

心臓外科 卒後教育 留学...

2007年07月26日 | English
I have been afraid that you have not had a proper education system especially regarding surgical training for young cardiac surgeons.

Although I had been aware of it since I used to work in a certain Japanese University hospital, unfortunately I am meeting similar situation necessarily. In sprite of that a Japanese doctor is supposed to be coming and joining our team, which was obvious from several months ago, my professor did not have any concrete plan of clinical practice and experimental study for him. After a young doctor emerged he tried to manage somehow to make new post graduate education program or to change it, but it is still pretty obscure seemed only a sort of pretending.

When I came here I also did not have any concrete plan and routine works, but I have been getting lots of opportunity to do or assist in cardiac operations thanks to kind a couple of professors. I have to admit sometimes to tolerate unwilling circumstances with my patient. Accidentally no other clinical fellow has stayed for long term in our department, in other words a couple of fellow had worked or has been working for short duration or with other specialty, leading me to have moderate amount of opportunities to join cardiac operations.

Situation becomes pretty changed, due to one additional young surgeon joining our team from the last March and above mentioned one coming.

Professor told me recently that we had to revolute training system, so I would get more. If it were true, it would be very good revolution at least for doctors coming from oversees, but I can not help something feeling reluctant.

Is it so easy to change?
I can not help caring of straggle to get it in my future also, because people notion is basically not so easy to change that a revolution of university hospital system is also seemed quite hardship.

It might be similar situation surrounding Japanese young surgeons in University hospitals, but still someone becomes something one with his clever or/and maintaining good relationship with their boss. Maybe you have to learn not only clinical practice but your personality, mentality, and most provably how to belave.
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