Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

The unluckiest people? 他

2011年01月27日 22時04分23秒 | Weblog
二重被爆者の記録映画、BBCに放送要請へ 長崎市





The Holocaust, Rwanda, Cambodia … survivors tell their stories
To mark the liberation of Auschwitz 66 years ago, five people who survived either the Holocaust or subsequent genocide talk about their mementos from that time

Emine Saner
guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 26 January 2011


Iby Knill, 87, lived in Bratislava, then in the former Czechoslovakia. She escaped to Hungary when the Nazis invaded, working for the resistance. She was arrested in 1942 and spent two years as a political prisoner, then on her release was rearrested and taken to Auschwitz.

 Iby Knill 87才 チェコスロバキアにいたがハンガリーに逃亡。1942年に逮捕され、釈放されれるも再び再逮捕されアウシュビッツへーーーーと、ここのところで  ( *´艸`)クスクス と 笑いがくるのがイギリスユーモアの精髄だという人がいる。

"We were in the last wagon taken to Auschwitz. I was taken on the day that was supposed to be my wedding day, 17 June.

(‐^▽^‐) オーホッホ  ( *´艸`)クスクス と笑いどころなのか?イギリスユーモアによれば?

でも、お元気そうで、その意味ではラッキー(^_^)v とかーーーやるのかね?

Martha Blend, 81, was born in Austria. An only child, she escaped to England in 1939, aged nine, on the Kindertranspor

my father had died at Buchenwald in 1939, shortly after I left. My mother was put into a ghetto in Vienna in 1941 or 1942, and then sent to Poland – I imagine to Auschwitz. I look at my autograph book from time to time.

 Martha Blend 81才



 その後アウシュビッツにつれていかれた?ーーーとかいって ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ_彡☆バンバン! と 笑うのがイギリスのユーモアの精髄なのだろうか?

 でも、ご本人は、お元気そうで、その意味ではラッキー(^_^)v とかーーーやるのかね?



HOLOCAUST | 27.01.2011
Roma take center stage in Berlin on Holocaust Memorial Day

The Roma community will for the first time be the guest of honor at official Holocaust Memorial Day commemorations in Germany, after a long battle for recognition for Sinti and Roma victims of Nazi persecution.

Historians estimate that between 220,000 and 500,000 Roma and Sinti were killed by the Nazis, out of a total population of around one million in Europe before World War II.



Indonesian soldiers 'found guilty'
Three soldiers whose torure of Papuan farmers last May has been caught on camera are sentenced to "insubordination".
Last Modified: 24 Jan 2011


Thailand's tropical gulag
People & Power investigates the conflict in southern Thailand which is now in its seventh year.
People & Power Last Modified: 20 Jan 2011


Yee: Racist Statements, Death Threats Need To Stop

SAN FRANCISCO: State Senator Yee Calls For Investigation Into Racist...
Posted: 9:48 pm PST January 26, 2011
Updated: 11:15 pm PST January 26, 2011

SAN FRANCISCO -- State Sen. Leland Yee said at a San Francisco news conference Wednesday that threatening messages sent to his office via fax, text message and email need to stop, and that the messages have made him disappointed in the country.
"I thought our country and our community were a lot better than this," Yee, D-San Francisco, said at an afternoon news conference in the Hiram Johnson building at 455 Golden Gate Ave.
He received a fax from an unknown sender Wednesday, which made racist comments and called Yee a Marxist.
"Rush Limbaugh will kick your Ch--k a-- and expose you for the fool you are," part of the memo said.
Yee and state Assemblyman Paul Fong, D-Cupertino, previously demanded an apology from conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, who mimicked the president of China on his Jan. 19 show.


Ch--k a-- というからなにかと思ったら、ググると、Chink ass ということなんだね。中国人に対する蔑称らしい。


Limbaugh Parrots Racist Mock Language for Asians
By Joe

Hu Jintao ― he was speaking and they weren’t translating. They normally translate every couple of words. Hu Jintao was just going ching chong, ching chong cha.

