My trip to Taiwan- Day1

2010-11-16 | What's happening around the world

What does Taipei look like in your eyes? Streets of heavy traffic? Rows if high-rise buildings? as a thriving modern city, surely Taipei can make room for green spaces and purity the city air.



I came back to JP in June and ive been here for 5 months. Yes, it was time to travel. And someone had a very nervous day at work- said " I couldnt concentrate at work at all because you were coming"

My stay was Friday- Monday 

Arriving at 7pm Fri   Leaving at 1230pm Mon

So yeah, not much time- but we have work, we have life, we decided to make the BEST out of it! and we did!!!! woohoo!! So our day (or night) started with HEAVY RAIN なんでやねんー;; I took an airport bus to Taipei main station, it was because my flight was at night my J was working that day so I decided to take my adventure. Although i was pretty used to the public transportation in Taipei (MRT and city Buses) i had never taken a bus from the airport.. i had my friend pick me up every time or used a taxi, so it was a bit confusing.. After exchanging money to Taiwan doller (They use TWD as a currency) I found the ticket counters for buses and there were several companies, and some have NOONE standing in a line but only one company seemed really popular,

"U-bus"  and i knew U-bus, it's the green sign and i have taken that when i went to Jay yi - south of taiwan(sorry i dont know how to spell that in alphabet)  so i said to the lady "Taipei main station" then this friendly person told me " oh, taipei main station, please go to that counter." and she pointed the other direction where NOONE was stainding in a line and a "unfiendly" looking lady was sitting bored at the counter, the company was 国光, Kon-kuan? (dont know how to spel again, sorry)which is pretty famous but i was worried. it was my frist time, and what if this bus never leave here or takes me to somewhere else? ( i knew, this was no middle east or south east asia but when a human panicks you kidna lose the normal thinking, so i was so afraid)

and i asked her "Taipei main station" and she told me  "125" so i paid, and told me "outside, 1213."  it was the number of the bus stop. i said "what time does the bus leave?" she looked at me like ARE YOU GONNA LEAVE ME ALONE NOW? and SAID  "5 MINUTES!"

so i was like.. OH! ok, thank you! and ran outside to look for "1213" and a friendly cleaning boy helped me to find it

(why, is the cleaning boy nicer than the bus ticket counter lady!? cleaning boy should get more paid!!)- but i get it, the lady is probably so sick of seeing so many forgeiners everyday.... hahaha

As I was walking i have the feeling which

hah, if i were in Japan the lady will be running around and shout

"the bus to OOstation is leaving in 5 minutes, is anyone here would like take this bus please buy the ticket as soon as possible- Anyone going to OOstation?"

anyways, i found 1213, then the bus looked "FULL" so i went around to the door side and the door SHUTS right in front of my eyes! It wasnt even 5 minutes as the lady said, it was like 1 minute! So i was pretty mad and told the bus lady "im taking this bus! "  she goes "NO SEAT!" i was like "huh!?!?!?!" 

"what time is the next bus?"   again, the lady looked at me like


and said   "5 minutes!"

ah... people in tis country like "5 minutes" a lot huh... hahah but it was never 5 minutes, who would imagine, it was like 15 minuets wait.....

well i safely got to Taipei main station, and met J we took a taxi to his home area, and stopped by at the night market to have something to eat quickly (cause that night we had a plan to go to Onsen, the hot spring)

You wanna know what I ate?

wonton noodle. oh did it just make me happy in 3 second.

its shrimp wonton, and the brown stuff is a fried vegis it gives the noodle really good flavor!!! this one got only little soup, and J had this, of course, i had a bite of his too


After dropping my stuff off, we went to Ulai, the Famous onsen place.

How did we get there?! Moterbike!!!! just a small one that almost EVERYONE in Taiwan rides. (they even have helmet shops, where only helmets are sold, but actually you can find really cute ones, even for children so if you need a colorful desgin helmet, Taiwan is a place for you)

This is our onsen hotel. 美人湯 means beautiful woman hot spring

Did i get beautiful after bath? Of course i did


our room


View from our room - Beautiful mountain!!!!

It was a greaaaaaaaaaat night   I slept soooo peacefully and didnt even wake up oncewhich is very unlike me! Very Good!


Cont. to "Day2"


4 コメント

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Unknown (JJ)
2010-11-17 00:09:40
its really nice to have you here !!
miss you so much ,baby !!!
lacking hospitality (chuchuchie)
2010-11-18 22:15:48
that sucks about your bus experience at TMS, but it was better if you waited for a new bus. you wouldn't want to stand the whole 1-2 hours to Taipei not how the drivers drive here... :( so think of it as God preventing something bad from happening to you on your first day back ;)

that hotel looks awesome! glad you liked it there! :D
@ J (dazu)
2010-11-27 01:20:38
Ya, i love all of our photos :)
Thank you for the nice time im looking forward for the next time,
@Austina (dazu)
2010-11-27 01:21:58
Yah, I alwayy think bad experience oversea is my challenge. if everything goes smoothly and as you planned, its kinda... boring too.