Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2009年11月23日 20時36分27秒 | Weblog

Andrew Smallacombe Says:
November 23rd, 2009 at 5:36 pm

What we don’t hear about is the ethnic backgrounds of Rikidozan, Masatatsu Oyama, Taiho, Wada Akiko and the like.
Anna Umemiya got bullied in the schoolground for her ethnic background (or lack thereof), but we don’t hear about that on TV…






本 みにくいあひるの子だった私 梅宮アンナ





捨てられた花嫁たち など 2

2009年11月23日 19時44分27秒 | Weblog

An undertow of hate
Tracing three decades of bigotry in the United States

By Michael Washburn
Globe Correspondent / August 30, 2009

The many voices of hate
America's white supremacists may be riddled with competing factions but their vile ideas still seep into the mainstream

Michael Lisman
guardian.co.uk, Sunday 22 November 2009

Obama's political progress, coupled with the faltering economy, has stoked the anxious racial panic of the country's most myopic, hateful citizens. As the Southern Poverty Law Centre, the department for homeland security [PDF] and the FBI, have noted, the last 12 months has seen the largest rise in hate group enrollment since the early 1990s


As the Southern Poverty Law Centre has noted, one of the disturbing hallmarks of this recent surge in hate group activity is the "extent to which it has gained support form elected officials and mainstream media outlets." The names are familiar – Glenn Beck, Rick Perry, David Duke, Pat Buchanan, and, until his unexpected departure from CNN, Lou Dobbs are but a few of the mainstream politicians and pundits ensorcelled by this noxious politics. The conspiracy theories and sophistical arguments endorsed by these men display alarming fidelity with those circulated by multiple hate groups. Beck, in particular, spews an anti-government, anti-minority rhetoric that members of the "patriot" movement, one of the loose signifiers attached to some of these groups, must find refreshingly familiar. Lest we forget, Beck's loyal Fox News audience numbers in the millions.


 日本の差別主義者の議論というのは、議論というよりも、「氏ね氏ね ○○人」「○○人はアホ」「○○人は出て行け」といった稚拙で、幼稚な差別主義者が多いが、やっぱ、むこうさんの人は差別の仕方も先進国のせいか、洗練され、高度になっている。



23 November 2009

New Indian brides abandoned by British Asian husbands

Four years ago, the secondary school teacher married a British man in a wedding arranged by relatives.

"In hindsight, it was like being a prostitute you take along and have a good time with and then leave behind.
"When he returned to England, there would be no communication. A month before he was due to come back, he established contact again.・・・

"There are 15,000 to 20,000 abandoned brides in India," she said.

In India these women are called "holiday brides" and Mrs Kaur believes British Asian grooms account for a third of all such cases.・・・

The youngest of these "holiday brides" were barely out of their teens.

"When the marriage date was fixed he asked for around £12,000 so my parents sold our house, to give him the money," she said.

After Rani's marriage, her in-laws demanded more cash, but her parents could not pay, and she was dumped.
"After marriage, they physically and mentally tortured me.
"He made me abort my baby, then they threw me out of their house."・・・・

The British government's Forced Marriages Unit says it has been dealing with a rising number of forced marriage cases involving British men.
In India, legal action against missing British grooms is a complex and lengthy process.・・・・





捨てられた花嫁たち など

2009年11月23日 19時43分35秒 | Weblog

ソマリア、子どもの権利条約批准へ 残るは米のみ




子どもの権利条約 締約国

Convention on the Rights of the Child


organized gangで、ニュースをググってみた。

Police Struggle to Navigate New Gang Landscape

Published: November 21, 2009(NYT)

Gang violence as a percentage of total homicides has barely budged, however. Of the 384 killings in Chicago from January to October, nearly 36 percent were found to have a gang-related motive, according to police statistics.

During the same period last year, 37 percent of the city’s 442 killings were gang related, police statistics show.

In all, more than 60 percent of the killings this year have involved a victim or an offender with a known gang association or a gang-related motive. Police officials did not measure this statistic in 2008.

The superintendent and his team faced an intriguing new challenge. Past crackdowns by the police had created a shifting landscape in the world of street gangs; as an older generation of gang leaders was put behind bars, the sociology of gangs changed, spawning fragmentation and turf wars.

With no leadership to enforce discipline, once-petty arguments over dice games or girlfriends quickly escalated into violent and even fatal attacks, making enforcement particularly tough

The program does little to combat the deeply rooted social developments that give rise to the prevalence of urban gangs.

“You’ve had a war on gangs for 40 years,” Mr. Hagedorn said. “It’s the same basic kind of strategy.”

