

プライベート レッスン

2020-12-27 16:27:28 | 日記

Hello everyone! I am free for a few private lessons (please note there is a fee involved) on the following dates this month:

December 9th and 17th from 9.00-12.00 Geneva time (Switzerland, GMT +1)

If you are interested and are available on both dates:
- please contact us for more information at nobukoimai.violist@gmail.com by this Sunday, December 6th, 12.00 Geneva time (Switzerland, GMT +1).
- include a short video of your playing and your biography in your email.

If there are more requests than I can take, I will make a selection based on whether I think I can help you.

I look forward to seeing you!

& Kiyoko (co-pilot, see earlier post)

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