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Slovak Prime Minister shot for criticizing support for Ukraine and COVID-19 vaccine

2024-05-17 12:50:34 | 翻訳記事 Translation






Slovak Prime Minister shot for criticizing support for Ukraine and COVID-19 vaccine  

 Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fitzo was shot on May 15, and although several internal organs were damaged, he has undergone successful surgery and his condition is stable. The SMER-Social Democratic Party, founded by Fitzo, won the elections held last September 30, and he had been serving as prime minister since October 25. The suspect detained on the spot is a 71-year-old man, reportedly an activist for the Progressive Slovakia, a pro-Western party.

 Western means U.S.-based forces, which carried out a neo-Nazi coup in Ukraine from November 2013 to February 2014, removing President Viktor Yanukovych. The eastern and southern parts of the country, which were Yanukovych's support base, rejected the coup regime, Crimea came under Russian protection, and civil war broke out in the eastern Donbass. In Odessa, too, the majority of citizens rejected the coup, but the neo-Nazis massacred those residents, and the city was occupied by coupists sent from the outside.

 Documents have been discovered that show that in order to defeat the anti-coup forces in Donbass, the U.S./NATO spent eight years building up the forces of the coup regime, constructed a fortification line around Donbass, and planned a military invasion of Donbass in the spring of 2022.

 However, in February 2022, Russian forces attacked Ukrainian troops gathered around the Donbass with missiles, simultaneously destroying military bases and biological weapons research and development facilities, and recovering classified documents.

 The Kiev regime began ceasefire negotiations with the Russian government, with Israel and Turkey acting as mediators, and by March 2022 had almost reached an agreement, but the Ukrainian security service SBU, under the command of the CIA, shot and killed Denis Kilyev, who had joined the Wolodimir Zelensky regime negotiating team, in the streets of Kiev, On April 9, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson rode into Kiev and ordered a halt to ceasefire negotiations with Russia; on April 30, the U.S. Pelosi led a delegation of Congressmen to Ukraine, pledging "continued support" for Ukraine to President Zelensky and calling for the war to continue.

 By the first half of the following year, the Joe Biden administration seemed to believe that it could win over Russia in Ukraine, but things did not turn out as it had hoped. Former U.S. intelligence officers and former CIA analysts pointed out that such a turn of events would occur, but even when the Ukrainian army was decisively defeated, the U.S./NATO ordered the war to continue. The Ukrainians are being told to "break the ball" to exhaust Russia.

 The support of arms is also to keep the war going, but Fitzo claims that the war with Russia is having a negative impact on Slovak society, declares that he will block arms transfers to Ukraine during elections, and opposes Ukraine's membership in NATO In a video released on March 2, he says that the EU and NATO's decision to send Ukraine soldiers to Ukraine from the EU and NATO could lead to a global apocalypse, he said.

 Fitzo has also been critical of the "COVID-19 vaccine," saying in Congress that its inoculation has increased deaths from various cardiovascular diseases. This "vaccine" is "experimental" and "unnecessary," he said.

 He also opposed the strengthening of the authority of the World Health Organization (WHO), which has promoted such "vaccines," and was preparing to investigate the money behind the COVID-19 fiasco, including the cozy relationship between European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Pfizer.


 It is not clear at this stage what the background is to the shooting/assassination attempt, but there is no doubt that the Western ruling class is angry with Fitzo's policies.


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