English Collection



2014年03月10日 | 英語学習
"You mean a will? I don't think she ever made a will."
"But you are not sure?"
"Her solicitors are Barkett, Markett & Applegood, Bedford Square. They saw to all her contracts, etc. But I'm fairly certain she never made a will. She said once that doing a thing like that would give her the shivers."
"In that case, if she has died intestate, you, as her husband, succeed to her property."
"intestate" は文脈からすると、「遺言書無しで」 の様で、そうすると「遺言書有り」は "testate" で良いのでしょうか?
・Collins English Dictionary: a.(of a person) not having made a will b.(of property) not disposed of by will: If you die without making a will - called dying intestate - the law decides who inherits your estate.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary:
1: having made no valid will: died intestate
2: not disposed of by will: an intestate estate
では "testate" もあるか同じMerriam-Webster'sで確認します。
having left a valid will: she died testate
私もそろそろ遺書を書いて置かなくてはとチラットと思いました。 でもまだ十年位は元気でいられそう。
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