He continued for a bit more with this mocking stereotyped dialect. This is the type of stereotyped mocking that all too many schoolchildren―mainly white children–do on the playground, and apparently in this regard Limbaugh is living out what he learned as a nine or ten year old on the playground. He is not alone in this racist mocking, as I note here is this passage from a recent book:
Asian American children and adults often are forced to endure hostile mocking such as: “Ching chong Chinaman sitting on a rail, along came a white man and snipped off his tail”; “Ah so. No tickee, No washee. So sorry, so sollee”; and “Chinkee, Chink, Jap, Nip, zero, Dothead . . . Flip, Hindoo.” A Toledo radio station’s white disc-jockey recently phoned Asian restaurants using mock-Asian speech, including “ching, chong chung” and “me speakee no English.” On her talk show prominent comedian Rosie O’Donnell repeatedly used “ching chong” to mock Chinese speech.
Such language stereotyping and mocking has long been part of the dominant racial frame and has been directed not only at Asian Americans but also earlier at African, Native, and Latino Americans. This hostile language mocking is usually linked to other important racialized images that whites hold of those Americans of color they often oppress.
Language researcher Rosina Lippi-Green has noted a very important point about such routinized mocking: “Not all foreign accents, but only accent linked to skin that isn’t white . . . evokes such negative reactions.



十把一絡げにしてしまえば、”黒人”風の英語の発音をかっちょいいと思って日本人が真似ることも顰蹙もので、また、KEN TANAKA が日本人風の日本語を真似ることも顰蹙もの、ということになる。






Health Insurance Rates Continue to Surge Up, Up
Blue Shield of California to increase policies up to 59 percent.


2 Cents May Mean the Difference Between Receiving Lifesaving Surgery or Not
Vet Cannot Afford the Stem Cell Transplant He Needs After Losing His Insurance Over a 2 Cent Error -- When Questioned Ceridian Reinstates Insurance

152 comments By BEN FORER
Jan. 26, 2011


Man Fired for Wearing Green Bay Packers Tie
Chicago car salesman John Stone defends his decision to wear the tie at work.


Ohio Mom Kelley Williams-Bolar Jailed for Sending Kids to Better School District
Judge Sentenced Mother Convicted of Falsifying Residency Records to 10 Days in Jail

Jan. 26, 201




2011年01月27日 02時36分54秒 | Weblog

Civil liberty campaigners fear 'control orders lite' regime
Compromise measures to end virtual house arrest and internal exile unlikely to go far enough, say

Alan Travis, home affairs editor
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 25 January 2011

Control orders are currently imposed on eight British terror suspects who cannot be prosecuted in the courts. It is expected that the reforms will include: ending virtual house arrest by limiting 16-hour curfews to an overnight residence order; an end to internal exile by scrapping relocation orders that force suspects to move to another city; and give them limited access to mobiles and the internet.



Russia fails to come to grips with growing tide of racism
Ultra-nationalists define themselves with the slogan: 'Russia for the Russians'

Marie Jégo
Guardian Weekly, Tuesday 25 January 2011

Egana Gassanova, 45, is an assistant cook in a restaurant in the Arbat district of Moscow. Born in Azerbaijan, a Muslim, Turkish-speaking country on the shores of the Caspian, she obtained citizenship after 11 years in the capital. "I am Russian," she says, showing us her passport.

Every evening at about 10pm, Gassanova takes the metro home to Moscow's south-east suburbs. One Saturday last December she barely noticed the youths sitting opposite her in the carriage. "They started throwing paper pellets at me. I looked the other way. Then the insults started: 'Bitch! Filthy black! The least we should do is kill people like you.' I burst into tears. I tried to get out at the Tekstil'shchiki stop but by the time I got to the doors they had shut," she says.

The six youths gathered round and started hitting her. Dazed, with a cut above one of her eyes, she managed to escape. "I got out at Kuzminki and they stayed behind. I heard them laughing," Gassanova adds.

None of the other passengers reacted.
"During the 11 years I've lived here people have always been nice – the neighbours, my workmates, the staff at my daughter's school. Where do they come from, these kids full of hate?" she wonders.

According to the Sova Centre, an NGO that researches racial discrimination in Russia, 37 people were killed and 368 injured in 2010. The defining slogan for the ultra-nationalist groups, whose ideas have infiltrated government institutes, sports clubs and youth organisations, is: "Down with non-Slavs, Russia for the Russians".

The debate took an unexpected turn with a proposal by a senior representative of the Russian Orthodox church. Father Vsevolod Chaplin raised the idea of a national dress code, particularly for women, as a contribution to social harmony.

At a round table on inter-ethnic relations, he said a woman wearing a miniskirt "can provoke not only a man from the Caucasus but a Russian man as well. If she is drunk on top of that, she will provoke him even more."

He added that many Russian women went out "'painted like a clown" and "confuse the street with striptease". Wearing ample black robes, Father Chaplin did not explain what sort of dress code he advocated for women.

His remarks prompted feminist petitions and a public outcry.

