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Election Are All Zionists and Virtually Approve of Palestinian Genocide

2024-05-25 12:35:10 | 翻訳記事 Translation




Leading Candidates in U.S. Presidential Election Are All Zionists and Virtually Approve of Palestinian Genocide  

 Presidential elections are scheduled for November this year in the United States. The leading candidates are incumbent and Democrat Joe Biden, former Republican President Donald Trump, and Robert Kennedy Jr. All of them can be said to support the Zionist regime in Israel, in other words, to condone the oppression of Palestinians. The policies of these three candidates do not coincide on the Ukraine issue or the "COVID-19 (2019 - coronavirus infection) vaccine" issue, but they do coincide on the Israel issue.

 Making Ukraine a US/NATO controlled territory is nothing less than a new "Operation Barbarossa" for Russia. The neocons have come to believe that "threats will make them give in," even against Russia, and this has ultimately jeopardized the regime.

 The previous generation of "hawks," including George Kennan, Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger, and Zbigniew Brzezinski, had warned of the dangers of neocon beliefs, but the neocons were unable to break free from their assumptions, and the West is now in dire straits as they warned.

 Barack Obama's administration, with Biden as Vice President, overthrew the government of Viktor Yanukovych in Ukraine in a coup d'etat between November 2013 and February 2014, using the neo-Nazis as pawns in the process. The plan was to suppress the natural gas pipeline connecting Russia and the EU by taking control of Ukraine and putting a knife to Russia's throat. By controlling the pipeline, they could deprive Russia of its market, the EU, and the EU of its source of energy resources, Russia. The Anglo-Saxon ruling class has been planning the conquest of Russia since the 19th century.

 The "COVID-19 vaccine," whose vaccination campaign began in 2021, proved to be dangerous in a short period of time, and most countries stopped vaccinating in the first half of the following year. In this context, Japan is an exceptional "crazy country" where the vaccination campaign continues. A consistent critic of this "vaccine" has been Robert Kennedy Jr.

 Some may say that this election is similar to the elections of 1968 and 1972, but there is a fundamental difference. In those two elections, there were leading candidates who opposed the war, but not this time.

 President John F. Kennedy, who delivered a speech called "A Strategy for Peace" at American University's commencement ceremony on June 10, 1963, in which he rejected Pax Americana and declared that he would start down the path of peaceful coexistence with the Soviet Union, was assassinated five months later, on November 22, and his vice president, Lyndon Johnson, was Vice President Lyndon Johnson was promoted to the post, and the new president began a full-scale war in Vietnam.

 In response, on April 4, 1967, Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke against the Vietnam War at Riverside Church in New York City. According to former Congressman Ron Paul, King's advisors, concerned that opposition to the Vietnam War would damage his relationship with President Lyndon Johnson, pleaded with the Reverend not to focus on the war, but he ignored their advice.

 Two months later, exactly one year after his speech at Riverside Church, Dr. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968.


 Robert Kennedy, who had succeeded his brother John F. Kennedy's will, declared on March 16, 1968 that he would run for president that year and was considered a strong candidate, but was assassinated on June 6, 1968 The 1968 election was destroyed by bullets.

 The 1972 presidential election was contested between incumbent and Republican Richard Nixon and Democrat George McGovern. McGovern was a politician who was supported by the general Democratic Party, opposed the war, and was viewed as an enemy by the party leadership and dragged down. At the center of the anti-McGovern movement was Senator Henry Jackson, whose office included Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Elliot Abrams, Douglas Faith, Abram Shulsky, and others who would later become central to the neocons.

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Robert Kennedy Jr. is running neither as a Democrat nor as a Republican.

Then it is not fair journalism in the least that this candidate is not covered by the media.







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