思春期のこども  ヤル気をのばす言葉がけのヒント

2011-10-22 | Most important- Education










「ママ、嬉しいよ。(先生 うれしいよ)」


意外と少ないのです。 いいかわるいかとかの評価じゃなく 親が喜ぶ姿をこどもにいっぱい見せてあげてください。












教育コーチ 江藤まきさん   「子供が勉強好きになる50の言葉」著者

pouring water in a glass.

2011-10-20 | What interests me
i always feel that develoment on childrens growth is like pouring water in a glass.each child has a glass thats in different sizes,small,big,tall,short or sometimes has a crack?????oops well anyways that glass is not visible and u never know when that glass get full and spilling out of it. when i left the preschool for traveling around Asia and Oceania, i gave a big speech on that, and that i am so glad that i could help and support children fill their glasd with tgeir wonderful skills and experiences. sometimes it seems like the glass will never fill and u start wonderijg maybe this child is really different from the others and cant expect it to fill at all= compAring one indivisual to Nother is the last thing u wanna do when raising or teaching children because just like i mentioned because tgw size is different even if u compare it its not relevant,u really cant measure how less or more!!!!!! The other day i felt one of my student 's glass of "english speaking " hafd filled and spilled suddenly.he started talking and we were having a was amazing. it is hard to keep believing when there are only few of us to do so, but ut really is worth it T the moment like that u feel how great it is to be there with children when they actually show some improvement and progress. proud teachers:)))))) im not a mom yet so i could never lecture anybody-but i know for sure and am confident to say-do not compare ur child with anyone else even brothers sisters. just wait and watch,listen to theit voices- learn and grow together , u will feel so happy and proud!!it will take time until u feel sartisfied-but its ok!! u will forget All of the worries and frustration when u discover something new!!!!


2011-10-20 | What's happening around the world
あるママからされた質問のお話をします★  私が、yoちゃんな授業での様子を話していて、単語が増えたのはもちろんちゃんと文章で話すし決まった内容だけじゃなくて、イマジネーションをつかって色々な単語を組み合わせ自分なりの表現をしたりと驚かされるばかりでした。てね! そうしたら、ままちゃんが  そう!スクール来たらスゴイしゃべるの!家では、日本語を私がしゃべるからかな、電話して病気でおやすみします、って自分でいいなさいって言ったらびょうき。。?おやすみ。。? って不思議そうで、全然言えないんです。 なんでなんだろ??  その答えは、 プリで英会話環境で生活に必要な英語からどんどん学んでいったyoちゃんにとっては 日本語→英語の翻訳機能が頭にないから! 単語なら、 おはようはgood morningとか簡単に訳せます、でも表現となると小学校高学年くらいでやっと翻訳を理解してくるんじゃないかな!っと答えました!  私も実は、アメリカ在学中スペイン語を学んだけど、クラスでの説明の媒体語は英語だったので今でもスペイン語の単語を思い出す時、日本語→英語→スペイン語の順でいちいちいってる。日本語→スペイン語の経験ないから、tambienとかalsoみたいな意味だった気がするけど、日本語では?って言われるとおどおどしちゃう!  まあそういう意味で、学んだ時の方法によって翻訳ができたり会話ができたりします。大人になって、両方できれば良いね☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆   


2011-10-19 | Most important- Education
教育とは 人を励まし続けることだ。 Education is to keep encouraging people.

Naoki Ogi's Speech (English) Part 1

2011-10-12 | Most important- Education

<strong>I went to a speech done by Naoki Ogi. He is an education commentator as well as a professor at several universities.
He appeared on TV and recetnly there isnt a sigle day that we dont see him on TV. However his appearnce didnt start just these days, he was already on TV 10 years ago, said in his speech.</strong>

"I hate it when people say [Try not to make trouble for anyone in your life.] How can you live alone? How can you stay peace without helping troubled people?"

