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The first person to use the term Zionism in 1893

2024-05-12 13:30:29 | 翻訳記事 Translation




Israeli Military Indiscriminately Detains and Tortures Gazans in Poor Camps in Negev Desert   


 An Israeli military base in the Negev Desert has a camp where Palestinians are detained and tortured in poor conditions. CNN reports on the situation. The media, which is regarded as one of the neocon's PR agencies, revealed these stories. It must be true that there is a rift between the U.S. and Israel.


 Thousands of people are being detained, many of whom have not been properly processed by Israeli authorities. Still, laws have been created that allow them to be imprisoned indefinitely, and according to CNN, the detainees are not treated as human beings, and are not only tortured but also constantly handcuffed, which has resulted in some being injured, others having their limbs amputated, and the smell of decomposition from the neglected wounds.


 In March 2003, the U.S. administration of George W. Bush used U.S.-led forces to launch a pre-emptive attack on Iraq, destroying the Saddam Hussein regime and killing an estimated one million Iraqis.


 In doing so, the U.S. military and intelligence agencies repeatedly detained and tortured both combatants and non-combatants alike, and it is said that not a small number of people were killed. To justify such acts, the Bush administration came up with the "enemy combatant" tag and decided to ignore the Geneva Conventions (Convention III) governing the treatment of prisoners of war, as well as criminal proceedings.


 The first revelations of torture by the U.S. came to light at the Abu Ghraib prison camp in Iraq. The AP reported in November 2003 that torture was rampant in Iraqi camps, including Abu Ghraib, and that some people had died, prompting an investigation within the military.


 It was revealed that employees of American companies such as CACI, Titan, and Lockheed Martin worked as interrogators and interpreters at the camps and used methods that were contrary to humanity. (William D. Hartung, "Prophets of War," Nation Books, 2011)


 The Abu Ghraib camp was managed by Brigadier General Janis Karpinski, commander of the U.S. Army's 800th Military Police Brigade, who was suspended in January 2004 and told the BBC five months later that military intelligence controlled the section of the camp where torture was taking place, and that she had no idea what was going on. She claimed that she had no idea what was going on. She also claims that there were Israeli interrogators in the camps. Karpinski was demoted from brigadier general to colonel in May 2005 (BBC, 15 June 2004).


 The U.S. is learning from Israel in its security measures. It is not surprising that there are Israeli interrogators in the camps. The atrocities in American and Israeli camps and the massacres in Gaza are related.


 The Palestinians being killed in Gaza were not caught up in the fighting between the Israeli army and Hamas, they are being massacred by the Israeli army. This is an ethnic cleansing operation. This operation has been supported by none other than the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany and other NATO countries, and India.


 It was on May 14, 1948, that the "founding" of the State of Israel was declared by the Zionists in Palestine, where the Arab population lived. The Zionists were adherents of the "Zionist movement" to return to the hills of Zion, southeast of Jerusalem, and believed that the area between the Euphrates and Nile rivers belonged to the Jewish people. In order to realize this plan, they continue to destroy and massacre. It could be said that they are repeating what the European immigrants did in the United States.


 Cristóbal Colón (Columbus), born in Genoa, Italy, landed on the Caribbean island of Guanahani in 1492. The Mayflower, carrying the Puritans, arrived in Plymouth, Massachusetts, in December 1620. The Puritans at Plymouth, known as the "Pilgrim Fathers," believed they were building a "New Israel.


 In England, some people in the 16th century believed themselves to be the heirs of the "Lost Ten Tribes. According to the Old Testament account, the founder of the Israelites was Jacob. He had 12 sons, each of whom formed a tribe, and of these, those who are said to be descended from the tribe of Judah and the tribe of Benjamin are called "Jews. The rest are missing and are called "the ten lost tribes" by those who believe in the Old Testament. Of course, the story is a myth, and it is unclear if there is any historical fact behind it.


 James VI of the Stewart dynasty believed himself to be the heir of the "lost ten tribes" and the king of Israel. The son of James VI, Charles I, was executed in the "Puritan Revolution" (mid-17th century), and a person who played an important role in that "revolution" was Puritan Oliver Cromwell. John Sadler, who served as his private secretary, thought the same way James VI did. Zionism begins in this period. This is also the background against which the British authorities invaded Palestine and slaughtered the Arab population.


 The British gavernment built a consulate in Jerusalem in 1838, and the following year the Church of Scotland investigated the situation of the Jews in Palestine, from February to December 68 and from February 74 to April 80. Benjamin Disraeli, who was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from February 68 to December 68 and from February 74 to April 80, was the British Prime Minister in 1875 when the Suez Canal He acquired the canal. The acquisition was financed by his friend Lionel de Rothschild. (Laurent Guyenot, "From Yahweh To Zion," Sifting and Winnowing, 2018)


 Disraeli died in April 1881, and soon after, Edmond James de Rothschild, of French descent, began buying up land in Palestine, mainly in Tel Aviv, and funding Jewish settlers.


 The first person to use the term Zionism in 1893 was Vienna-born Nathan Birnbaum, and the person credited with founding modern Zionism was Theodor Herzl, who published the book "The Jewish State" in 1896, but neither seems to have been a "committed Jew".


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