May take C1Advanced test until 2025



2023-03-14 12:26:59 | Workbook

1 ran into problems : [B2]to encounter unexpectedly: run into problems/difficulties
3 ruled out the possibility : exclude, eliminate, prevent, reject..
4 ended in failure
5 rose to the challenge [phase] they act in response to a difficult situation which is new to them and are successful

0 Possibility: distinct possibility, remote possibility, strong possibility
1 Chance: fair chance, realistic chance, slim chance
2 Problem: potential problem, recurrent problem, trivial problem
3 Challenge: daunting challenge, exciting challenge, fresh challenge
5 Success: overnight success, roaring success, huge success
6 Failure: continued failure, dismal failure, inevitable failure  dismalは先週ブログに取り上げたばかりなのに。。マジでdismal failureだわ。
8 Achievement: major achievement, remarkable achievement, sporting achievement

0 questioning the wisdom of signing the goalkeeper: the wisdom of the decision/action: prudence, reason
wise > wisdom
10 achieved notoriety for failing a drugs test
notorious > notoriety
question/doubt wisdomとかachieve notorietyとか動詞に惑わされます

試験頻出Word Formation 綴りを間違うな
relevant > irrelevant > irrelevance

proposals, requirements

単語 - なんども出てきてなんども忘れてる
resounding: resounding victory, resounding success 発音
daunting: intimidating, alarming, frightening, discouraging 発音
adolescence:period of your life in which you develop from being a child into being an adult 発音
notorious: well-known for some bad or unfavourable quality, deed > notoriety 発音

[U1] Grammar : Conjunctions

2023-02-11 15:32:37 | Workbook
I will come next week, provided that Sally comes too.
> I will come next week. I will not come unless Sally comes too.

provided/provided that やべー。知らなかったー。B2の文法。。。
provided (that)… used to say what must happen or be done to make it possible for something else to happen

Provided that you have the money in your account, you can withdraw up to £300 a day.
We'll buy everything you produce, provided of course the price is right.

as yet phrase
You use as yet with negative statements to describe a situation that has existed up until the present time.
They're looking for a place to live, but as yet they haven't found it.

Telling people to recycle everything doesn't work, nor does making laws.

Planning cities carefully has a positive effect on the future, as does saving energy.

nor does とか as does とか。
これらはUse of Englishに出ますねー。全部覚えないと危ない。

[U12] Use of English1

2023-02-11 14:46:08 | Workbook

Allegedly, これもニュース記事では頻出してるのに。覚えられない。アクセントも。


[U11] Use of English1

2023-02-05 14:27:31 | Workbook
Use of Englishは慣れでした。問題に慣れることそのものは英語力アップにはならないけど、問題文に出てくる基本単語や構文・文法を復習するのは意義があるとは思う。

Do scientists bother to read science fiction?
否定形でなく、疑問形でのbotherって、こんな感じなのですかね。do/does someone bother to...?

frivolous は基本単語なのに。全然覚えられてない。つづりも発音も。exhilaratingも同様。


Maybe they find it exhilarating to discover things science fiction presents as possibilities, like the existence of new life forms[..]. But that's probably too simple an explanation.
Open clozeにはlikeとか冠詞とかもあるんですよね。

[..]the fascination may simply be whether the science in fiction is really so far-fetched.

Looking beyond the obvious is good for us[..]
the + adjective

[10] Use of English

2023-02-04 14:29:10 | Workbook
But that's also what leads some people to regard the tests with scepticism.

It appears efficient to put people into neat pigeonholes[..]

It may be that such tests do have a part to play in a selection process [..]
play a part in > have a part to play in 使役?でもhave+to不定詞って?doだし。この文法の説明が見つからない。こんなのわかるかー。

[U9] Use of English1

2023-02-04 14:05:48 | Workbook
なんか問題に慣れてきた。間違うけど。Use of Englishは慣れだった。なのでひたすら問題を解くしかない。

There seems to be some evidence that activity in the brain changes [..]

[U8] Use of English1

2023-02-04 12:57:40 | Workbook

Planning a holiday used to be rather daunting as prospective travellers had to visit travel agents, pore over brochures or plough through guidebooks.

resist > irresistible

Clearly, blogs are intensely personal and bloggers may also have an axe to grind.

intense intensely intensity

authentic authenticity authentically

[U7] Use of English1

2023-02-04 10:53:35 | Workbook


[..]especially the product could be classed as a luxury, [..]

Hype,[..], is the sales pitch the company puts out to promote its wares.
wares: plural noun

People are inclined to distrust the hard sell and recommendation from loyal customers is likely to carry greater weight among customers.


