


2020-10-10 10:49:49 | 日記

第4回東京国際ヴィオラコンクール2位入賞の セジュン・キムさんからのメッセージです。


― ドイツのハノーファーに住んでいます


― ロックダウンの間は、練習と、少しの運動、それから料理をしたりしていました。とにかく、私たち一人一人にとって、非常に困難な時期だったと言っても過言ではありません、が、同時に、いわゆる日常生活を楽しむこともできた時期でした。


― 私が所属しているハノーファー北ドイツ放送フィルハーモニー管弦楽団は5月から少しずつですが活動を再開し始めました。小さな編成の曲を十分な距離をとって演奏していますが、もちろんまだ無観客です。これらの小さな演奏会はライブで配信され、コロナ禍にも関わらず、ライブで演奏することを 許された感じがして、とても気分が良かったです。


― コロナに関する制限は、韓国の方がかなり厳しいです。あらゆる集会にて集まれる人数が50人に制限されてしまっているので、ほとんどのコンサートが残念ながらキャンセルすることになってしまいました。


― えーと、実は、結婚をしました!3月に結婚式をする予定でしたが、直前で延期が決まってしまいました。が、ようやく8月に無事、式を挙げることができました!


― この状況が落ち着いたら、満席の会場で演奏したいです!!拍手というのは、演奏家にとってはとっても大事なもので、私たちは、それが今、とても恋しいです。また、日本に行って演奏できることを楽しみにしています!


― とにかく、皆さんが健康でありますように!どんな時においても、健康でいられることはとっても大切なことです。そしてどうか、このコロナ禍でも音楽を忘れないでください!音楽はいつでも、全てのものに対して、前向きに寄り添ってくれますよ。



<The 4th TIVC 2nd prize / Sejune Kim>

1) Where do you currently live? (Country /City.)

-In Hannover, Germany.

2) How have you been spending the last few months?

-During the 'lock down' I practiced, did a little sport and some cooking. It is safe to say that it has been a very difficult time for each one of us, but at the same time I did enjoy spending a couple of ordinary days of everyday life.

3) Please tell us about the current situation of your school, orchestra, ensemble, etc.-My orchestra, the NDR Radiophilharmonie slowly started playing again in May. We mostly played works with a small orchestration, keeping a lot of distance to one another, but of course without any audience. These small plays and concerts were streamed live and being allowed to play ‘live’ despite Corona felt so great.

4) Are there any concerts in your country? If it is held,

what kind of infection prevention measures are taken at the venue?

-The Corona restrictions regarding this are rather strict in Korea. Only up to 50 people are allowed in any kind of gatherings, which is also why unfortunately most concerts had to be cancelled.

5) Do you have any positive things, thinking or activities that you started in this predicament?

-Well, I got married! My wife and I were going to celebrate our wedding already in March but postponed it last minute. However in August our marriage finally took place!

6) What do you want to do first after the covid-19 has converged?

-After the crisis I want to play a concert with a full audience!! Applause is very important for musicians and we do miss that very much! I am also looking forward to be able to play in Japan again.

7) Please give a message to Japanese fans.

-All the best and stay healthy! Being healthy is the most important thing at any time! :) And please don't forget about music despite the crisis! Music always has a positive impact on everything.

photo: He sent us many happy photos. Congratulations!!

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2020-10-07 08:57:18 | 日記


















どこの国でも、現在は一時期のロックダウンが解除されているとはいえ、少しでも新規患者が増えるとすぐにいろんなところに支障が出てきたり、制限がかかったりする世の中です。  私自身この世間全体を覆っている灰色の雰囲気と不安にのまれそうになるときがたくさんあります。何をするのは安全で、どこが危険だという境も曖昧です。しかしながら家にいるだけでは仕事さえできません。音楽家の私としては、家にいるだけでは想像力を掻き立てる美しいものもありません。外に出て自然にふれたり、人と話したり、違うものを聴いたりすることが何より一番大事だったりするのです。だからこれからもまだ長くこの状況が続くという事を念頭に置きながら、良い塩梅で楽しめることを自分なりに見つけていることが大事なのかなと思っています。



<The 2nd TIVC 3rd prize / Kimi Makino>

1) Where do you currently live? (Country /City.)