After he said that, I was crying.  I was surprised myself because I really didn' expect myself to cry at his speech. Especially if you know his charactor on TV he is know as ”Gay" charactor (but he is dressed fully as a man and he is married to a woman^^ just the way he talks and the hand gestures are "cute" and thats how he got popular on TV, good for him)

Maybe I cried because sometimes I feel like I'm making trouble for people and just cant help it but i am fortunate to have kind and caring friends, bosses, families and co workers around me that it isnt a big deal. and also, when i teach, there is always someone who disturbs my class. Never listens or sits nicely, plus does everything the oppesite. I recalled that student and felt bad because I always felt in my mind "Don't make trouble for other people!" but really, Dr. Ogi says, "it is okay to have ALL KINDS OF people." and i thought, "wow, this person is a cut above... a lot of educators i have known"

He also introduced an episode on Japan's womens soccer coach who was coaching Sawa, she is also on TV all the time now. He said that Sawa was really bad at Rhythem, no sence of it at all. Being a soccer player, if you dont have a sence of rythem, thats fatel.Then, how did she get that good?

Its the coach. He used the method called Potato Vine Method. Normal coach, teacher, or parent... would point out something bad or could be better or bothing an individual to work harder so it will get better. On the other hand, he always gave compliment on what Sawa did great and continued giving praise, never mentioned what she needed to work on. because this potato vine method is based on an idea "if a person realize what she is good at, then she will want to make more accomplishment. So she will find out what she needs to work on and that also improves itself."

I was shocked!!!! for all this time i have been mentioning to everyone in my class "You need to work on your reading but your writing is excellent." or something like that but i guess I really didnt need to say the first part.

                                                     TO BE CONTINIED

尾木直樹 の愛とロマンの子育て論 in 神戸★

2011-10-11 | Most important- Education
簡単にまとめてみた★ 日本語です★


いいところを、伸ばす   教育を徹底していたらしい。

こういうのを いもづる式 というらしいです。

「わかってるけどできない」 先生、親、コーチが多いんじゃないかなぁ。
彼がemphasizeしてたのは なんと生後直後に戻り
「カンガルーケア」 だった。
「安心してもいいんだ。」 って思えるんだって。


今の若い世代は メールだと気持ちを伝えるのがとって上手。

それは、「洞察力」 のことをさす と。

I totally agree!

勉強を頑張るのは 洞察力 をきたえる訓練なんだなと


Eye opening experienceって英語では言うけど
ぱって目が覚めて、 wow

「いろんな種類の人間がいてこそいいんです」 の言葉、感動しました!

インターナショナルな環境で教えてると それをわかってるはずなのに


positive aura:)

2011-09-26 | What interests me
hi !! ive been on diet,well i should rathwr call it a project.a beauty project rather than just cutting down ob my calories ive been trying to have more positive aura and know who i am wjat kind of person i want to be.
its amazing what a break up can do to a girl,it can go bad for a while but whne time heals my heart little vy little u realize u huv just wasted sometime thnking too much.:(
so basically,in the middle of August i decided to go for the bif maraton coming up next year but it started as jyst a conversation between me and the massage person whrere ibusrd to go a lot.he told me every year he enjoys running in the marathon in forein countries and i was like why not me. so i got on the net and searxhed,and came across Honolulu marathon!!!! yah!

so i run every once in a while to get used to the athlletic far so good,it feels great to run just look forward abd keep going is a great feeling actually. when running u run into anither runner or jogger or sog walkers and hello or its getting chilly isnt it those short comversation comes out naturally which i think is a good practice on being more positive.when peiple greet it makes u smile and people are more beautiful when they smile!!!!! s:)
so other than that i joined tge spa where i get a weekly massage sauna and the counseling on my food diet and healthbmaintenance! which has been great so far i have lost 4kg thats about 8lb. yes it was a bit expensive shopping but i xall it
investing to a beautifulself to be. :)
also,catxhing up with my familyband friends is nice, work,friends,family,rest,excercise!!!the balance is really the key!!!!

one more i want to introduce is that a DVD set clled Ines magic. she is a french lady who trains jp models to be Missbuniverse.this dvd set is a 8weeks program and it is only at my second week butbi already see myself changing a bit. there are excercise guide,diet guide,and tips on buildingvself confidence. 24"regular" women aged 19-70 get advice and professional makeover and each discussion session and the viewera can do the same.the first weeka homework was to write down 50things u like abt urself!!!!50!!! wow thats too muxh.haha with diet,she talks about take muxh nuts luke add some nuts yo salad and also w brown beats white!!brown bread or rice is much better rhan white so when xhiosing the food we can pay little mire attention to that.
so bits of everything is very easy to keep track,itd not like i huv to do 50situps everyday or anything so im loving the program and lets see how it goes in another seven weeks!!!!

so everyone!!!have a positive aura,know what u luv to do, smile!!! and when u r tired,take a good rest and give urself compliments!!!

