English Collection


life and soul of the party

2014年03月20日 | 英語学習
Lunch was spread out and the picnic began. All the people concerned were secretly surprised to find how much they enjoyed this interlude. It was, perhaps, because it afforded an escape from an atomosphere of suspicion and dread. Here, with the trickling of the water, the soft peaty smell in the air and the warm colouring of bracken and heater, a world of murder and police imquiries and suspicion seemed blotted out as though it had never existed. Even Mr. Blatt forgot to be the life and soul of the party.
"life and soul" とは大げさな表現の様におもえますが、慣用句に違いありません。
・Collins Dictionary: (informal) a person regarded as the main source of merriment and liveliness ⇒ the life and soul of the party
・Urban Dictionary: A party lover and also the one who makes of it something more pleasurable for the others.: When Bruno Bittar arrives, the party will go wild. He will be the life and soul of the party
. 日本語では宴会部長と呼ばれる人がいますが、いずれにせよパーティーではりきる人なのでしょうね。
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