

Myanmar Karen people

2007-10-02 19:45:35 | 支配者による儲けとブタ殺しの軍事
Karen people is a minority race.but under the British colonial rule.They were the ruling classes.Christian.The minority people ruling the majority people.It's usual and simple way of skillful domination at the colony.but now Karen people sending a sever living at mountain area.They operate to use rather long folding hand knives and saws to cut off no good part of leg.Probably not using to take pain off medicine.without anesthesia.The japanese royal army did.it's same way.same method.
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Myanmar General Aung San

2007-10-02 19:12:10 | 支配者による儲けとブタ殺しの軍事
General Aung San.The father of Aung San Suu Kyi.His ashes is there in japanese temple.Buddist service is held every year. He was in Japan and trained as a soldier with several Myanmar like minded menbers.
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