PAGES OF MY LIFE ~著作権保護ページ~



2008年06月28日 09時12分11秒 | Weblog
We the moon people manage the earth
Punishment is given
when earthians are shallow-brained
As for us,
they are sometimes surprised by science
so that they may not forget it
We are valuable existences for the earth
So full management also of our health
and the population is carried out
Scientific doctor comes on Thursday night
With excellent girls (エクセレント・ガールと共に)
And takes away my motor girls

We the moon people are in management-ization
of other planets
We don't think by feeling like earthians
It is easy and a short time of work
We can enjoy studies and sports enough
And there is no sickness
Our science develops further if these are maintained
And the earth must continue reasonably
because we are managing
Scientific doctor comes on Monday morning
With motor girls (モーター・ガールと一緒に)
And takes away my excellent girls

Scientific doctor comes on Thursday night
With excellent girls (エクセレント・ガールと共に)
And takes away my motor girls

