SMILE CANDY PROJECT <UPDTAE> <スマイルキャンディープロジェクト>更新

2011-04-05 | What's happening around the world

Hello :>>

Its been a while. こんにちは。 お久しぶりです。

I have been busy and lazy. Not just busy, not just lazy, but both. 忙しかったのとさぼってたのと両方です。

well, guess how many candies have i collected so far? 今、キャンディー何個集まったと思います?


Each has different smiles, heart, sun, rainbow, and warm messages!




It started from one candy- my little idea became a big project!! 私の「小さな」アイデアが膨らんでこんなに大きなプロジェクトとして動いてくれてめちゃめちゃ感激です。 im so glad that everyone has been

supporting and thinking of the victims of the earthquake. みんな地震津波のことを考えて書いてくれました

most of all, i really want the children to know the situation and have the opportunity to think about what it is like to have nothing, or very little around them since they are so fortunate.こういうことを機会に子供たちには危機管理や今もっているものえの感謝の気持ちなど、学んでいってほしいと願っています。

Drawn by a student's mom  " Rainbow will appear after the rain. I hope you will see it soon, we love you"

I think the children i have been teaching to, had an opportunity to learn about it a little, so Im glad.少なくとも私が話をした生徒たちは、少しでもその機会があったと思うのでうれしく思いますl

Im still waiting for my mail to arrive from oversea, and then my package will be complete for the project. 海外から参加してくれている友達からのパッケージが届いたら全てのキャンディーを一緒にして送る日が決まったらまたここにのせます。

i will post it here when i decide the date to deliver them!!!!!

All kinds of people at different age, men and women, children and seniors, and different nationalities have participated in this!!! thanx!!!




Drawn by one of the parent.  cute smile! 

SMILE CANDY PROJECT スマイルキャンディープロジェクト

2011-03-16 | What's happening around the world

  This is a box i made to donate candies with smile from what i experienced in kobe as a child i was very happy to get a candy and i was smiling.



i know there will be a long way to go before everything recovers but i think children in shelters will like the candies with cute picture on it!!



what i did was to cut out a paper to 5cm(1.2inch) by 3cm(2inch) rectagle and draw a smily face or

a charactor with the word "smile!! by azu"

私がつくったのは、3cm×5cmの紙に子供が笑顔になるような好きなキャラクターとか顔文字とsmile の言葉、そして名前です。

I know this isnt much help or the energy source for a body,  comapering to bread, or rice balls, or cash donation that can actually buy food and water, but i thought if this way i can collect from children to send to children too.

here are what I drew これが実際に描いた絵です。(下手でごめんね。。。笑)

Totoro with a silly smile, a cute rabbit with lots of hearts, some emocons "happy" and "funny"

and taped it onto a piece of candy (drop?). それをテープで貼っただけのものです。

If your kids can draw a smily face on a piece of paper 5cm by 3cm and send it over to me, i will appriciate it very very much! if you cant send it, please take a photo and send by email!!!!! i can print it out or i will figure out some other way.


Im going to ask for the kids and parents at the previous preschool i used to work for, and the afterschool i work now, and my friends and families.

actually I will not send the candies yet since many areas are not accepting aids to avoid confusion. Prefectual official homepage also notes that. BUT it doesnt mean we cant start collecting supportive words!!!

If you can join this project, plz leave a comment below!!!  If you could ask ur family and friends to draw a smily face and ur words on a paper, and send them to me. thats all. please, write a comment below!


