Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 8/13)

2024-08-13 22:48:32 | Translation

Ref.>"「しんかい 6500」の記事の件を朝日新聞記者が謝罪、だが実際は全然謝ってない!とツッコミ殺到"

>"朝日新聞『旧校舎で女性タレントら120人の制服撮影会 「性的興行」と反対も 』→ コミュノ発動 → X『ダブスタにも程がある…』"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 8/13)


> 朝日の制服撮影会批判に逆に非難が殺到。
> アイドル猪狩ともか氏の「制服撮影会を性的興行って…。反対してる人たちは制服姿の子を性的な目で見てるってこと?守るためと言いながら仕事を取り上げ、追い詰める。これからも仲間達はこの手のクレームでどんどん仕事を失っていくのでしょうか?」と。

In response to the Asahi Shimbun's criticism of the school uniforms photo-session, on the contrary, a flood of criticism is made.
An idol Tomoka Igari X-posted that "It says that the school uniforms photo-session is a sexual event... Are those who are against it looking at school uniform girls in a sexual way? While saying that in order to protect them, they deprive their jobs and drive them into a corner. Will my fellows continuously lose their jobs due to such kind of complaints?"
The "hypocritical Asahi" should answer.



> 軍事独裁国家の怖さはどれだけ財政が破綻しようが軍備増強費が影響を受けない点にある。
> 中国が遼寧省大連の造船所で4隻目の空母建造が始まった、と香港紙。
> 船体の一部の幅が 40㍍近くあり、原子力空母の可能性がある。
> 他を圧倒する軍備の脅威も日本のお花畑には通じないフシギ

The scary thing about a military dictatorship state is that, no matter how its finance collapses, its military expansion spending remains unaffected.
A newspaper in Hong Kong (* Oriental Daily News) reported that construction of China's 4th aircraft carrier was kicked off at a shipyard in Dalian, Liaoning province.
Some parts of the vessel's hull is nearly 40 m in width, and it's possibly a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.
The overwhelming threat of military might is mysteriously unrealized by the Japanese flower garden.

>"中国軍、4隻目の空母建造開始か 動力は原子力の可能性 大連の造船所で、香港紙報道"


> 自民若手議員が「岩盤支持層の保守・現実派が離れたから自民が惨敗する」という "現実"を認識できていない点がおかしい。
> 最近、若手議員が、知名度のある左翼リベラル議員や、或いは名前も知られていない典型的エリート議員を推すとの観測が流れている。
> だが安倍時代に国政選6連勝を成し遂げた保守・現実派が戻らない限り自分達がバッジを外す事ぐらい知ったら?

What's irrational is that a young LDP lawmakers are unable to recognize the reality that "the LDP will suffer a crushing defeat, as its core supporters, the conservative & pragmatist factions, have turned away from the party."
Recently, there a speculation is circulated that young lawmakers will support a well-known leftist liberal lawmaker, or unknown typical elite lawmaker.
However, why can't they at least know that they will lose their badges, unless the conservative and realist factions, that achieved six consecutive national election victories during the Abe era, return?

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