PAGES OF MY LIFE ~著作権保護ページ~


工作だらけのこの国で ~ MANIPULATES ~

2010年03月30日 02時39分45秒 | Weblog

敵国基地が山中に出来る  Bases of the enemy countries are made on mountains
この国の資源で                    With the resource of this country
この国の人を使い                   By labor of people in this country
この国を殺す為の武器を作る               Arms to destroy this country

輸入される曖昧な死因                 Imported vague causes of death
問題無き殺人                            Murders in No-problem
工作だらけのこの国で                 In this country full of manipulate


敵国基地が病院に出来る    Bases of the enemy countries are made in facilities
この国の薬品で                    With the medicines in this country
この国の人を使い                   By labor of people in this country
この国を殺す為の化学兵器を作る    Chemical weapons to destroy this country

隠蔽される明確な侵略               The clear invation that is concealed
報道無き殺人                              Murders in No-press
工作だらけのこの国で                 In this country full of manipulate


TVに出る奴は政治を褒めるな!      Don't praise the politics in tv programs!
出演料を貰っている人々よ               You who get a performance fee
売国奴の代弁者たちよ                        Traitors' spokesmen
お前らは金の為に喋ってる                 You are speaking for money
国民を騙してる                             People are deceived

国連は役立たずだ                   The United Nations is not useful
金ばかり貪りやがって              You coveted money from this country
調べたことがあるのか                   Have you investigated once?
奥の奥まで                                Most to the depths
最後まで                                      Till the last
詳細を                                        Many most


敵国基地が学校に出来る    Bases of the enemy countries are made in schools
子供たちはこの国で人質だ            Children are hostages in this country
歴史も知識も改竄されている   History of this country and knowledge are altered
殺人と追放で偽物にされる This country is made to fake by murder and banishment

隠蔽される明確な売買          The clear buying and selling that is concealed
意向無き贈呈                       Presentations without intentions
工作だらけのこの国で                  In this country full of manipulate
工作だらけの世界で                    In this world full of manipulate

