日本のイスラーム (Islam in Japan)


Memorial Weekend of ICNA Convention 2011 (Episode 3)

2011年06月16日 | 備忘録


Subhaana-llaah, the 2nd day of the convention was such memorial day

with full of events and memorial meetings.

Starting with Fajr prayer which I was surprised to be asked for standing as Imam for it. I doubted the offer.

“I’m only a visitor from Japan. You have many Imams among you!”

Subhaana-llaah, besides the fear of standing in front of Allah the Almighty,

the responsibility I felt standing as the Imam of the prayer in front of many brothers and sisters

including some Imams and scholars in U.S. was something remarkable and for sure wasn’t easy thing.

After the prayer, Ustadh Na’eem kindly introduced me to the brothers and

we listened to the short lecture of Shaykh Omar Sulaiman.

He spoke about the importance of Faith in Unseen

under the reality of how we human beings are strongly affected by visible things.

Maa shaa Allah, how wonderful his lecture was!

He seemed to be quite young but the way he spoke was so sophisticated and talented!

How I wished to see such brilliant young Imams back in Japan from Muslim Japanese or Japanese speaking Muslims as well.

In shaa Allah, one day soon! Allah is capable of everything!


Here is one video clip from his lecture. May Allah protects him and increase the numbers of Muslim scholars with traditional sacred knowledge of Islam like him and others.


What is Your Legacy? - The Youth Dilemma Trailer with Sh. Omar Suleiman

