


2020-09-26 10:55:16 | 日記

<第1回 TIVC 第3位 ファイト・ベネディクト・ヘルテンシュタイン>






















<Veit Benedikt Hertenstein / 3rd Prize at 1st TIVC>

1) Where do you currently live? (Country /City.)

Detmold Germany

2) How have you been spending the last few months?

I was home from mid February until end of August. It was the longest time that I have stayed home since I was a small child.

3) Please tell us about the current situation of your school, orchestra, ensemble, etc.

In Musikhochschule Detmold as well as the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester I have been teaching online since middle of February. I was very sceptic beforehand which probably was the reason to be pleasantly surprised by online teaching. Of course my students who were extremely motivated in progressing to become good viola players and good musicians in this difficult time also had a great impact - their energy helped me just as much as the other direction.

From October on when the 2nd Corona Semester starts we will try in Germany to teach live again but with lots of new rules:

- only big rooms are allowed

- Max 3 persons in a room (for more we need the concert hall)

- 45min lesson plus 15min of keeping the windows open (for strings)

- signing in and out to keep track of anybody who met

- of course lots of Hand washing and disinfecting the piano after use

4) Are there any concerts in your country? If it is held,

what kind of infection prevention measures are taken at the venue?

Most concerts are held with about half the seats taken but this differs from state to state in Germany.

5) Do you have any positive things, thinking or activities that you started in this predicament?

In my personal life it was an extremely positive time as my 2nd child was born in May. Spending time at home and seeing the baby grow was such a source of pure joy!

6) What do you want to do first after the covid-19 has converged?

Play chamber music

7) Please give a message to Japanese fans.

In this year I had to postpone two trips to Japan (March and May) which made me very sad. Seeing the enthusiasm for music in Japan is so uplifting to me, the people who are always positive and such wonderful hosts and finally the amazing food - these are only some reasons why your country is my favorite destination to travel to. Please keep your spirits high and I hope very much to come back to Japan and see many friends again soon.

*photo: with 2nd baby who was born in May.

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