Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;崔碩栄の X(on '24. 1/27)

2024-01-27 18:45:25 | Translation



>"【沖縄】タクシー運賃を支払わず、運転手の顔にかみつく 強盗致傷の疑いで韓国籍の無職(26)を逮捕"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 1/27)


> → これは米国も深刻だと言われ、渡米留学中の脱北者の若者すら
> 嘆くほどだ😟

"There are many persons (teachers) who are tainted by communism."
→ This allegedly a serious problem in the U.S. as well, therefore even young N. Korean defector(s) who has been staying in the U.S. to study laments that "On U.S. campuses, (left-wing) ideology is forced upon us. Even N. Korea isn't gone so mad."



> 大賛成
I strongly agree with the following X-post.



> 一番高い7万円のチケットが転売サイトで現在19万円!!😱
The most expensive ticket at \70,000 is now \190,000 on a resale website!!😱


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