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Jacob Rothschild, who was also involved in Ukraine and Gaza issues, is dead.

2024-03-05 15:22:29 | 翻訳記事 Translation





Jacob Rothschild, who was also involved in Ukraine and Gaza issues, is dead.

Jacob Rothschild died at the age of 87, it was announced on February 26. He will be buried according to Jewish custom, according to his family.

 Born in April 1936, the child of Victor Rothschild and Barbara Hutchinson, he attended Eton College and then Oxford University, where he studied history.

 He began working for NM Rothschild in 1963, but spun off his controlling interest in the mutual fund Rothschild Investment Trust (then RIT Capital Partners), where he has based his activities since 1980. He left the family business because of a management conflict with Evelyn Robert de Rothschild.

 RIT Capital Partners acquired 37% of the outstanding shares of Rockefeller Financial Services in May 2012. Jacob Rothschild joined forces with David Rockefeller.

 Jacob is also known to have represented Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who owned the Russian oil company Yukos, which went bankrupt in 2006.

 Khodorkovsky was born in June 1963 to a Jewish father and a Russian Orthodox mother, and during the Soviet era he was the leader of Komsomol (All-Union Communist Youth League of Lenin).

 In 1989, during the Soviet era, Khodorkovsky started a business sending "Russian models" to New York with a man named Richard Hughes. This was probably due to the perestroika (reforms) initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev. In the same year, Khodorkovsky obtained a license to establish the Menatep Bank, which was most likely intended for illegal money transfers and money laundering.

 The Soviet authorities were suspicious of this business and were reluctant to grant exit visas to the models, but Khodorkovsky had KGB connections. However, Khodorkovsky had KGB connections, and with the help of these connections, he was able to obtain a visa. (Mark Ames, "Russia's Ruling Robbers," Consortium news, March 11, 1999)

 The Soviet Union ceased to exist in December 1991, and Boris Yeltsin came to rule Russia as an agent of the Western ruling class. Khodorkovsky became one of the advisors supporting the Yeltsin regime.

 Khodorkovsky bought Yukos in 1995, swallowing up smaller oil companies, while becoming a major shareholder in the company that publishes The Moscow Times and The St. Petersburg Times.

 Yukos was funded from the West, but the Carlyle Group, an investment firm, was another source of funding. This investment firm had former U.S. Secretary of State James Baker, former U.S. Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci, former British Prime Minister John Major, and George H.W. Bush among its executives.

 Meanwhile, he founded the Open Russia Foundation in the U.S. in 2002, modeled after George Soros' Open Society Foundations, in which Khodorkovsky and Rothschild co-funded the project. Khodorkovsky has hired Henry Kissinger and Jacob Rothschild.


 Khodorkovsky wanted to sell 25 to 40% of Yukos's outstanding shares to the American oil giants Exxon Mobil and Chevron, but was blocked by Vladimir Putin. If Putin had been any slower, Russia would have become a colony of the U.S.-British ruling class. (Natylie Baldwin & Kermit Heartsong, "Ukraine," Next Revelation Press, 2015)

 After Putin took real power, not a few oligarchs fled Russia to London, England, and Israel, but Khodorkovsky remained in Russia. Then, in October 2003, he was arrested at Novosibirsk airport on charges of embezzlement and tax fraud. The Sunday Times reported at the time that Khodorkovsky's control of Yukos shares had passed to Jacob Rothschild in a previously concluded "deal.

 After Viktor Yanukovych's government was overthrown in Ukraine in a coup led by the US government, the country's economy collapsed and the price of its government bonds fell. A fund called Franklin Templeton bought up government bonds with a total face value of $5 billion, and the Rothschilds are reportedly in control of this fund.

 It is the practice of the Western ruling class to buy up the bonds of failed countries at low prices and force them to buy them back at full value. The IMF lends Ukraine money, which it can use to pay the fund as it demands. The IMF, which has become a creditor, demands austerity measures from the governments of the debtor failed countries, thereby reducing the amount of money available to the general population. The IMF has been making huge profits by encouraging deregulation and privatization to sell the country's assets to giant capital.

 Jacob, who has close ties to Israel, has also been active in the Middle East, acquiring a 5% stake in Genie Energy in 2010. The company is a subsidiary of IDT Corporation, which has acquired exclusive oil drilling rights in the Golan Heights, and its board of directors includes media magnate Rupert Murdoch, former US Vice President Dick Cheney, former CIA Director James Woolsey, hedge fund manager Michael Steinhardt, and Rothschild himself. Rothschild himself.

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