Irresponsibly Writing Japanese



2024-07-15 06:05:46 | Translation


>"辺野古の警備員死亡事故現場、事業者側が再三のガードレール設置要請も沖縄県認めず 玉城デニー知事も把握 ⇒ ネットの反応「事故を期待してたんやな… きっと」"


↓(See detail of this article)、八重山日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Yaeyama Nippo)

Translation; [Beam from the eyes! (170)] (by Osamu Tajima). How is it "as human perception"?


> 起こるべくして起こる事故だったのだろう。
> 辺野古新(ママ)基地建設の土砂搬出が行われていた名護市安和の桟橋で、ダンプの前に立ち進路妨害中の反対派活動家の女性を制止しようとした警備員の男性が車体と接触して死亡したのだ。

It was probably an accident waiting to happen.
At a pier in Awa, Nago City, where soil was being removed for the construction of the Henoko relocation (* not new) base, a male security guard attempted to stop a female anti-base activist, who was "blocking the path" of a dump truck, died as he was hit by the vehicle.

> 僕も辺野古での活動家の無謀な抗議活動はこの目で見て知っている。
> それまで談笑していた男女(中高年がほとんど)が、ダンプがくるたびに手製のプラカードをもって、その前に立ちふさがり、あるいは後方に回りこみ、運転手や作業員に罵声を浴びせるのだ。
> 驚いたのは、車体の下に滑り込もうとしたおばさんもいたことだ。
> 危なっかしい限りである。

As I saw with my own eyes, I know the reckless protest-activity by the activists at Henoko.
Males and females (mostly middle-aged and elderly), who were chatting until then, whenever a dupm truch came there, stood in front of it with handmade placards in hand, or circle around behind it, and yell abuse at the driver and workers.
What surprised me was that one middle-aged female even attempted to slide under the truck.
It was extremely dangerous.

> 彼らのその行動の速さには驚いたし、かなり場慣れした感じだった。
> どんなに急に飛び出しでも、ダンプは自分たちの前面で停止してくれるという安心感もあっただろう。
> 運転手のほうも、毎度のことと慣れっこになったのか、いら立った素振りもなかった。
> 人間、慣れが一番怖いというが、結局は最悪の事態が起こってしまったのである。

I was surprised at how quickly they acted, and they seemed quite used to the situation.
They probably had the peace of mind that no matter how suddenly they jumped out, the dump truck would stop in front of them.
The driver, too, seemed to be used to the situation, as it was at every and each time, didn't show any signs of irritation.
They say that the scariest thing about humans is getting used to it, but in the end, the worst case scenario occurred.

> むろん、基地に反対する自由は保障されるべきだ。
> 基地問題の複雑さも理解できる。
> とはいえ、「沖縄は米軍基地の七割を押し付けられている」などというが、基地というのは、どこにあってもいいものではない。
> その一方で、投機目的の軍用地売買が平然と行われ軍用地成金といわれる人もいると聞く。
> 沖縄は僕のような本土人から見ると、矛盾の宝庫だ。

Of course, the freedom to oppose the bases should be guaranteed.
I understand the complexity of the base issue too.
However, they assert such as that "70% of U.S. military bases are forced upon Okinawa," but it's can't be accepted that bases are located just anywhere.
The remark like "at the very least, outside of the prefecture" (* loopy Yukio Hatoyama) was extremely irresponsible.
On the other hand, I hear that military lands are bought and sold without hesitation for speculative purposes, and there are persons who are called as military land millionaires.
For a mainlander like me, Okinawa is a treasure trove of contradictions.

> 今度の事故を受け、反基地活動家のグループは、防衛局に警備員の遺族に謝罪を求めるなど要請文を出したという。
> 事故の原因を作った側が、被害者側にすり替わってしまう。
> これも沖縄の矛盾か。
> いや、反基地マジックといってもいいかもしれない。

In response to the accident this time, a group of anti-base activists allegedly submitted a written request to the Defense Bureau to require an apology to the bereaved of the guard, etc.
The party that caused the accident is converted to the victim side.
It is another contradiction of Okinawa, isn't it!?
Or, maybe we can say that it an anti-base magic.

> 事故は今回だけでなかったのである。
> またこの人物は、大坂(ママ)府警から派遣された機動隊員から「土人めが」という暴言を浴びせられたことでも知られる。
> むろん、どんな過激な活動家に対してもそのような暴言を認めるわけにはいかない。
> その上で、僕もその機動隊員も沖縄の事情に疎い本土人であることに免じて許してほしいと作家氏にはいいたい。
> そう、本土人も "本"の時を取れば、土人なのだから。

An activist doubling novelist -- who raised his voice that "A person died. It's normal to go and offer incense immediately, as perception of human being" -- allegedly caused a personal injury vehicle accident against a worker at Takae.
This time was not the only accident.
What does he think about that, "as perception of a human being"?
This person is also known for being verbally abused as an "aborigine" by a riot police officer dispatched from the Osaka Prefectural Police.
Of course, no matter how radical activists, such abuse can't be acceptable against.
Having said that, I would like to ask the author to forgive us, since both I and the riot police officer are mainlanders who are unfamiliar with the situation in Okinawa.
The reason why is that, mainlanders (* "本土人" in Chinese kanji characters) are also "aborigine," when Chinese Kanji character "" is removed.

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