
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

Global Interaction & Understanding - A Personal Journey : No.55 セールスマネージャの指導方法

2016-07-24 11:17:05 | Ron's Life Story








<Handling deviations>


What should a sales manager do if someone is not performing to the minimum standard? I recommend these steps:

1. Set up a private meeting after the first deviation
2. Pinpoint deviations and express how it makes you feel
3. Tell the salesman why you feel that way
4. Ask the salesperson how he feels about the deviation
5. Have discussions as to how to overcome the deviation
6. Once an agreement has been reached, praise the salesman

<Management Objectives and Management Support (Seminar Closing)>

The more a sales person helps customers get what they want, the more the sales person himself will get what he wants.

The more a sales manager helps his sales people get what they want, the more the sales manager himself will get what he wants. Too often sales managers look at sales results, but do not look at his sales people’s activities. I think it is the activities, which the manager should look at and manage the closest.

The above are highlights of one of the most enjoyable seminar I have ever given. I have used it and believe in its contents. It is a seminar I have loved giving.

This material I taught over my years in Isuzu Motors. Once I left Isuzu Motors and started working in the hardware and construction material industry, I apply this content to develop national distributors for cutting tools, which I sold to. It has been fun and very profitable. For some reason, sales management seems to be the weak link in most sales organizations. It is not the salesman but his manager that is not performing his job professionally. In many cases, there is no sales manager at all, and the sales people have to figure out how to sell on their own.

Interestingly, these management skills of helping sales people achieve their goals have no national boundaries. They are international and could be successfully applied anywhere. Sales management training has contributed to my goals better global understanding and bring the world closer together.







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