今現在 各県の公式ホームページなどでは



という風にあるのですぐに送ることはしませんが、たとえば学校が始まるときなど子供たちに応援を送ることができると思って今このプロジェクトを始動しました☆ それから、募金は、子供はなかなかできないけど絵を描くことなら得意だから、子供たちから子供たちへ、という意味でもこれをしました。







タグ 東北地震、救援物資、募金、プロジェクト、スマイル、笑顔、元気、被災地、被災者、こども

あめ 津波



ニュージーランド大地震 (日本語)

2011-03-01 | What's happening around the world





すぐにFacebookで無事ですか?と呼びかけたらホストファーザーが「大丈夫だよ」と返信してくれ安心。 1995年の神戸の地震のときは公衆電話に並んだのを覚えてる。インターネットなんて周りになかったしあの時は電話もパンクしてなかなか通じなかった。



「まだ助かっていない学生がいますが、今どういった気持ちですか?」 レスキューされた一人の女の子(19歳)がインタビューされた。 彼女はそのことを知らされていなかったためびっくりして「え?私のクラスメートが?私の学校ですか?本当に?知らなかった・・・・ なんで私は助かってしまったの?なんで生き残ってしまったの?」と繰り返した。

インタビューはその後は進まず違うシーンにいったけど・・・ いろんな不安や希望をもって日本から留学した19歳。ほんの数日前に大地震に巻き込まれ、でも友達はまだ生き埋めだという状況の中で「まだほかの人は救助中ですが今の気持ちは?」と聞いてどうするのか。

日本人留学生の家族が続々とニュージーランド入りしているが、現場に出入りすることを警察から禁止されとっても悲しい気持ちだとニュースが言っていた。家族の気持ちもわかるが、これ以上の被害者を出したくないという警察の気持ちもわかる。 余震は、何度もやってきて、そのたびにかなり大きいものだったりもするから。私は知ってる。何度も経験した。


娘が助かったお父さんに対し「よかったですね。今の気持ちは?」  彼はとっても答えにくそうにしていた。ほかの家族は後ろを通り過ぎたり、周りにはまだ助かっていない人の家族もたくさんいるようだった。

少し怒りを覚えたような表情をうかべて「素直に喜べません。まだ見つかってない方もいます。」 といった。

そう。みんながわかってる。 もう地震発生から3日以上。 遺体が発見されても誰がだれかわからない。そして。この72時間は生存者がぐっと下がるライン。

でも、その中で助かった人もいるの。 もしかして、瓦礫の中にはいないかもしれない。どこかに逃げて、連絡がとだえているだけかもしれない。だから、今、生き埋めになっている人が「どういう専攻だった」とか「何がすきだった」とか


ほかの情報集めることやってほしい。    メディア、もうすでに十分傷ついた人たちを、これ以上傷つけないでください!

Christchurch earthquake

2011-02-28 | What's happening around the world

When i see news regarding to earthquakes, my experience is recalled as if it happend yesterday. I lost my classmate when i was in 6th grade my family lost home. I attended my graduation ceremony in a temporary built tent when hanshin earthquake happend back in 1995.

I had homestayed in a warm family's home in Auckland, New Zealand which is far from Christchurch, but when i heard the news I was really shocked and worried about the family and friends in NZ.

When I posted "Are you okay?" on Facebook my Hostfather from NZ quickly responded

"Family is okay" so i was relieved. I know that the rescue teams are continuing with their search but more time passed .... darker it gets.. i know the feeling...... Back in 1995, we didnt use Internet at all and for some, it was a long time to find out if their family and friends are okay or not.

Many Japanese students went to NZ to study English and so the news is busy talking about whether those JP students are alive or not- the ones who survived are busy getting interviews everyday, some of the questions just hurt their feelings and mine also.

"How do you feel that you are survived in this situation? your classmates are still under the ground..."

when the interviwer said that, the girl(19) broke down and said "what? you said they are still ...? they are from my school, for sure?"    she cried and cried and said "why did I deserve to survive? why only me? why not my friends?"

Some parents arrived in NZ with their face so sad and worried, but they were told not to go near the area where the collaspaed buildings were because they might have afterquakes....   AND the interview continues... "Now that you are arrived here, how do you feel?" "Are you heading to the area now??" One of the survivor's father was asked his feeling and he answered "I'm confused right now. Everyone else has not yet been discovered and I cannot feel HAPPY honestly." ----- He seemed very uncomfortable answering the interview when other parents are passing by in the background... if these people had the time to ask this stupid questions, they should do something else.... In the newspapers they are talking about the students as if they were already the people in the past, their photos, names,hometowns, majors, interests and dreams!?... it makes me very angry.   i have experienced KOBE, and i KNOW the people who survived after many many hours too, we must not throw away hopes.

