My summer holiday :>

2011-09-04 | What's happening around the world

I feel like i had done so much this month.

First, i finished my exam then it was work work work, but it was fun.

I never feel work is annoying or tiring becasue it is my choice to work, or not to work, and i prefer working with children than working on computers or hard headed grown ups. ( i dont know whether this expression is correct or not... i wanted to say 頭が固い which literally means hard headed)

anyways, although there were busy days, I didn't forget to be keep myself active- Thats ME.  I did more cooking, not much more than Spring time, but enough to introduce here in my blog entry.

I tried making more pizzas and pasta sauce since i have been growing Basil in my little planters. Basils are so easy to grow, although i did let them die once when i went away for two days... but thanks to my mother's good care, they grew back alive again and they are growing and growing.

So, HERE is my BASIL PASTA SAUCE recipi, easy and yummy.


basil leaves

olive oil


parmeseasn cheese

salt and pepper

ALL you need is to mix everything in a blender, and just add cooked spaghetti!!! I added octopus, green peppers and tomatos. it was yum.

At the end of August i went on a "crazy busy" trip to TOKYO by night bus. It was one of those 若手芸人 "young comedians" TV shows where you have 24 hours and limited budget and the list of things that needed to be done like finding a local person with a weired name or showing their performance and get certain number of people to laugh....

well my case was "you have 48 hours and you get to go see your friends from college, then to a concert of YOUNG AMERICANS JAPAN TOUR LAST TRIBUTE" then to awa odori, back to Kobe for work. and i did all of it, i had fun, so much fun, and im so glad i did it. I never thought i would take a night bus again to go to Tokyo after college because i remember it was so uncomfortable but actually this time i didnt feel it was hat bad. only bad was that i left my contact lens case behind and i had to rest with my lenses in..... sucked!!!!!!   my friend who i met in Tokyo was just back from Boston on his holiday so he brought me some childrens books! such a sweet friend! they were perfect! i already used two of them in my classes! Thanx!

It was so great to see my old friends, they make me smile, automatically. and i can really be myself. thats one of my purpose of life. and joy of life.


Its September!! This month is going to be pretty "Athletic" since there is 世界陸上 World track on TV all the time, and RUGBY game!!! I wasnt interested in it until i went to New Zealand, and people over there luvs watching their favorite team ALL BLACKS. if Japan beats France, we will be against New Zealand! So, here we come! I wish i could watch that game with my New Zealand family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aweeeee

And i started running because i have a big challenge i have determined tis summer, im not going to say it here yet,,, but some people already know it. So September, Atheletic month! here i come! hee hee!