My summer holiday :>

2011-09-04 | What's happening around the world

I feel like i had done so much this month.

First, i finished my exam then it was work work work, but it was fun.

I never feel work is annoying or tiring becasue it is my choice to work, or not to work, and i prefer working with children than working on computers or hard headed grown ups. ( i dont know whether this expression is correct or not... i wanted to say 頭が固い which literally means hard headed)

anyways, although there were busy days, I didn't forget to be keep myself active- Thats ME.  I did more cooking, not much more than Spring time, but enough to introduce here in my blog entry.

I tried making more pizzas and pasta sauce since i have been growing Basil in my little planters. Basils are so easy to grow, although i did let them die once when i went away for two days... but thanks to my mother's good care, they grew back alive again and they are growing and growing.

So, HERE is my BASIL PASTA SAUCE recipi, easy and yummy.


basil leaves

olive oil


parmeseasn cheese

salt and pepper

ALL you need is to mix everything in a blender, and just add cooked spaghetti!!! I added octopus, green peppers and tomatos. it was yum.

At the end of August i went on a "crazy busy" trip to TOKYO by night bus. It was one of those 若手芸人 "young comedians" TV shows where you have 24 hours and limited budget and the list of things that needed to be done like finding a local person with a weired name or showing their performance and get certain number of people to laugh....

well my case was "you have 48 hours and you get to go see your friends from college, then to a concert of YOUNG AMERICANS JAPAN TOUR LAST TRIBUTE" then to awa odori, back to Kobe for work. and i did all of it, i had fun, so much fun, and im so glad i did it. I never thought i would take a night bus again to go to Tokyo after college because i remember it was so uncomfortable but actually this time i didnt feel it was hat bad. only bad was that i left my contact lens case behind and i had to rest with my lenses in..... sucked!!!!!!   my friend who i met in Tokyo was just back from Boston on his holiday so he brought me some childrens books! such a sweet friend! they were perfect! i already used two of them in my classes! Thanx!

It was so great to see my old friends, they make me smile, automatically. and i can really be myself. thats one of my purpose of life. and joy of life.


Its September!! This month is going to be pretty "Athletic" since there is 世界陸上 World track on TV all the time, and RUGBY game!!! I wasnt interested in it until i went to New Zealand, and people over there luvs watching their favorite team ALL BLACKS. if Japan beats France, we will be against New Zealand! So, here we come! I wish i could watch that game with my New Zealand family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aweeeee

And i started running because i have a big challenge i have determined tis summer, im not going to say it here yet,,, but some people already know it. So September, Atheletic month! here i come! hee hee!






Awaji island- part two

2011-08-16 | Most important- Education

I meant to update my second day of islaand of summercamp sooner, but adter the test I got busy with work, then soon we had our school  Day trip and so on, and i just got tiedup...

so anyways, to write up the overview of summercamp to awaji... i thought of coming up with "ranking" so here it is...

"TOP 5 Awaji Summercamp surprises"

1."getting lost" in a dark! It was part of our plan to go and find "umi hotaru" which are lighting bugs? those are the bugs glow in dark, and they like fish sausages so we had this jar with the fish sausage tied with string- and supposely hoping to see many bugs glow in dark.... until we realized most of our flashlights died and didnt really see clearly so we totally got lost then since we (teachers) live in cities we didnt notice the counryside get no lights and it is pretty easy to get loooooooost! well, we did get some... but it was a little sad to see kids sad faces... but the teacher was even more upset, and sweaty, and.... exausted! haha

2. Amazing! 5 yr old boy, used to be "little baba"a year ago, didnt cry, wedge, wine, or ask us to pick him up or huggy during the whole camp. He is the little one in our group and normally gets away with his "cute" way and cuddle... but at the camp we are all busy, and focusing on getting to places on time and figuring out what to do next, then believe ornot he got so independent, at eating time, sleeping, carring bags, he was one independent little man and i was so surprised and proud! when kids got no choice but to take care of themselves, they do!

