PAGES OF MY LIFE ~著作権保護ページ~



2008年09月08日 11時59分54秒 | Weblog
Shoes soles seem to come off          (靴底が取れそうな靴)
Dry sounds are made               (乾いた音を立てて、
And the girl goes                        少女がゆく)
Doesn't notice                   (涙が流れていることも
Tears are flowing                      気にしないで)
There were always no marks      (いつも未来への目印は無かった
To the future for her                    彼女にとっては)
And then                     (そして、その時は
Even the no actual guideposts were lost  現実の道しるべさえも無い)
Holy lonely winter                    (神聖な、孤独な冬)
Her God gave it                       (神様がくれた)
Holy lonely winter                    (神聖な、孤独な冬)
Town that became gray                     (灰色の町)
Nightmares occur in big nightmare (大きな悪夢の中に起きる悪夢たち)
Medicines are in her palm            (彼女は薬を握っている)
And that soft voice                 (あの優しい声は
Wasn't justice                        正義ではなかった) 
Mom is wiping her tears          (ママは彼女の涙を拭いている)
There were always no marks   (いつもママの愛情への目印はなかった
To the love of Mom                    彼女にとっては)
And now                      (そして、今、彼女が
The one she kept searching is in her side  探してきたものは傍に在る)
Long lonely winter                      (長く孤独な冬)
She's outside the traps                 (罠から抜け出した)
Wrong long winter                     (間違った長い冬)
World that became dark                     (闇の世界)
But still                              (でも まだ
Dive senses don't allow her to sleep  急降下感覚が彼女を眠らせない)
The shock and a sense of guilt             (ショックと罪悪感が
Take her away to another world  彼女を別世界へと連れ去ってしまう)                      
        She continues being at a loss in her brain     
Shoes soles seem to come off          (靴底が取れそうな靴)
Dry sounds are made               (乾いた音を立てて、
And the girl goes                        少女がゆく)
Doesn't notice                   (涙が流れていることも
Tears are flowing                      気にしないで)