Mr. Weis’s approach relies in part on rallying the community against gang violence. But community resolve often wilts in the face of attacks like the one that ended the life of Denonte Williams. He was found dead on a sidewalk after a 3:20 a.m. drive-by attack on the South Side.

Shenicka Sturghil, the cousin of another victim killed by a street gang, expressed her despair at a South Shore community meeting last month.

“I’m paranoid, scared to stand at a bus stop,” Ms. Sturghil said. “I might get gunned down.”


Retail Industry Presses Congress to Pass Bills to Fight Organized Retail Crime
By Matthew Harwood
11/04/2009 -

Calls for Congress to act came during a teleconference organized by the Coalition Against Organized Retail Crime, which stressed how important federal law enforcement is to fighting organized retail crime (ORC) on the eve of a congressional hearing on the same topic.

The practice consists of gangs stealing large volumes of merchandise from retailers which they then turn around and sell at pawnshops, flea markets, and online marketplaces, like eBay.

“ORC is not what is commonly known as shoplifting,” said Frank Muscato, an investigator for the drug store chain Walgreens. “It is not opportunistic theft for merchandise like food, clothing, sundries, or music that are often stolen for personal use.”


Our View: Time to own up to the gangs problem
Threat posed by gangs is worse than publicity issues
NOVEMBER 22, 2009

Although the threat posed by gangs in the Salisbury area and across the Lower Shore is increasing, as evidenced by such recent incidents as a thwarted school bus shooting and a fight at James M. Bennett High School, the very notion that rural Delmarva could be having a "gang problem" can be difficult to grasp. It's more comfortable to live in denial about the issue, or worse, to begin to blame the messenger.

The fears are mostly valid. Gang members commit violent crimes, including murder. They also engage in drug trafficking, assault members of rival gangs and don't care who gets caught in the crossfire. They aggressively recruit new members, targeting children at surprisingly young ages.

Because of gangs, residents of affected neighborhoods live in constant fear. Many of them are more terrified of the consequences of "snitching" to police than they are of living with the gangs.

But most of that activity is limited to the vicinity where a gang is based or conducts business. Therefore, residents of quieter neighborhoods are not directly aware of the growth and spread of this societal cancer. Upon reading crime reports and news stories, they blame police and courts for being too lax and failing to contain this threat.

When the evidence becomes too much to ignore, such as recent incidents reported in the news, some people accuse the media of sensationalizing the threat. They respectfully request that the media stop making public the connection between their community and gangs, because once that word gets out, people might stop moving to the area and new businesses may choose to locate elsewhere as a result.

Salisbury's gangs are not yet fully matured into sophisticated and well-organized entities like those found in major urban centers like Chicago, Los Angeles or New York City. This alone is reason to jump on the opportunity to disrupt them before it reaches that point and becomes far more difficult to eradicate them. But that fact also makes it easier to deny their existence or the threat they pose.


Gangland slayings drive up Canada's murder rate
(AFP) – Oct 28, 2009

OTTAWA ― Gangland slayings pushed up Canada's otherwise declining murder rate by two percent last year, Statistics Canada said Wednesday.
The government agency said police reported 611 homicides in Canada in 2008, 17 more than the previous year.
The rise was "due almost entirely" to murders in western British Columbia and Alberta provinces, "much of which was gang-related," said the government agency.


Location, justice system, banks make Vancouver ideal place for crime: RCMP

VANCOUVER - What makes Vancouver a great place to live is also what makes it a good place for crime, one of the Lower Mainland’s top cops told municipal representatives and others at the Vancouver Board of Trade’s Metro forum.

Vancouver is one hour from the United States, “the largest illegal drug-consuming nation in the world,” said Peter German, district commander for the Lower Mainland with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. It has one of the largest ports for trade with Asia in the world, a large airport and excellent banks with branches around the world including offshore locations, he told the forum.

B.C. also has a liberal criminal justice system and a fairly liberal approach to illegal drugs. “On top of that we have a lot of diasporas, strong ethnic communities which make this a place we want to live [and] really make the Lower Mainland unique,” German said. “But we also have unique organized-crime trends in a lot of communities. And I include the Caucasian community because we happen to be home to five Hells Angels clubs, the largest number in one metropolitan area anywhere in the world,” he said.




 ヤクザ山口組vsベンジャミン・フルフォード 1/4 .Youtube
BenjaminFulford : 山口組の本部に行ってきました



2009年11月23日 11時40分07秒 | Weblog

【経済ニュース】 V 2009/11/20(金)サーチナ


via 世の生さん
