should we talk to kids about it?

2010-08-27 | Most important- Education

The book "yoko"

日本からアメリカに引っ越してきた主人公のヨーコは、ある朝、大好きなお寿司のお弁当をお母さんに作ってもらいました。The main charactor is called YOKO from Japan, her mom fixed "sushi " for fher lunch one day. she was so happy and excited to bring it to school/それを持って大喜びで学校に行った彼女。しかしランチの時間に同級生の友達から、変な食べ物をランチに持ってきたと言われてしまいます。but at lunch time all her class,ates laughed at her for bringing something stranger. Her teacher told her nicely that everyone would forget about it by the time they have snack.そんな彼女を先生は、おやつの時間になればみんなもう忘れてしまうでしょう、と慰めます。ところがおやつの時間に彼女が机の上に出したのは「小豆アイス」。これを見て、クラスメートはまたまた彼女を変なヤツだと馬鹿にしました。bu they they made fun of her even more when yoko took out her "red bean ice cream" for snack.先生もヨーコの悲しそうな表情に心を痛め、食生活の違いを理解するために、何かいい方法がないかと考えます。Seeing yoko's sad face the teacher suggests that they will have an international food festival at school. ever since the festival was held, everyone got interested in her food, and she couldenjoyed swpping food with friends :)そしてクラスで「インターナショナル・フード・フェスティバル」を開催することに。お話はその後、ヨーコにも日本食に興味のある友人ができ、それから毎日そのクラスメートとお弁当を交換する……というエンディングを迎えます。

such a nice story!!!! Im definitly gonna make my kids weired food everyday! i want my kdids to enjoy thai curry, fejada (brazilian food) panckaes, i mean its more fun,,,, right?? i do hpe that people will respect the differenes , its totally cool, to be different!!


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good idea (chuchuchie)
2010-08-30 00:42:15
that is such a good idea! see what a great teacher can do for a kid. seriously, i hope i can be as great of a mom as that teacher is to her kids :)

thank you for sharing!!