PAGES OF MY LIFE ~著作権保護ページ~


FIXED SEESAW(固定されたシーソー)

2008年11月28日 01時24分04秒 | Weblog
Piled up future bricks                              (未来レンガを積んだ)
Pleasant hardship                                      (楽しい苦労)
Boxes which carried were empty                      (運んだ箱の中身はカラ)
Seesaw doesn't move                               (シーソーは動かない)
The place without the boxes is the heaviest              (箱のない場所が一番重い)
Relativity of the backside                                (裏側の相対性)
Thought that we could come true slowly             (徐々に叶えていると思ったのに)
The generation who feels uneasy stops there being      (不安を感じる世代はいなくなって)
And a new generation is born                         (新しい世代が生まれる)
They work hard without being informed of it         (彼らは知らされずに一生懸命働く)
Bags' holes were sewn                            (袋の穴たちは縫われた)
Important treatment                                    (重要な治療)
water leak has not happened any longer                  (水漏れはもう起きない)
But Seesaw doesn't move                          (でもシーソーは動かない)
Thread has gone off all too soon                  (縫い糸はすぐに消えてしまった)
Relativity of the backside                                (裏側の相対性)
Thought that it had gradually saved it              (徐々に蓄えていると思ったのに)
People who become accustomed do not say anything     (慣れた人々は何も言わなくなる)
And, the new generation laughs                          (新しい世代は笑う)
They live in the truth different from us         (彼らは私たちと違う真実の中で生きる)
Seesaw doesn't move                               (シーソーは動かない)
The place without the boxes is the heaviest              (箱のない場所が一番重い)
Relativity of the backside                                (裏側の相対性)
Thought that we could come true slowly             (徐々に叶えていると思ったのに)
                 How long time!(なんと長い月日だろう!)
