Naoki Ogi's Speech (English) Part 1

2011-10-12 | Most important- Education

<strong>I went to a speech done by Naoki Ogi. He is an education commentator as well as a professor at several universities.
He appeared on TV and recetnly there isnt a sigle day that we dont see him on TV. However his appearnce didnt start just these days, he was already on TV 10 years ago, said in his speech.</strong>

"I hate it when people say [Try not to make trouble for anyone in your life.] How can you live alone? How can you stay peace without helping troubled people?"

After he said that, I was crying.  I was surprised myself because I really didn' expect myself to cry at his speech. Especially if you know his charactor on TV he is know as ”Gay" charactor (but he is dressed fully as a man and he is married to a woman^^ just the way he talks and the hand gestures are "cute" and thats how he got popular on TV, good for him)

Maybe I cried because sometimes I feel like I'm making trouble for people and just cant help it but i am fortunate to have kind and caring friends, bosses, families and co workers around me that it isnt a big deal. and also, when i teach, there is always someone who disturbs my class. Never listens or sits nicely, plus does everything the oppesite. I recalled that student and felt bad because I always felt in my mind "Don't make trouble for other people!" but really, Dr. Ogi says, "it is okay to have ALL KINDS OF people." and i thought, "wow, this person is a cut above... a lot of educators i have known"

He also introduced an episode on Japan's womens soccer coach who was coaching Sawa, she is also on TV all the time now. He said that Sawa was really bad at Rhythem, no sence of it at all. Being a soccer player, if you dont have a sence of rythem, thats fatel.Then, how did she get that good?

Its the coach. He used the method called Potato Vine Method. Normal coach, teacher, or parent... would point out something bad or could be better or bothing an individual to work harder so it will get better. On the other hand, he always gave compliment on what Sawa did great and continued giving praise, never mentioned what she needed to work on. because this potato vine method is based on an idea "if a person realize what she is good at, then she will want to make more accomplishment. So she will find out what she needs to work on and that also improves itself."

I was shocked!!!! for all this time i have been mentioning to everyone in my class "You need to work on your reading but your writing is excellent." or something like that but i guess I really didnt need to say the first part.

                                                     TO BE CONTINIED