This article originally appeared in Le Monde


The rhetoric of fear feeds terror
An attempted bombing, likely by the far right, is hardly reported – a sign of how far liberals have been silenced after Tucson

Amanda Marcotte
guardian.co.uk, Monday 24 January 2011

It should have been a national story with heavy coverage. The hook, on its face, seems tailor-made for breathless coverage: last week in Spokane, Washington state, a suspected rightwing terrorist attempts to murder multiple parade-goers who are out to celebrate the life of an American hero killed by a rightwing terrorist 43 years ago. The talking heads would have an endless series of important-sounding questions to ask – with "political vitriol" and "hate", no doubt, figuring highly. Experts in counterterrorism, hate groups and racial politics could be brought on as guests, alongside shocked near-victims of this thwarted bombing, which FBI officials have described as sophisticated and potentially able to kill numerous people.

Other attempts, which had far less chance of going off, receive heavy coverage, so why did the national news media give the attempted bombing at the Spokane MLK Day parade such cursory amount of coverage?

The answer lies in looking at which two national news organisations did give the story the coverage it deserves, MSNBC and the Huffington Post. Yep, that's right: the two liberal outlets. Everyone else was afraid or unwilling to give the story any oxygen – even though doing so could help catch the perpetrators by publicising the reward the FBI is offering.

右翼に殺害された英雄を記念するパレード中、右翼テロリストが数人を殺害しようとした事件があったが、大手のメディアは報道せず、全国紙ではNBCとHuffington Post のリベラル紙だけがとりあげた、と。

Interestingly, our instincts are not necessarily off the mark. We do not know yet whether the shooter's mental health status will be a matter at issue in his trial, but we do know that Jared Lee Loughner was heavily invested in fringe rightwing conspiracy theories and is apparently a misogynist who echoes many extreme right beliefs about women.



As David Neiwert has documented in his extensive research of these groups, rightwing extremists justify themselves by telling themselves they speak for the community at large, saying those things they believe others believe, but are afraid to say. So, the further right the mainstream gets, the more emboldened the fringe right becomes.

Which means that if someone like Glenn Beck creates rogues gallery where eight of the nine people listed are Jews, overly antisemitic groups will see this as a coded signal of support for them. It's the same story with accusing President Obama of being unAmerican or a socialist – racist groups pick up on this as further evidence they speak for those who are afraid to be overtly racist. It's not hard, from there, to feel that now is the time to strike – perhaps by bombing an antiracism event.


(狂信的な活動家が rogues gallery を開設しているところは興味深い。)

Red State is the mainstream right; editor Erick Erickson is a regular guest on CNN. In this post, the authors threaten insurrection against the government if they don't get their way on abortion laws.

"The reason for this is simple: once before, our nation was forced to repudiate the supreme court with mass bloodshed. We remain steadfast in our belief that this will not be necessary again, but only if those committed to justice do not waiver or compromise, and send a clear and unmistakable signal to their elected officials of what must be necessary to earn our support.

Aside from the hilarious attempt to imply that the Confederacy started the civil war to repudiate slavery (it was, in fact, to defend it), this is a chilling passage. Especially in light of the fact that violence to protest abortion is one of the most common, ongoing forms of domestic terrorism




さるまね ほか

2011年01月27日 01時08分37秒 | Weblog
猿のまねポーズ 韓国選手に賛否 サッカー・アジア杯



Japan vs South Korea 2-2 (3-0 Penalty) Ki Sung-Yong Penalty Goal 2011 Asian Cup Semi Finals

<アジア杯>奇誠庸が“猿セレモニー”釈明 「旭日旗にカッとなった」

기성용 ‘욱’하게 만든 욱일승천기, 축구장 등장 無개념

뉴스엔 | 뉴스엔 | 입력 2011.01.26 14:12




Japan Probeコメント欄より

Inaccurate Photos Used to Defend Korean Soccer Player’s “Monkey” Taunt
What I hate about Australia Day

David Koch



I hate blonde-haired, blue-eyed yobbos prancing about in the Australian flag who intimidate people who don’t look like them.

I hate the drunk bloke who told me in Chinatown the other night that I had the personality of a rubber glove (fair enough, that’s his view) but then turns to my Sri Lankan-born son-in-law and says the problem with this country is “the coloureds”.

You know how you can sometimes be haunted by your inaction? I have been ever since. Because I was so gobsmacked by the comment I said nothing as he walked away.

I wish I’d told this ignorant bastard that he was an arrogant so-and-so and that if the truth be known we’re all migrants to this country.


