Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2019年09月11日 16時39分32秒 | Weblog


「反省も謝罪もない不良国家日本打倒!」「日本の経済侵略に対抗して、学生に植民地支配を教える授業をします」「NO ボイコットジャパン 歴史歪曲、経済侵略、韓半島の平和妨害 安倍政権と賦役者自由韓国党は地球から出ていけ」「歴史歪曲、平和妨害、経済報復 日本アウト! 植民支配 精算しよう」「ボイコットジャパン 行きません 買いません 歴史的真実を否定する日本打倒!」



対韓情報戦 主戦場は英語圏 South Korean Duties on Japanese Valves Violate Rules

2019年09月11日 16時37分34秒 | Weblog
櫻田 淳

‥ この件、韓国政府は、「自分のほうが勝った」と主張しているのらしい。


South Korean Duties on Japanese Valves Violate Rules, WTO Finds
By Bryce Baschuk


WTO rules for Japan in anti-dumping case with South Korea

2019年09月11日 07時32分43秒 | Weblog
WTO rules for Japan in anti-dumping case with South Korea

WTO、韓国のバルブ課税措置に是正勧告 日本の勝訴確定


2019年09月11日 07時21分05秒 | Weblog

PSV Eindhoven apologizes for using design of Japan's Rising Sun flag
PSV Eindhoven apologies to S. Korean fans for use of Rising Sun flag
Posted on : Sep.9,2019 17:44





N.Korea will set an example for rogue states.

2019年09月11日 06時57分34秒 | Weblog
In Talks With North Korea, U.S. Faces New Chessboard
Missile tests and strained alliances complicate the path to nuclear deal

 “We may have to accept that they are a nuclear-weapons state but exert enough influence to lower the danger they represent,” Mr. McLaughlin said. “Not sure we would be able to stomach that. But it may be reality.”


ーー 要するに、北朝鮮が核保有国になっても、アメリカの安全が確保されりゃいいってわけでしょうね。



2019年09月11日 06時46分08秒 | Weblog
Rejecting Retreat


Americans may be searching for a new way to make sense of the world. But the 2019 Chicago Council Survey demonstrates that retreating from the world, abdicating international leadership, and abandoning alliances and global institutions is not what the American public has in mind.


Don't let Japan be drawn into conflict that comes to Korea.

2019年09月11日 06時36分20秒 | Weblog
September 8, 2019
The U.S. Military Needs a 'Rapid Deployment' Task Force
U.S. and Japanese forces should create a Standing Combined Maritime Joint Task Force as a platform and laboratory for rapid development of capabilities and capacity.

by Wallace C. Gregson

The region’s issues and the range of deployed weapons systems in China and North Korea will ensure that Taiwan and Japan are drawn into any conflict that comes to Korea






War on liberalism

2019年09月11日 05時31分18秒 | Weblog


In the context of political philosophy, liberalism refers to a school of thought that takes freedom, consent, and autonomy as foundational moral values. Liberals agree that it is generally wrong to coerce people, to seize control of their bodies or force them to act against their will (though they disagree among themselves on many, many whys and hows of the matter).

Given that people will always disagree about politics, liberalism’s core aim is to create a generally acceptable mechanism for settling political disputes without undue coercion — to give everyone a say in government through fair procedures, so that citizens consent to the state’s authority even when they disagree with its decisions.

Those on the left argue that liberalism’s failures were eminently predictable, the inevitable product of contradictions within liberalism long identified by critics in the Marxist tradition — that between the liberal commitment to egalitarian democracy and a vision of the market as a zone of individual freedom.

“Here is what we need to understand: a hell of a lot of people are in pain. Under neoliberal policies of deregulation, privatisation, austerity and corporate trade, their living standards have declined precipitously,” leftist author Naomi Klein writes in the Guardian.

 Liberalism’s core error, in this view, comes from a mistake in its vision of democracy. Liberals support democracy as a matter of principle, believing that individuals have a right to shape decisions that affect their lives in deep and important ways. But liberals curiously excludes parts of economic life from this zone of collective self-determination, seeing the market as a place where people have individual but not collective rights. Liberalism sees nothing wrong with the heads of Amazon and Facebook making decisions that have implications for the entire economy.

 So long as capitalists are free from democratic constraint, leftists argue, liberal democracy is on dangerous footing. The super-rich use the power their accumulated wealth provides to influence political life, rearranging policy to protect and expand their fortunes.

 “In describing my own political trajectory, I often talk about my parents’ liberal politics, and my own journey of discovery, through which I concluded that their liberal ideals couldn’t be achieved by liberal means, but required something more radical, and more Marxist,” Frase writes. “That’s what I’d call socialism, or even communism, which for me is the ultimate horizon.”

Actual people are embedded inside social relations and identities — most notably, family, faith, and community — without which they lack meaning and purpose. Liberalism elevates the will of the individual at the expense of these pre-political bonds.

