

Held Hostage in China

2005-12-29 06:54:56 | 記事
Held Hostage In China

フォーブス日本版 2月号より
David Ji used a few good contacts in his homeland to build a billion-dollar business selling cheap DVD players in the U.S. Then he crossed a supplier--and disappeared.

This is the dark side of doing business in a booming China, where government often is your partner, the lines between state and enterprise are blurry and respect for defendant rights is spotty at best. In the U.S. a spat over bills owed to a supplier can get you sued; in China it can get you jailed for months before any charges are filed. David Ji is one of a dozen or so U.S. businessmen detained without due process in the past decade in China (see box, p. 34). An implicit racism is evident in these cases: Most of the jailed execs are Asian-Americans, and even U.S. citizens get held.

The Chinese attitude is "Hey, you are, at least ethnically speaking, Chinese. You should know how the system works," says John T. Kamm, founder of Dui Hua, a nonprofit group in San Francisco that helps people wrongfully imprisoned in China. "These cases are many, and the business world should be troubled by them," says Jerome Cohen, a New York University professor who specializes in China's legal system. He has advised Ji's defense. "Many of these cases never get reported," he adds, citing "interference from local police, prosecutors and corrupt judges occasionally cooperating with local powerholders."

で、雑誌の方にあった(see box, p. 34)?)「中国系アメリカ人の苦悩」では

中国スパイから命を懸けて国を守った日本の外交員 ~日本を取り巻く工作活動の実態~

「国を売ることはできない」 と自殺した外交官