Grew here, flew here… what matters is what you DO here

Jason Tin





State of the Union 2011(英語) - 映像も。


民主化求めエジプト反政府デモ、当局と衝突 3人死亡



Three dead in Egypt protests
Police disperse crowd of thousands in Cairo at night, while two protesters and a police officer have died.
Last Modified: 25 Jan 2011


30,000 pupils branded as bigots: Teachers log 'racist' and 'homophobic' jibes in playground squabbles, even at nursery
Last updated at 11:45 PM on 17th January 2011

More than 10,000 primary school pupils in a single year have been labelled racist or homophobic over minor squabbles.
Even toddlers in nursery classes are being penalised for so-called hate crimes such as using the words ‘white trash’ or ‘gaylord

They show 29,659 racist incidents reported by schools to local education authorities in England and Wales. Of these, 10,436 were at primary schools and 41 at nursery schools.

Birmingham City Council had the highest number of any authority, with 1,607 racist incidents, compared with only two each in the Vale of Glamorgan and Hartlepool.
In the majority of cases, the ‘racist’ spats involved mere name-calling.
Yet in 51 cases police became involved, with Hertfordshire schools turning to officers for help in 38 incidents, according to the Manifesto Club report which will be published shortly.
A spotlight on just 15 LEAs discovered 341 homophobic incidents logged by schools in 2008-9, including 120 at primaries. A staggering 112 such incidents were reported in Barnet, North London.

だが、子供の喧嘩で例えば、そうした罵倒語がでたからといって、すぐに人種差別のレッテルを貼るのはいかがなものか?と。調査・報告方法に問題があるのではないか? と。(いじめ)

(小学生のころから、whitetrash 云々なんて言っているんですかね?)


Hideously diverse Britain: Are the kids all right?
The Daily Mail would have us believe measures to record racism in school are wrong. But that misses the point: there is a problem that needs addressing

Hugh Muir
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 25 January 2011 21.00

I talk to Thelma, a friend who runs an inner-city primary school. She's always level-headed about these things and she thinks the reporting procedures are pretty sensible. "You want to know what is going on; what is happening and where, who it is happening to, who is doing it, what time of day; what's the pattern."

It's not about branding anyone a bigot, she says. It's a necessary evil. "For the most part, the children aren't the problem. It's the parents. It's eastern European children saying they won't play with black or Asian children because their parents told them not to. It's kids hurling insults they can only have heard from their parents. If you know what's happening, you can deal with them – you see the big picture."

Terry works in a comprehensive. "Antisemitic stuff is big right now," he says wearily. "I think that's the effect of Gaza. That's coming from the parents. 'Gay' is massively derogatory and used quite casually. You try the moral approach. Then all you can do is point out that if they say this stuff in the street, they could get arrested."


Almost half of Canadians feel racism on the rise: Survey


The survey, exploring experiences with racism in Canada, shows contrasting views.

For example, 65 per cent of Canadians in this survey said whites and visible minorities are treated equally in their workplaces. However, Canadians were almost evenly split on whether racism is a growing problem in the country.

This survey, of about 1,700 Canadians taken in September, showed 46 per cent feel racism is on the rise. Slightly less ― 45 per cent ― disagreed. The results were considered representative of the Canadian population within 2.4 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

Asked if they'd witnessed a racist incident in the last year, 38 per cent of Canadians in this survey said yes.

Ayman Al-Yassini, executive director of the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, said such results reflect a heightened awareness among Canadians about racial issues.

"The reality is that Canadians are more aware of the whole issue of racism and discrimination than other countries," he said.

Jack Jedwab, executive director of the Association of Canadian Studies, agreed. He pointed out that while results from a U.S. version of the survey showed the same proportion feeling racism is a growing problem, the breakdowns within different ethnic categories produced some interesting variations between the countries.

Canadians in this survey were categorized as English, French or allophone, the last of which would be most likely to include visible minorities. Half of English Canadians thought racism was a growing problem, while that proportion was at about 40 per cent for both francophones and allophones.

In the U.S., people were categorized as whites, blacks or Hispanics. Among blacks and Hispanics, more than 55 per cent saw racism as a growing problem, while just 44 per cent of whites did.

Almost half of Canadians feel racism on the rise: Survey




25 January 2011 Last updated at 22:08 GMT Share this pageFacebookTwitterShareEmailPrint
Canadians 'support more troops to defend Arctic claims'



25 January 2011 Last updated at 17:35 GMT Share this pageFacebookTwitterShareEmailPrint
Gorch Fock case: German navy cadets 'mistreated'

German navy 'mutiny' investigated
A senior German MP has said that he has been told of "many distasteful things" on board a naval training ship at the centre of mutiny allegations.