I want the media to have a little bit more common sence and not hurt the survivor's or family's feeling. They have already been hurt enough.


外国の地名がついているのに? FOOD that Jp ppl think came from Oversea.

2011-01-26 | What's happening around the world

外国の地名がついているのに日本にしかなくてビックリした食べ物ランキング - gooランキング


1. "Spaghetti Napolitan"

2. "American Coffee"

3."Tenshin Rice" (chinese rice)

4."Chuka man" (Chinese steamed bread)

5."Tenshin Amaguri" (Chinese Sweet Chetnuts)

6."chuka-soba" (Chinese ramen noodle)

7."winner coffee" (cofee from Viness, whipped cream on top)

8."toruko rice"( Turkish Rice)

9. "Russian Tea" (Russian tea)

19." Blue Hawaii shaved ice" (shaved ice with blue syrup)


I felt really funny everytime I order "american coffee" or,

"American Dog" which is a corn dog here,  but also funny to see

"Osaka yaki" 大阪焼 in Taiwan = Okonomiyaki. because Okonomiyaki is a famous food from osaka, someone named it this way. Its so funny though! if we cook Osaka, that would be bad. hahaha

台湾事情 Taiwan Talk

2010-11-26 | What's happening around the world

I have noticed many things that are different, by living in Taiwan for the total of about half year.... and here are top 3 "facts" which i think is really interesting.



 You can OFFICIALLY sit on the floor and read books @ a bookstore.


I saw someone' s blog "there are quiet many people who sit on the floor and read, thats not allowed and never seen in Japan- you can try if you are oversea."
TAIPEI NAVIより→「流行発信地でもある東区の誠品書店(敦南店)。その原動力は、24時間営業の解放的大型書店にあります。好きな本を、好きなときに、好きなだけ読むことができる、まるで図書館のような本屋さん。床で寝ようが廊下に座ろうが文句なしのこの空間、読書好きには天国です。 」

Taipei NAVI calls this "Book store Heaven" - and it is 24 hours open!

BEST 2ハート達(複数ハート)
バスに乗り込むときのサバイバル感 げっそりバス走る人

You must be ready to kill yourslef to catch the bus.

乗りこなせればとても便利で安いのがバスです。意欲のある方はチャレンジしてみて下さい。 」
↑意欲のある方 の中に入れてるー 一応乗れるようにはなってきた。。

First of all, all the bus stop signs are pretty confusing for a foerginer, even for chinese readers- you pretty much huv to be aware of the number on ths bus, forexample 220, 7, 218 .... and there is the color with the number, and other symbols depending on what kind of bus you will be on... ><;  its tricky wehthere you pay first or last, you figure it out on the bus.

sometimes they dont stop if you dont show the driver clearly that you want to take the bus. if you just raised ur hand thinking that he noticed you , your bus is already passed.... you need to stand up and really, stare at the driver and wave, as the bus approaches you can step forward to be sure. :)


BEST 3 わーい(嬉しい顔) 犬
Moterbike is no longer a ride just for young people.

It is ..... for Old, MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN, and..... dogs.

誰かのブログ ↓



as someone's blog said

1.I was so shocked to see how people rode their bikes  here in Taiwan. When i looked closely, it wasnt only two people riding but three, sometimes four! the whole family- mommy, daddy, a kid and a BABY! This bike even had a small stool for a child to sit on! amazing.

2.Again, Ifound out the new way of riding the faimily bike.

Daddy drives, and Mommy sits behind him with a baby on her back. and a white dog by daddy's feet. "dog"  was feeling delighted with this perfectly cofortable breeze.



