English for apes

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2023-11-14 22:43:05 | Reading - not classified

David Cameron returns to frontline politics in the most stunning political twist of the morning

came to a head / bring sth to a head
[Collins]If a problem or disagreement comes to a head or is brought to a head, it becomes so bad that something must be done about it.
pull the plug on
[Collins]If someone in a position of power pulls the plug on a project or on someone's activities, they use their power to stop them continuing.
bout - bout of vituperative rhetoric
vituperative 発音
cowardice - sheer cowardice
feted < fete
sideways ここではadj - a sideways move sidewaysという不思議なラジオ番組ありますが副詞だったんだー
in lieu of sth
[Collins]If you do, get, or give one thing in lieu of another, you do, get, or give it instead of the other thing, because the two things are considered to have the same value or importance.
sitting - Cameron is no longer a sitting MP
be made a peer
totem - totem of stability
seeming - in a seeming state of
internecine 発音 - after years of internecine chaos
incentivise < incentive


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