“For decades now our politics and culture have been dominated by a particular philosophy of freedom,” Hawley writes in an essay published by Christianity Today. “It is a philosophy of liberation from family and tradition, of escape from God and community, a philosophy of self-creation and unrestricted, unfettered free choice.”

 The pursuit of profit erodes social ties, creating incentives for people to pursue their self-interest rather than build families or embed themselves in communities

 “The political project of liberalism is shaping us into...increasingly separate, autonomous, non-relational selves replete with rights and defined by our liberty, but insecure, powerless, afraid, and alone,” Deneen, probably the sharpest of these conservative anti-liberals, writes in his book Why Liberalism Failed.
  Liberalism can only truly tolerate belief systems that cohere with its vision of freedom, and will actively attempt to stamp out worldviews that it concludes are hostile to that ideal. In the right anti-liberal imaginary, liberal tolerance is fundamentally intolerant.

Hence attempts to force Hobby Lobby’s insurance to cover birth control and Christian bakers to make cakes for gay weddings
 So if liberalism is a mortal threat to the West, what’s the right-wing alternative?

There are, broadly speaking, two schools of thought: localism and nationalism.

 So if liberalism is a mortal threat to the West, what’s the right-wing alternative?

There are, broadly speaking, two schools of thought: localism and nationalism.

The first of these unsatisfying arguments, which I associate most closely with Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker, is that the narrative of a world in crisis is simply wrong. On every conceivable metric, the world is getting better — extreme poverty is declining, life expectancy is going up, deaths from war and violence are on the decline. If things are generally doing well, where’s the need for radical change?

But most fundamentally, liberalism’s defenders need to meet people where they are. And Pinker’s metrics notwithstanding, a lot of people really feel like the political status quo is failing them. The illiberals are explaining why that is; liberals are trying to talk them out of it. This won’t work, no matter how many statistics on infant mortality in sub-Saharan Africa liberals marshal.

 The second unsatisfying liberal argument is that liberalism may not be perfect, but it has a long history of repairing itself.

 But saying that liberalism can repair itself isn’t the same thing as explaining how it can do so right now. The victory of the suffragettes is cold comfort for women fighting for equal pay; claiming that liberalism abolished Jim Crow does nothing to tell us how it will fix the new Jim Crow.

The third and final unsatisfying liberal response, the one that frustrates me the most, is lashing out at the wrong enemies.

 The obsessive focus on a handful of overeager college organizers and professors is a mistake; it obscures the undeniable fact that organization around group identity has helped create a number of vital political movements that are defending liberalism’s central component parts.

Think about the Movement for Black Lives, dedicated to liberal ideals of equal citizenship and non-coercion. Think about the fact that roughly 4 million Americans around the country turned out for the 2017 Women’s Marches, using a call for women’s equality as means of organizing against Trump’s threat to American democracy more broadly.

Think about the #MeToo movement’s role in fighting back against a pervasive source of unfreedom and inequality. Think about the backlash to Trump’s travel ban and family separations, how young people around the world are using their generational identity to mobilize around climate change, and how laws aimed at repressing minority voters have become a rallying cry for the defense of free and fair elections.














 しかし、black lives matter 黒人の命は大切だ! #MeTo #私もやられた 運動などは、特定のアイデンティティーの人たち不遇の経験に基づいて、その権利強化のために、リベラルが理想としている自由や平等の実現に一役買っており、一概に批判されるべきものでもない。









2019年09月10日 22時05分04秒 | Weblog

池田 信夫
5時間前 ·


2019年09月10日 16時45分57秒 | Weblog
Hazama Hisatakeさんがリツイート


 例えば、祖父が被爆し、祖父は原爆憎し、アメリカ憎しだったとして、原爆を体験もしない平和の世代に生まれた若者たちが、世界の図柄のなから星印、縞模様みつけて、帝国主義の象徴だ! 大量虐殺の象徴だあ!とやっていたら・・・・その国で毎日のように文化的に洗脳され、あるいは精神病のようにならないとそんなふうにはなるまい。




ROCKET MAN fires two projectiles just hours after he offers to re-start nuke talks

2019年09月10日 08時35分25秒 | Weblog
ROCKET MAN North Korea fires two projectiles just hours after despot Kim Jong-un offers to re-start nuke talks

北朝鮮、飛翔体を2発発射 米韓軍が動向監視


2019年09月10日 03時53分32秒 | Weblog







2019年09月10日 03時46分06秒 | Weblog


いずれにせよ、ちょっとググると、東京新聞毎日新聞 朝日新聞は支持ないし応援しているようですがね。



2019年09月10日 03時16分11秒 | Weblog






2019年09月10日 03時10分51秒 | Weblog
Dr. OKUYAMA Masashiさんがリツイート
