
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

Ron McFarlandのPersonal Journey (30) : 東西文明の十字路トルコへ。

2021-11-28 16:10:52 | Ron's Life Story








Toward the end of 1985, around November, I was asked to go to Turkey. Isuzu set up a new distributor and assembly operation there independent of General Motors and wanted to build its own international operation. My function here again was to develop their very fragmented sales operation. What I mean by fragmented, is that vehicles sales are sold to a sales dealer. Parts (for new vehicles) were sold to parts retail stores, and service was done by outside garages. That was known as the “THREE ‘S’s”. That is Sales, Service and Spare parts in one dealership. On that first trip, I only went around the country and interviewed the current dealers. I was to return to give the seminar on the next trip.

Turkey is a wonderful and historic country. That first trip was a real eye opener for me, and I fell in love with the country. I think they fell in love with me too, as I was asked back many times over my 20-year career in Isuzu Motors. I will talk about Turkey in detail later.

The Bosporus, March, 1986

Mosques of Istanbul, November 1985

Turkey training

Two months after the Middle East trip, in June, 1986 I gave my first seminar in Turkey. I learned they had very old person-to-person sales techniques. There was very little product presentation or feature explanation. With my presentation and contests among the salesmen, I was able to create a complete new selling step for them which greatly made negotiating easier.
It was a booming success, and I received an open door to provide seminars there anytime I had material I thought would be helpful.

Turkey Sales Training, June 1987

Yes, he is trying to kiss me. なかなか面白いシーンですね。

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