Day 2 and 3

2010-11-17 | What's happening around the world

We woke up around 830 and went to the breakfast cafe next to the hotel. It was rainy again

They had the Taiwanese style and Western style breakfast. Toast, Scrambled eggs, (it was with onion... dont like) and bacon..   Actually i liked the Taiwanese style breakfast better- what they had was Porridge and other stuff to put on it. Some dried pork flakes, vegi pickles, and spicy sauce.. it was yum.

After having breakfast, we went back to our room and decided to go back to bed again since the check-out time was NOON and it was only half past 9!! We ended up sleeping till PAST Noon.... they had to call us and literally asked us to leave!!!hahaha

We took his bike again and DID IT MAKE ME TIRED.... my helmet is so small that it doesnt have the cover on my face, and the rain was literally splashing in my face...  RAIN + WIND, i was almost crying. 

When we arrived at his home--- a little monster welcomed us :)


Oden- She is less than a year old... the idol of the family


We had planned to go to Flower World expo- J, me, Sho, and Sarah went together It was really nice. Sarah is a goverment official and an alumini of TAIWAN UNIV!!!! That is like equivalent of TOKYO Univ. of Japan.. i heard.. anyways, it is the best univ. in Taiwan!! wow!!

It was really nice time there, but it is really, really crowded and its hude area... so we didnt see much I bought some gifts to bring back to JP, and J bought me a cute Mug  I was so happy ;) he spoiled me big time during this trip


We went to "Luna D'Italia" in Taipei city -Italian Restaurant J and I always go whenever we get a chance :) I love this place especially their bread with special sauce, and their pasta, pizza, everything is really good :) J used to work with the manager there, and he is really nice to treat us goodies everytime we go there

I had Bongole pasta (some clams) and J had Risotto- it was sooooooo yummy  If i lived in Taipei, i would go there every week!!!!! Literally!!!!!!!!!

That night, we went back home and played "Scrabble" with his sister Sherry who is still 16 years old (J is 12 years older than her so along with the puppy oden, the little sister is also the idol of the family!!!)

And she kicked my ass. She beat us by like 100 points.... i was so ashamed Im a freakin English teacher!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Next day, we met YOSHIKO for lunch :) we had some Taiwanese traditional food it was really really goooooood!!


 friend dumplings with meat, and stir fried eggplants, egg rolls with cucambers and meat- oheverything was really really delicious!!

we walked around and did some shoppingand more talking, walking, had some bubble tea It was so nice to see her after a long time!!!!! She is my frist friend I made in Taiwan and we met like twice a week when i lived there.

Not only we were language exchange partners, we became really good friends and we had a lot of experince together, and we wished we would be able to spend more and more time together- but since I couldnt be in Taiwan anymore, We hadnt talked and we werent sure what is going on with each others lives... so we were so glad to catch up finally!!!!!!!!



Yoshiko and Me in front of                                    J and me at the flower expo

                 Hankyu Department store

Then we went to Taipei 101- it was more than i expected, i loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I could see the clouds and strond wind made it even better   I looooooooved it! ( it was cold though)


TAIPEI 101!!! pretty!!!                                Its th view from the top observatory





My trip to Taiwan- Day1

2010-11-16 | What's happening around the world

What does Taipei look like in your eyes? Streets of heavy traffic? Rows if high-rise buildings? as a thriving modern city, surely Taipei can make room for green spaces and purity the city air.



I came back to JP in June and ive been here for 5 months. Yes, it was time to travel. And someone had a very nervous day at work- said " I couldnt concentrate at work at all because you were coming"

My stay was Friday- Monday 

Arriving at 7pm Fri   Leaving at 1230pm Mon

So yeah, not much time- but we have work, we have life, we decided to make the BEST out of it! and we did!!!! woohoo!! So our day (or night) started with HEAVY RAIN なんでやねんー;; I took an airport bus to Taipei main station, it was because my flight was at night my J was working that day so I decided to take my adventure. Although i was pretty used to the public transportation in Taipei (MRT and city Buses) i had never taken a bus from the airport.. i had my friend pick me up every time or used a taxi, so it was a bit confusing.. After exchanging money to Taiwan doller (They use TWD as a currency) I found the ticket counters for buses and there were several companies, and some have NOONE standing in a line but only one company seemed really popular,

