2014年02月12日 15時28分30秒 | Weblog
WEDNESDAY, FEB 12, 2014 01:36 AM +0900
20 amazing quotes from atheists that prove religion isn’t necessary for a meaningful life
Because belief in God isn't a prerequisite for finding joy and beauty in the world


Photographer Chris Johnson asked 100 atheists about what gives their lives joy and meaning. To some Christians the question is equivalent to asking an elephant where he gets his chocolate ice cream. The answers might surprise them even more. Themes include love and connection, compassion and service, legacy (leaving the world a little better), creativity and discovery, gratitude, transcendence, and wonder―all heightened by a sense that this one life is fleetingly transient and precious.

“In the theater you create a moment, but in that moment, there is a touch, a twinkle of eternity. And not just eternity, but community. . . . That connection is a sense of life for me.” – Teller, illusionist

· ”We are all given a gift of existence and of being sentient beings, and I think true happiness lies in love and compassion.” – Adam Pascal, musician and actor

· “Being engaged in some way for the good of the community, whatever that community, is a factor in a meaningful life. We long to belong, and belonging and caring anchors our sense of place in the universe.” – Patricia S. Churchland, neurophilosopher

· “For me the meaning of life, or the meaning in life, is helping people and loving people . . . The real joy for me is when someone comes up to me and they want to just sit down and share their struggle.” –Teresa MacBain, former minister

· “Joy is human connection; the compassion put into every moment of humanitarian work; joy is using your time to bring peace, relief, or optimism to others. Joy gives without the expectation―or wish―of reciprocity or gratitude. . . . Joy immediately loves the individual in need and precedes any calculation of how much the giver can handle or whom the giver can help.” – Erik Campano, emergency medicine

· “Raising curious, compassionate, strong, and loving children―teaching them to love others and helping them to see the beauty of humanity―that is the most meaningful and joyful responsibility we have.” – Joel Legawiec, pediatric nurse

· “Anytime I hear someone say that only humans have a thoughtful mind, a loving heart, or a compassionate soul, I have to think that person has never owned a dog or known an elephant.” – Aron Ra, Texas state director of American Atheists

· “I find my joy in justice and equality: in all creatures having opportunities for enjoyment and being treated with fairness, as we all wish and deserve to be treated. . . . While I enjoy the positive feelings of self-improvement, this fire pales compared to the feeling of joy that comes from having contributed something to the greater good.” – Lynnea Glasser, game developer

· “You’re like this little blip of light that lasts for a very brief time and you can shine as brightly as you choose.” – Sean Faircloth, author, lawyer, lobbyist

· “Play hard, work hard, love hard. . . .The bottom line for me is to live life to the fullest in the here-and-now instead of a hoped-for hereafter, and make every day count in some meaningful way and do something―no matter how small it is―to make the world a better place.” – Michael Shermer, founder and publisher, Skeptic Magazine

· “I hope to dissuade the cruel parts of the world from their self-imposed exile and persuade their audiences to understand that freedom is synonymous with life and that the world is a place of safety and of refuge.” – Faisal Saeed Al-Mutar, writer

· “I look around the world and see so many wonderful things that I love and enjoy and benefit from, whether it’s art or music or clothing or food and all the rest. And I’d like to add a little to that goodness.” – Daniel Dennett, philosopher and cognitive scientist

· “I thrive on maintaining a simple awe about the universe. No matter what struggles we are going through the miracles of existence continue on, forming and reforming patterns like an unstoppable kaleidoscope.” – Marlene Winell, human development consultant

· “Math . . . music .. . starry nights . . . These are secular ways of achieving transcendence, of feeling lifted into a grand perspective. It’s a sense of being awed by existence that almost obliterates the self. Religious people think of it as an essentially religious experience but it’s not. It’s an essentially human experience.” – Rebecca Newberger Goldstein, philosopher and novelist

· “There is joy in the search for knowledge about the universe in all its manifestations.” – Janet Asimov, psychiatrist

· “Science and reason liberate us from the shackles of superstition by offering us a framework for understanding our shared humanity. Ultimately, we all have the capacity to treasure life and enrich the world in incalculable ways.” – Gad Saad, professor of marketing

· “If you trace back all those links in the chain that had to be in place for me to be here, the laws of probability maintain that my very existence is miraculous. But then after however many decades, less than a hundred years, they disburse and I cease to be. So while they’re all congregated and coordinated to make me, then―and I speak her on behalf of all those trillions of atoms―I should really make the most of things.” – J




2014年02月12日 14時31分15秒 | Weblog
Japanese dolphin fishermen invite Kennedy to see hunt for herself

Previous ArticleYamanaka labels concerns over iPS cells as 'misconception'
Next ArticlePublications disparaging S. Korea, China hot sellers in Japan
February 11, 2014

The method (of killing) causes them no pain,” said Yoshifumi Kai of the Taiji Fishermen's Cooperative. “We would like Ambassador Kennedy to come and visit to see the hunt for herself.

