pouring water in a glass.

2011-10-20 | What interests me
i always feel that develoment on childrens growth is like pouring water in a glass.each child has a glass thats in different sizes,small,big,tall,short or sometimes has a crack?????oops well anyways that glass is not visible and u never know when that glass get full and spilling out of it. when i left the preschool for traveling around Asia and Oceania, i gave a big speech on that, and that i am so glad that i could help and support children fill their glasd with tgeir wonderful skills and experiences. sometimes it seems like the glass will never fill and u start wonderijg maybe this child is really different from the others and cant expect it to fill at all= compAring one indivisual to Nother is the last thing u wanna do when raising or teaching children because just like i mentioned because tgw size is different even if u compare it its not relevant,u really cant measure how less or more!!!!!! The other day i felt one of my student 's glass of "english speaking " hafd filled and spilled suddenly.he started talking and we were having a was amazing. it is hard to keep believing when there are only few of us to do so, but ut really is worth it T the moment like that u feel how great it is to be there with children when they actually show some improvement and progress. proud teachers:)))))) im not a mom yet so i could never lecture anybody-but i know for sure and am confident to say-do not compare ur child with anyone else even brothers sisters. just wait and watch,listen to theit voices- learn and grow together , u will feel so happy and proud!!it will take time until u feel sartisfied-but its ok!! u will forget All of the worries and frustration when u discover something new!!!!


3 コメント

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so true (chuchuchie)
2011-11-06 22:48:31
you are absolutely right about not comparing kids. it's very important to treat every kids as an individual. it's sad how adults compare siblings to each other or compare with other kids saying "why can't you be like so-and-so??". if you don't catch what you're doing, it becomes a very bad habit. :(

thanks for sharing!
Yap (Dazu)
2011-11-08 14:17:47
Maybe when you become a parent you wil feel different, but it is actually the best not to expect too much. hahaha! thats the key!!
kiwi (kiwi)
2023-07-03 16:51:44
nice info.