PAGES OF MY LIFE ~著作権保護ページ~


The lonely experience(心細い経験)

2007年10月28日 07時26分13秒 | Weblog
I know you conversantly
(あなたのことは よく知っている)
I know the way to take out your anxiety
But I must not do it this time
(でも今回は 私がそれをしてはいけない)
You should do that by yourself
When a matter becomes complicated, the reason is tangled
(問題が複雑になる時は 道理が もつれている)
You untie them and should itemize it
(それらを解いて 箇条書きにしてみると良いよ)
You should do that by yourself
I know you conversantly
(あなたのことは よく知っている)
I will understand what you wanna say
But I don’t ask you about it this time
(でも今回は 私はそれを尋ねない)
You should say that by yourself
When a countermeasure is estranged, people's feeling is tangled
(解決策が遠のく時は 感情が もつれている)
It isn't simple to solve tangled feeling
(もつれた感情を解くことは 簡単なことじゃない)
But You should say that by yourself
(でも あなたが自分で言わなくては)
We do the experience it isn't possible to depend on others
We make the individual strong in the experience
(私たちは経験によって 個人を強くする)
We do the experience it isn't possible to depend on others
The lonely experience tells to us the thanks to the cooperator
(心細い経験は 私たちに 協力者への感謝を教えてくれる)