"U-bus"  and i knew U-bus, it's the green sign and i have taken that when i went to Jay yi - south of taiwan(sorry i dont know how to spell that in alphabet)  so i said to the lady "Taipei main station" then this friendly person told me " oh, taipei main station, please go to that counter." and she pointed the other direction where NOONE was stainding in a line and a "unfiendly" looking lady was sitting bored at the counter, the company was 国光, Kon-kuan? (dont know how to spel again, sorry)which is pretty famous but i was worried. it was my frist time, and what if this bus never leave here or takes me to somewhere else? ( i knew, this was no middle east or south east asia but when a human panicks you kidna lose the normal thinking, so i was so afraid)

and i asked her "Taipei main station" and she told me  "125" so i paid, and told me "outside, 1213."  it was the number of the bus stop. i said "what time does the bus leave?" she looked at me like ARE YOU GONNA LEAVE ME ALONE NOW? and SAID  "5 MINUTES!"

so i was like.. OH! ok, thank you! and ran outside to look for "1213" and a friendly cleaning boy helped me to find it

(why, is the cleaning boy nicer than the bus ticket counter lady!? cleaning boy should get more paid!!)- but i get it, the lady is probably so sick of seeing so many forgeiners everyday.... hahaha

As I was walking i have the feeling which

hah, if i were in Japan the lady will be running around and shout

"the bus to OOstation is leaving in 5 minutes, is anyone here would like take this bus please buy the ticket as soon as possible- Anyone going to OOstation?"

anyways, i found 1213, then the bus looked "FULL" so i went around to the door side and the door SHUTS right in front of my eyes! It wasnt even 5 minutes as the lady said, it was like 1 minute! So i was pretty mad and told the bus lady "im taking this bus! "  she goes "NO SEAT!" i was like "huh!?!?!?!" 

"what time is the next bus?"   again, the lady looked at me like


and said   "5 minutes!"

ah... people in tis country like "5 minutes" a lot huh... hahah but it was never 5 minutes, who would imagine, it was like 15 minuets wait.....

well i safely got to Taipei main station, and met J we took a taxi to his home area, and stopped by at the night market to have something to eat quickly (cause that night we had a plan to go to Onsen, the hot spring)

You wanna know what I ate?

wonton noodle. oh did it just make me happy in 3 second.

its shrimp wonton, and the brown stuff is a fried vegis it gives the noodle really good flavor!!! this one got only little soup, and J had this, of course, i had a bite of his too


After dropping my stuff off, we went to Ulai, the Famous onsen place.

How did we get there?! Moterbike!!!! just a small one that almost EVERYONE in Taiwan rides. (they even have helmet shops, where only helmets are sold, but actually you can find really cute ones, even for children so if you need a colorful desgin helmet, Taiwan is a place for you)

This is our onsen hotel. 美人湯 means beautiful woman hot spring

Did i get beautiful after bath? Of course i did


our room


View from our room - Beautiful mountain!!!!

It was a greaaaaaaaaaat night   I slept soooo peacefully and didnt even wake up oncewhich is very unlike me! Very Good!


Cont. to "Day2"

Its been a long time.

2010-06-28 | What's happening around the world
I talked to my friend from High School in US on facebook!!!
It's amazing how you can see someone online, i mean you can know that this person is in front of the computer as you are, then you can talk to her/him.
WOW, we talked about our work, life, all the memories and it was just cool! He said he is busy working.
I used to think the world is so big and its impossible to travel or meet lots of people around the world but since this great thchnology is around, if you met someone once, you are able to keep in touch with them- its amazing!

I also talked to my dear "TWIN Sister" from Georgia ( not the state, country near Russia)online.
She stayed at home home few years ago as a business intern and we had a mini family experience it was sooooooooooo great, we found out that we had a lot in common and we are still very close :)

ahhh I wanna go to US and Georgia!