I live in Manchester, England. It's been seven years.

2) How have you been spending the last few months?

I have tried to be as honest and comfortable as possible with my own desires. In March, I fell off my bicycle and bruised my left eye, then the lockdown after that overlapped.So I couldn't use my eyes very much even at home, and it was frustrating to read books and watch TV. I think it was an opportunity to make a decision to take a good rest.

*Her eye is get better now!

3) Please tell us about the current situation of your school, orchestra, ensemble, etc.

We have just started activities from the end of August, but we have not yet held a concert with audience. We are recording for radio in the studio as the size of chamber orcestra. We have been recording Toru Takemitsu's "Rain Coming" at a contemporary music session this week.Playing contemporary music in ensemble is very familier for me and I enjoy playing.

4) Are there any concerts in your country? If it is held, what kind of infection prevention measures are taken at the venue?

I don't think there are many concerts with customers yet. The Proms was also held for only two weeks in the form of a TV broadcast without an audience, and the orchestras based outside London, such as the BBC Philharmonic to which I belong, were broadcast from their respective bases and studios.

I don't think there are many concerts with aoudience yet. The Proms was also held for only two weeks as a TV program without an audience, and the orchestras based outside London, such as the BBC Philharmonic to which I belong, were attend the proms as live broadcast from their bases.

5) Do you have any positive things, thinking or activities that you started in this predicament?

The first thing I felt was that I had prenty of time to practice myself since I was a student. The practice I did for myself, not for work, was a very fulfilling time for me to break down the basics or understand the things I wouldn't normally think of.

6) What do you want to do first after the covid-19 has converged?

I want to get closer to the player and play the quartet without taking a social distance.

I want to make music that is close not only to the physical distance but also to the mental distance.

7) Please give a message to Japanese fans.

In every country, even though the lockdown is currently released for a while, as soon as the number of new patients increases, problems and restrictions are imposed in various places. There are many times when I myself feel anxious about this heavy atmosphere that covers the whole world. It's safe to do what, and it's unclear where it's dangerous. However, you cannot even work just by staying at home. For me as a musician, there is nothing beautiful that stirs your imagination just by staying at home. The most important thing is to go out and interact with nature, talk to people, and listen to different things. Therefore, I think it is important to find out what you can enjoy, keeping in mind that this situation will continue for a long time.

photo:Ravenna Theater in Italy. This is a picture of when I went to a concert as an audience for the first time in 5 months.

I haven't been to a concert in England yet, so I was deeply moved.

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「天道虫(てんとうむし)の会」のご案内   ―小樽ゆらぎの里での今井信子さんの音楽活動を応援する会の発足― 2014年6月23日   私たちが敬愛する今井信子さんが小樽「ゆらぎの里」朝里川温泉で始めたヴィオラマスターコースは、今年の正月で10周年を迎えました。此の間多くの教え子がここから育ち、年々今井先生に憧れ慕う俊秀のアーティストも多くこの地を訪れるようになり、先生を囲み、手伝い、研鑽し、コラボレートする世界にも類のない活動の拠点として高まっています。 この度、私たちは、今井信子さんのライフワークの一つでもある「ゆらぎの里」での音楽活動に賛同して、それぞれの立場でできる支援を行うとともに、それぞれのネットワークを通してこの活動を知ってもらい、多くのクラシックファンに珠玉のコンサートに触れていただくお手伝いをしようと、「天道虫の会」を立ち上げました。 皆さまには、「天道虫の会」の活動にご理解いただき、それぞれにできるご支援・ご協力いただければ幸いです。この会へ参加いただける方は発起人までご連絡ください。会員には、会のシンボルとなる竹製てんとう虫のバッチをお渡しします。 発起人メンバー 高野るみ、諸角憲治、砂岡茂明、樋口義洋、青木真也、須藤正實 <天道虫の会の由来>  天道虫は、太陽=天道(今井信子さん)に向かって飛ぶ習性があるという由来から名付けました <ホームページ> http://blog.goo.ne.jp/igainet  会の活動、小樽での音楽活動、今井さんの演奏活動など適宜掲載します。