Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;崔碩栄の X(on '24. 5/22)

2024-05-22 19:44:52 | Translation



>"【!?】X民「税金を払わない外国人は絶対に認めてはいけない」→ 社民党副党首「脱税する『日本国籍』の自民党議員らには何も言わないの?」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 5/22)


> 韓国で受診できなくなった人たちはどこに流れるだろうか。
> 近くて、緩い国が受け皿になるだろう🙄

Where will the persons who are no longer able to receive medical treatment in S. Korea go.
Probably, a close and loose country will be the recipient🙄



> リベラルが外国人の移民、難民受け入れ、入管法問題などに積極的な理由は、将来移民者たちに参政権を与えて、それを自分たちのものにするため。
> もし移民者たちが保守支持派ばかりなら、徹底的に阻止、排除しようとするだろう🧐
> あ、誤解しないで下さい
> これは米国の話です😅

The reason why liberals are active in issues such as foreign immigration, refugee acceptance, and immigration control law is to give future immigrants the right to vote and make them their own support base.
If the immigrants were all conservative supporters, they would try to thoroughly prevent and eliminate them🧐
Oh, please don't misunderstand.
This is the situation in the U.S.😅

> カナダは後悔することになるだろう。
> 同性カップルが難民認定されるなら、
> 同性カップルと名乗り
> 宗教弾圧を受けた人が難民認定されるなら、
> 弾圧される宗教の信者を名乗る連中はいくらでもいる🙄

Canada will regret it.
If same-sex couples are recognized as refugees, there are countless persons who call themselves same-sex couples, and if persons who suffered religious oppression are recognized as refugees, there are countless persons who call themselves members of the persecuted religion.

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