English Collection


brass tacks

2014年03月22日 | 英語学習
さて、先日 "games mistress" を採り上げた引用文に "brass tacks" が次ぎの様に使われていました。
But when it came down to brass tacks the husband was washed right out of the picture.
"brass tacks"(the most fundamental considerations; essentials; realities) は "get down to brass tacks" という慣用句として知っていますが、ふとその意味の由来が気になり調べて見ました。
Unknown. Earliest attestation in 1863 US, specifically Texas. A theory is that it comes from the brass tacks in the counter of a hardware store or draper’s shop used to measure cloth in precise units (rather than holding one end to the nose and stretching out the arm to approximately one yard).
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