Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;西村幸祐(ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 5/22)

2024-05-22 21:05:01 | Translation


> 日本恫喝の中国大使「国外追放せよ」、松原仁・元国家公安委員長が提言

Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 5/22)


> ここで日本がきちんと世界基準の常識的対応をしないと禍根を残す。
> 90年前から支那事変へ至る過程の二の舞になる。
> 日本人が虐殺される事件が多発したのに浜口内閣、幣原外相は大事にせず融和外交を続け、結果的にコミンテルンや米民主党、中国共産党の工作を受けて支那事変に誘引されてしまった。

If Japan doesn't take a common-sense response that meets world standards at present, it will leave a root cause for disaster.
It will be a repeat of the process that started 90 years ago leading up to the 2nd Sino-Japanese War.
Although there were many incidents in which Japanese persons were slaughtered, the Hamaguchi Cabinet and FM Shidehara continued to pursue conciliatory diplomacy without causing troubles. As a result, it was manipulated by the Comintern, the U.S. Democratic Party and the Communist Party of China, and was drawn into the 2nd Sino-Japanese War.

> 山上大使の仰るとおりです。
> 呉江浩駐日シナ大使にはペルソナノングラータを突きつけて、国外追放を速やかに行うべきです。
> 在留邦人約10万人が危険に曝されますが、それも10年前から既定の事実。
> 邦人退避勧告をしなかった政府と企業の責任です。
> 今からでも遅くないので撤退を速やかにすべきです。

Ambassador Shingo Yamagami has a point.
Chinese ambassador to Japan Wu Jianghao should be given "persona non grata" and expelled from Japan instantly.
Approx. 100,000 Japanese residents (* in China) will be exposed to danger. However, this has been the fixed fact for the past 10 years.
The government and companies are to blame for not advising Japanese nationals to evacuate.
It's not too late now, they should withdraw quickly (* from China).


>"「民衆が火の中」発言の中国大使は「追放すべき」 松原仁氏が質問主意書"


> ナザレンコさんの本質を衝いた投稿。
> 日本人が最も今知るべきは、核保有ロシアがウクライナを簡単に侵略したのはウクライナが核を持たないからで、米国や NATOがロシアと交戦せずウクライナから撤退させられないのもロシアが核を持つからだ。
> そして日本を侵略するシナ、北朝鮮、ロシアは核を持つ事実。

Following is the X-post by "Andrii Igorovich Nazarenko" that gets to the point.
The most important thing for Japanese persons to know right now is that the reason why nuclear-armed Russia easily invaded Ukraine was because Ukraine didn't have nuclear weapons, and the reason why neither the U.S. and nor NATO forces can engage battles with Russia and possible to make it withdraw from Ukraine is that Russia has nuclear weapons.
And the fact that China invading Japan, N. Korea and Russia are nuclear powers.


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