Kai said fishermen in Taiji switched more than 10 years ago to a method that uses a 30-centimeter pick to kill them almost instantaneously.


What the Copenhagen Zoo forgot: Zoos should save, not kill
The killing of a giraffe there breaks what should be an inviolate contract: to protect the animals.
By The Times editorial board
February 11, 2014

More than ever, zoos are taking responsibility for the well-being of their animals, which means keeping them alive and healthy as long as possible. That's not what happened here. And what lesson does it teach the public about respecting and admiring wild animals when that education includes the killing and dismemberment of an animal?
Of course, the zoo's lions weren't about to turn into herbivores if they weren't fed giraffe meat; another animal would have died instead

But there is a difference between a zoo's responsibility toward domesticated animals, long raised for meat, and the commitment it should make toward its wild animals. The wilderness is a harsh place too, but at least the giraffe would have had a chance of escaping its predators there, rather than having its arbitrary death chosen for it.



Unlike domesticated animals, inhumanely raised for meat,only to be brutally killed, the dolphin enjoy freedom and would have had a chance of escaping its human predators there. Which is better for the well-being of the animals




WSJ Editor: Intoxicated Sexual Assault Victims Are as Guilty as Their Attackers

2014年02月12日 12時21分55秒 | Weblog
WSJ Editor: Intoxicated Sexual Assault Victims Are as Guilty as Their Attackers
James Taranto says that men are often unfairly accused, particularly when both men and women involved in the case were drinking.

WSJって、原爆による massacre に引用符つけるほど、田母神氏っぽいわけですが、酔っ払いた女性が強姦されるのは、強姦魔も悪いがその女性も同じくらい悪い という社説を書いているそうです。これも田母神氏っぽいですね。

Taranto's accusation that women who drink -- and then are forced to have sex against their will -- are not only equally at fault for their assault but are guilty of an equivalent crime takes victim blaming to a new and dangerous low.

Taranto's victim-blaming approach furthers his attempts to disingenuously redefine the problem of sexual assault as a problem of alcohol. The problem of sexual assault on college campuses, as elsewhere, is entirely a problem of sexual assault, in which a victim does not consent to sexual relations with the aggressor. Studies have shown that alcohol consumption doesn't cause sexual assault, nor does it serve as a defense

米兵の被害女性に「セカンドレイプ」 田母神氏ツイートに批判殺到
2012/10/22 18:54





 demonstrates a disturbing tolerance for gender discrimination


' faggot isn’t welcome'

2014年02月12日 12時14分19秒 | Weblog
Oklahoma restaurant won’t serve ‘freaks,’ ‘f*ggots,’ the disabled and welfare recipients
By Scott Kaufman
Friday, February 7, 2014 9:13 EST

A restaurant outside of Oklahoma City is facing criticism after its outspoken owner made a series of inflammatory comments after one of his former customers, who is disabled, complained that he’d been banned from the establishment.

Matt Gard claims that the owner of Gary’s Chicaros restaurant, Gary James, banned him from the restaurant because of his wheelchair. James, however, says otherwise: “He created an issue. You only have one time here. You create an issue, you’re out forever.”

Gard claims that’s just “a weak excuse,” and that James’s real problem with him is that he’s disabled and uses a wheelchair.

James doesn’t deny that he thinks some people shouldn’t patronize his restaurant. “Well if you work, you own a business, pay your taxes, you’re more than welcome here,” he told KFOR. “If you’re on welfare, stay at home and spend my money, there. I don’t deal with these people walking down the street with no jobs on welfare.”

Gard also claims that James has routinely turned away customers for decades. “He doesn’t like certain people of race, color, ethnicity,” Gard said of James.

James told KFOR that he’s owned Gary’s Chicaros for 44 years, so he “think[s] I can spot a freak or a f*ggot.”

The restaurant’s official t-shirt makes it clear that a “f*ggot” isn’t welcome in James’s establishment. It features that word, the N-word, and threatens violence against Muslims, Democrats, and members of many minority groups.

James says he is “proud” to wear the shirt: “I really don’t want gays around. Any man that would compromise his own body would compromise anything.”






2014年02月12日 11時03分38秒 | Weblog
Lying to your children - a guide for parents
White lies are an essential part of remaining a sane parent
The three rules of fibbing: Match the false fact to the age group
Avoid the coward's lie - the one you tell if you're too scared to say 'no'
And remember the fibs you've told
PUBLISHED: 23:10 GMT, 5 February 2014 | UPDATED: 00:09 GMT, 6 February 2014

New Furby 2012 - Overview



でも、日本だと、嘘も方便 という、そもそもは仏典が由来のことわざをもとに、日本は嘘つき文化 などとまじめに言っている人を Japan Times ではコラムニストとして雇っているんですよね。

なんでしょうね、Japan Timesも。