PAGES OF MY LIFE ~著作権保護ページ~



2008年07月30日 03時50分35秒 | Weblog
wall in a ruin is his notebook     (ノートは 廃墟の壁)
travelers are his teachers      (旅人たちが 教師)
when they come across him     (彼を見かけると)
street children are gathering (ストリート・チルドレンは集まってくる)
the poor youth grew up         (その貧しい青年は
while being always removed       政策の対象から
from a target of a policy        いつも外されたままで育った)
he is a hopeful poet           (彼は希望詩人)
and writes hopes and love       (希望と愛情を書く)
at the bottom in the dark time    (暗い時代のどん底で)
with a white parasol in July      (7月には白い日傘で)
with a black parasol in August    (8月には黒い日傘で)
she comes to the town to       (誰かに頼まれて
search for 1 child for somebody   子供を1人探しに彼女はやって来る)
the rich woman grew up         (その富麗婦人は)
at this town with hopeful poet    (希望詩人と共にこの町で育ち)
only she went out to the city     (彼女だけが都会へ出て行った)
made the children's family      (子供たちの家族を作って)
when she got trust, fact changed  (彼女が信頼を得た時、事実は変わった)
doing that for money now       (今は、大金の為にそれをしている)
while she stays, in the mean time  (彼女が滞在している、その間)
he doesn't get away from children  (彼は子供たちの傍から離れない)
she goes away from this town     (彼女は最近 独りでこの町を出て行く
alone these days.....lose his reliance       彼の信頼を失って)

the rich woman will come again    (富麗婦人は再び来るだろう)
with her pride and a guilty feeling    (誇りと罪悪感と共に) 
the title and a lot of money corner her(肩書きと大金が彼女を追い詰める)
wall of ruins is drawing papers     (廃墟の壁が画用紙)
thrown-away blankets are beds    (捨てられた毛布がベッド)
when they come across him     (彼を見かけると)
street children are gathering (ストリート・チルドレンは集まってくる)
simple thinking and back work     (単純思考と裏工作)
weak's lives are always in danger   (弱者たちはいつも危険の中)
unclean money destroys the world  (汚れた金が世界を壊す)
he is a hopeful poet           (彼は希望詩人)
and writes justice and courage    (正義と勇気を書く)
at the bottom in the dark time    (暗い時代のどん底で)