3.Morning and Evening Meetings at the Youth Cultural center where we stayed, we had to choose one child from our group to come up to the front and talk in public about our day and greeting, we absolutely had no idea so we as teachers felt a little too bad not to be able to mention it-noone wanted to go to the front but then we had one brave 5th grade boy volunteer and did a great speech just like a grown up businessman in a presentation!

4.In the "Youth cultural center" there were so many rules, it was the part of "learning" as a group and teamwork- yet one that annoyed me the most was that in the morning before leaving the building, few had to go back to the floor that we were staying in and just be there while the "checkers" check all of the lists such as "there is no dust or garbage on the floor" or "windows are all shut" then if there is anything that needs to be redone, they had to, of course... yeah, i did check, double check everyone's room- but still, they had to redo it!


5.Nice "indigo dying" t shirt project!  i really wish i brout a t shirt with me because all of he kids t shirt turned out so nice!

i have many more, but i will stop right here!!

anyways i think you all got the idea, this camp was a good one and i enjoyed it very much!


Awaji island summercamp 淡路島サマーキャンプ

2011-08-05 | Most important- Education

awaji island 淡路島 youth cultural exchange house 青少年交流の家 

when everyone arrived at ici(our school),we gathered all the
kids and did a morning greeting. We had 18children aged 5 to 11 plus a 15 year old volunteer, who did a great job helping us all. I was assigned 3boys and two girls as my group so we decided to make a "call" which is just a simple attendance taking- 1,2,3,4,5,and 6(that's me )"  WE ARE HERE!!!"  even though for many kids ut was the first time to attend any type of camp in addition "English" camp, they did really well !!!! for example in my group, there were only two that understand or speak english without mixing Japanese, but the other three TRIED really hard to speak some phrases or repeat what the teachers said." which wAs great to see.
when wd got on the bus each student and teacher introduced themselves. 
i had one a few goal for this camp.  
one was to remember
everyone's names and their dream.( our camp was called
dream exchange camp and we did a presentation @ night) 
second, to talk to every child and give them positive
third, have fun but be serious because this is work but enjoy
as much as i can. 
when we got the awaji island we checked in
and saw what our rooms look like,then we headed to the craft room which was locked even though we checked with the office and they said it was okay to use the room . .  well , but kids know how to kill the time outside very well some did bug hunting while others played "だるまさんがころんだ"daruma sanga koro n da  it's a popular outside game which is just like the "whats the time Mr.wolf ?"
then a cleaning lady came smiling and said I'm here now!!I'm here now!!  kids were like "finally!!!" 
what we did in there was to make up our own indigo dying design on a white t-shirt. I really wished I brought a white t shirt since this was a real cool craft and the kids t shirts turned out so nice,every one of the shirts were great piece of art!!!!!
we put those t shirts aside then we went to lunch. buffet style  lunch , of course kids got so excited to get their own tray,plates, and food. yes all u can eat. 
I thought it was really good that everyone had to separate the trash(plastic or garbage like leftoverfood) then used chopsticks, put their tray away. I didn't help the kids but watched them over from distAnce feeling nice to see some of them grown up since the first tme I met them. that's the pleasure of teaching litte kids !!!!!
we headed to the beach and did some shell collecting and plAying with sands a bit -thNks to nicebear IKUMA , our photographer he took great pictures at the beach too kids were so excited even though we told them we weren't going in the wAter (it was pretty chilly and waves were high) but of  course they enjoyed getting their feet wet and splash eAch other.after a water gun fighting with laughs and tears (we Lywas huv someone crying because of this and that when we have competitions)
it kind of sucked that the bath time was the end of the day not before dinner,since we were covered with sweats sands and dontknow what.
to be continued . zzz....