ONE PIECE最終日の舞台挨拶見に行ってきた。長かった。 →  ルフィねー。90のばあさんちは実家の近くなんだよね → ルフィ??(私) → キムとかミツハシもいる


[U6] Use of English1

2023-01-23 20:53:14 | Workbook
仕事が忙しすぎ。今日も日本で何が起きたのか知らない。まあいい。Use of Englishが深刻。マジでやばい。

rife : predicative adjectives - speculation is rife, corruption is rife
bodily : attribute adjectives - bodily functions, bodily needs

mortal > immortal > immortalise
mortal > mortality > immortality
portray > portrayal
debate > debatable
descend > descendant
conclude > conclusive > inconclusive
dispute > disputable > indisputable
adjでは disputed > undisputed もあるみたいですが..
remain > remains nounの時はplural

The Remains of the Day
James Ivory繋がりでJulian Sandsは心配ですが。私のUse of Englishもかなり危険な状況。無事生還できるといいのですが。

[U5] Use of English1

2023-01-19 00:07:28 | Workbook

[..] It seems that far from being an absolute, happiness is a skill that can be learnt, and the level achieved depends largely on the time and effort people are prepared to invest in it.

So how does anyone go about this? Allegedly, meditation plays a role.

[..] Brain scans performed on those who mediate frequently demonstrated raised levels of positivity in the left side, while the more negative right side was kept in check.

[..] It seems not, as levels of positivity were seen to be higher even in infrequent meditators.

So the good news might be that a minor modification to our perception of things around us could lead to a big change in our sense of well-being. [..]


[U4] Use of English1

2023-01-17 19:25:51 | Workbook
It's impossible that you saw John last night - he's in the USA!
John's in the USA so you can't have seen him last night.

Modals – deductions about the past (B1/B2)

must have + pp: feel sure
might have / may have + pp: it's possible
can't have / couldn't have + pp: it's not possible

I am confident that he will be successful in his career.
I am confident of his chances of success in his career.

If you feel stressed, breathing slowly should calm you down.
Breathing slowly should make you calmer, if you feel stressed.

I am really bad at remembering people's names when I meet them.
I have a bad memory for people's name when I meet them.

He lost his job because he was inefficient.
He lost his job on the grounds of his inefficiency.

I'm sorry that I didn't help him.
I regret not helping him.

[U3] Use of English3

2023-01-16 12:17:57 | Workbook
The person who comes up with the answer as to how to live a long and happy life make a fortune.
come up with answer / plan / idea / think / suggestion / theory ...
このas toはrefer to/with reference toの意味かな??

Until that happens, scientists, life coaches and fitness fanatics are all free to put forward their own pet theories.
put forward : pet theory / project / subject ...

Leaving aside the wackiest ideas, their suggestions all seem equally plausible and could well play an important role in uncovering the truth about longevity.

Follow this diet, exercise, surround yourself with people who love you, sleep long hours - these are all sensible things to do, and indeed could lead to a longer life span.
surround oneself with

But something gets in the way of our doing them, and trying to follow advice and failing creates stress, which has a really negative impact on our sense of well-being.
get in the way of / a sense of well-being

People are put off by things that challenge them, and this includes the apparent impossibility of achieving a perfect lifestyle.

To many it seems an unattainable goal that is out of reach. [..]

言いたいことが伝わればいいというビジネス英語では全く太刀打ちできない。Use of English

[U2] Use of English1

2023-01-15 17:30:36 | Workbook
[..] Clearly, they must be fascinating people.

Some of their followers are pretty unresponsive; in fact, they don't seem remotely interested in any of the contributions made by the person they're following.
respond > response > responsive > unresponsive

And that's a real giveaway: these followers don't exist.

They've been added to the person's account by companies selling fake followers to anyone hoping to boost their reputation.

An apparently high number of followers like this gives the very misleading impression that the person has some social influence.

However, people such as artists or aspiring musicians who are less concerned about this might still not find the idea unappealing.

Having thousands of followers could possibly lead to offers of work and enhance their image as a desirable commodity.

Although it's not illegal to sell followers, and it can be an effective marketing tool, somehow it feels wrong.

[..] So why bother?


[U1] Use of English2

2023-01-15 15:30:17 | Workbook
...と書いてみて、Use of Japaneseがそもそもダメ。「悪筆」の前に来る形容詞が全然出てこない。

Many young people nowadays want to settle down by themselves and live alone.
只管朗読で出てきたthe village settles downとは別の意味

Some social commentators regard this as a negative trend, indicating that there has been a breakdown of accepted social norms and society is changing.
只管朗読で出てきたnormと若干違う。and she says the norm is funny normsとthe norm

Owing a home has long been something young people have aspired to.
aspire to something / aspire to do something / aspire to be something 現在完了-現在完了

However, many find it hard to get a foot on the property ladder and continue to live with their family or share with friends.
a foot on the ladderは辞書で探せませんが。問題集通りに覚える。

Those earning high salaries are in a better position to invest in a property and live alone because they can afford it.
be in a position to do something / be in no position to do something

[..] Some feel it gives them the space to develop themselves personally and professionally.

It also seems that living alone has become a mark of success. [..]
